New thread could be found here.
Application: MuseScore
Category: Music & Video
Description: MuseScore Portable is a free portable music composition & notation program
Features: (from the homepage)
- WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet"
- Unlimited number of staves
- Up to four voices per staff
- Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI
- Integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer
- Import and export of MusicXML and Standard MIDI Files (SMF)
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: Multilingual
Download MuseScore Portable Development Test 1 [28.8MB download / 29.6-65.2MB installed]
(MD5: de938adf7e81626787a39b985cbb45e7)
Release Notes: Dev Test 1 (2010-10-26): Updated MuseScore Dev Test 1 (2010-08-19): Updated MuseScore Dev Test 1 (2010-07-22): Updated MuseScore
0.9.6 Dev Test 1 (2010-06-14): Initial release
- Even english users would like to install MuseScore Portable multilingual. This option brings better english. (weird, I know ;-))
Known Issues:
- If you use ConvertAll Portable and/or FreeMat Portable and MuseScore Portable at the same time and don't close them in reversed order, registry keys will be left behind and/or the original (local) keys will be overwritten. To avoid issues, never use them together!
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
Old thread could be found here.
Hope to see this. I'm interested.
Welcome at!
Cool, but let's wait for at least 100 requests!
*hides from the mods
I'm definitely going to try this out once you've got it done.
... requests remaining 8)
*plays vuvuzela and disappears in the crowd
how many more requests do you need?
I will definitely be trying this out.
I used to sign here, but the ink keeps smudging on my screen.
*runs away
I was recently diagnosed with multiple personalitites all 97 of my alter egos want it.....;)
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
well, looks like your getting a good work out with all that running
I look forward to seeing it.
I am highly interrested as well.
My brother would like it, so that's 94.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Ok, guys & girls, here is an appetizer for you:
The MD5-checksum of the upcoming release is 323d6ca0a931a2934d8a1c44aebae120.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It's up. 8)
cheeky little fella
I'll let my brother know
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Thanks to Patrick!
Still waiting for the first test report.
I have been using this for a fwe weeks now and it seems as stable as the regular version.
I have had a couple of random crashes. I think it might be a read/write access thing with my USB drive, as it always seems to happen when I am changing chord text attributes.
Keep up the good work.
Typically, when you make a new thread for an app, you mark the old one as [Outdated] and add a link to the new thread, so people don't continue to post on the old one.
You did that here
and pointed to this thread.
Now that this thread is marked [Outdated], where is the new one?
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I think that was a mistake; I believe it was from when he hadn't got the latest version up yet.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Basically, the thread isn't outdated but the app is. In fact, the app isn't outdated too but not for you. (Check the Release Notes and download link)
Patience is the key! 8)
Everywhere else in these forums that a thread starts with [Outdated], it means that the thread itself is outdated and it directs users to a new thread.
If you are using this to indicate that the app is outdated, or whatever else you meant, it's really just confusing. I usually skip over any thread that's titled [Outdated] because I assume that there's a newer thread that's relevant.
You can always put the explanation of the version into the description, or notes, whatever; besides, there, you have more space to explain why it's not the latest version.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
And generally, we lock [Outdated] threads. I moved outdated to right after the version number near the download link as that's more what it is referring to. That way we won't accidentally lock this thread.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I removed it.
It says that it's been updated to MuseScore, but I can't find the installer anywhere. What's the story with this? I use MuseScore a lot, and I really need an updated portable version.
At the moment you need a special handshake to get the installer.
Uga uga hoo hoo hoo, uga uga ha ha ha, chuka chuka wooooooooooooooo doke!
Okay, can I have it now???
nice try! I'm not sure whether that's the correct one or not. I'll have to ask Patrick first.
Sorry, no news from Patrick. Even smoke signals aren't successful.
I guess it's time to say goodbye and let MuseScore Portable die. Cheers
What do you mean let it die? If you're not interested in taking the app further, just say so and someone else can take it over.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hundreds of apps just languish at the Beta Testing forum. :evil:
I see that you were hosting on Patrick's homepage.
Is file hosting the issue?
If that's it, there are plenty of free file hosting options you can use.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Apologies for the delay.
Forgot, as usual.
Post is updated as well.
