I'm using my portable applications more and more these days, even using the apps from my portable hard drive on my main PC at home.
There's plenty of programs that allow me to start my portable apps when I plug my hard drive in, but what about when I want to unplug my hard drive? Is there any application out there that can keep track of all the handles to the portable disk and either shut them down, or prompt me to shut them down? I would prefer if it didn't just kill the processes, but quit the associated programs cleanly. (I've been trying to kill stuff with a batch file, but it's not really what I want to do).
Any suggestions or ideas on existing programs, or ways to make my portable disk shutdown process quick and easy would be appreciated.
Thanks - and keep up the good work!
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Starting okay, what about shutting down?
October 25, 2006 - 9:35pm
Starting okay, what about shutting down?
And if vee take a look at zee silver bar at zee top of zee page, vee see zee search bar at zee right.
I tried doing a couple of searches, but didn't find what I wanted. I'm already using SysInternals to find those pesky handles that make my drive not want to disconnect. Other apps suggested require admin privlages, or won't work on what Windows sees as "Local Drives" which it does my portable hard drive.
And besides, most of them are just for killing proceeses or handles, not what I'm after at all.
What I really want is a program that will catch all programs opening of my USB Hard Drive, and tell them to quit when I ask it to. Cleanly. Not just killing the process. I'm not even sure if this is possible under windows. I know in linux you can just sent a process the SIGQUIT signal. It should be, though, because windows tells programs to quit when you hit shutdown.
I just want to shutdown my portable drive...
What I really want is a program that will catch all programs opening of my USB Hard Drive, and tell them to quit when I ask it to.
And Renè said this was possible (CMIIW).
Cleanly. Not just killing the process.
You would probably need someone experienced in WinAPI programming to answer this.
R McCue
Cube Games
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the kind of people who didn't need people.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
command line utilities by default issue a program close (not kill) to the running process.
In a batch file:
- issue a default taskkill or pskill for any process that might be running off the flash drive
taskkill /t /im firefox.exe > nul 2>&1
- issue second command with the "kill" for each process.
taskkill /t /f /im firefox.exe > nul 2>&1
This assumes that each process from the flash drive is not and could not be running from the hard drive.
Google unlocker.exe and download it. It adds an entry to the context menu. When you right-click on the drive, it lists all handles and gives you the option to release them individually or all at once.
This is interesting can you post a link to where i can get that program??
eagle scout
Technology can solve all our problems, like using a laptop for a space heater in a cold tent in the middle of winter.
He said to google (as in 'search for it') unlocker. So, browse to Google... and type in the word 'unlocker'.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I Googled it, and got this (*gulp*):
Sysinternals' Process Explorer can be used to search for processes using files on your drive. Find -> Find handle or DLL, and search for your drive's letter. Explorer can almost always be restarted safely (but, of course, its windows will close), and if it's because of some other program using a file, you can simply close the file within that program.