(Whoa - somebody caught that .exee quicker than me)
Thanks and take care.
Could I have the secret handshake (and the file) too?
Too bad not everyone gets it...
Anyway, I'm here to report an oddity while trying to install MSP in Multilingual (checkbox "Additional Languages" marked). I got an error:
Extract: error writing to file MuseScore-ro.pdf
After several repeated attempts to install to the same directory (H:\PortableApps\MuseScorePortable), as well as to a different one, the installation failed twice at the file MuseScore-pt_BR.pdf, and all other fails were at the MuseScore-ro.pdf file. Can you try (and) verify it?
1) It happened on XP, without admin. Local HD partition, no (file-system) corruptions present on the drive.
2) The MSP installer is properly downloaded and verified; it's MD5 matches the one posted here (as a proof I got the right installer, it's SHA is 5712842B7B0DF3D0C0A87DE03591EE1862334FFE ).
3) It's a clean install of MSP (no previous versions present).
If it doesn't happen to you, freely disregard my post here. I often seem to get the most unusual reactions from this PC
On a positive side, after I installed English-only and tested it, all seemed clean. I'll test it a bit more later on, but initial testing looked pretty clean. 8)
Minor additions:
a) I cleared the cache just in case, re-downloaded it, same MD5, same SHA, same behavior.
b) I extracted the files from the installer with 7-Zip just now. Those two files/manuals don't seem to be broken themselves, as I neatly opened them in a PDF reader. Maybe a part of the installer got corrupted while creating it?
c) Again, if you can't reproduce, forget it as a misbehavior of some sorts on my end.
Take care
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Also chose "Additional languages", can normally open both mentioned pdfs.
No typin th las lette ca sav yo plent o spac
Yea, it is.
I examined what was going on... My bad, it works as expected.
I have a dummy user-profile in Windows for testing apps without admin, to keep my personal HKCU and machine's HKLM as clean as possible while testing. Somehow, I forgot to change the %temp% variable of that user-profile to a more appropriate drive, and also I forgot to clean the %temp% on it, since I only spend time under that profile briefly (during my testing of apps). In short, the temp got full, and there was only enough free space for the installer to get to that mentioned PDF file (there was about 65MB free, and it needed 67.5MB). As soon as I cleaned the %temp% (wow, I forgot how much space that thing can take), all works great! Multilingual installation success.
Below the "Space required: 67.5MB" field, the "Space available:" field said there was plenty of space left, since it showed the free space of H: drive. Shouldn't there be a more obvious Error message for cases where there isn't enough free space in %temp%? Just a thought.
Take care
[edit]: This reply was meant for Bart.S, not SakiTC
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
File a Installer bug report, receiver: JTH
NSIS itself makes no checks on TEMP even if the installer uses it. Our installers don't use temp any more than NSIS does (except online installers, which we will be adding a temp space check later). It's assumed that TEMP will have enough space free by NSIS itself. If the drive with TEMP is full, not being able to run an installer is the least of the user's worries.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
2 users gave feedback, who is the mysterious third user?
(It's not me, I haven't downloaded it.)
I downloaded it, but didn't have time to test it so far.
Did it now and it seems to work. Regshot is clean, no crash, but I did only a short superficial test.
It seems to be more stable and works more smoothly. One of my favorite apps when I do some notation.
Well done!
Thanks for testing and the feedback.
I am interested in getting musescore as a portableapp. Thanks.
Then download it! It's here.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I have a Dell laptop with WinXP and I'm forced to use Musescore (portable) V0.9.5 because when I start V0.9.6.3 an error pops up:
"mscore.exe has generated errors ans will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An errorlog is being created."
I have no idea where to look for, I cannot find any errorlog file, same problem for the non-portable versions of Musescore (and for Celestia 1.6.0, besides)
What can I do ?
many thanks
Since the non-portable version of MuseScore runs into the same problem for you that is most likely a base app issue. Please report it on the MuseScore forum.
I don't know where the errorlog is located. Perhaps the MuseScore Portable launcher deletes it by design (nothing is left behind on the host machine, all temp files will be deleted).
Before someone starts complaining: Yes, I know that 1.0 has been released.
This thread could be closed. Thanks