Support Dropped: I'm dropping support for MiPony. If anyone wants to take it over feel free to do so.
Application: MiPony
Category: Internet
Description: Mipony is a free download manager specially designed to automate the downloading of files of free host sites such as Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfiles and many others..
Download MiPony 1.2.1 Portable Development Test 1
3 MB Download; 5.5 MB Installed
MD5: a39e254fc8443bc0f7e09dde460224aa
Release Notes
July 11, 2011: Support dropped
January 9, 2011: Updated to 1.2.1
November 7, 2010: Initial Release
So far so good though one change I recommend.
Change the default download location from \%USER%\Documents\Mipony to USB:\Documents\ Advocate
tested, worked on XP (oops, meant Vista)...just can't tell u whether leaves anything behind or writes to registry cuz don't know how to test/tell. Thanks!
yup you updated to the new release even before your initial release lol
"Release Notes
January 9, 2010: Updated to 1.2.1
November 7, 2010: Initial Release"
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Maybe januari 2011, not januari 2010. Thank you this app useful for me
Andibad, i interesting about this portable app website and great can save all file to my flashdisk 2-8 gb and no file in host computer, i like that.
It usually takes me a few weeks to remember that it's a new year.
Works fine for me on Vista SP2, it parsed 200+ links on one page fairly quickly. Nice and easy to use too, I'm happy with it
I quickly glanced over my system and didn't see any traces (besides for Username\Documents\MiPony, but that could be changed to X:\Documents like Horus said).
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Thank you for making MiPony portable.
This is a great software.
Configuration :
MiPony v1.2.1 Portable Beta
Windows Seven x64 SP1 Ultimate
Active filter on this page :
Filter on : |*.png
Maybe you could lighten your pictures.
Is it possible to perform portable MiPony with built-in .Net framework 2.0?
Are you asking if MiPony Portable uses .NET? To my knowledge it does not. If your asking something else, could you rephrase it for me?
I used the launcher with version 1.4.0 and everithing seems to work fine on Windows XP.
Could this be updated, please?
I'll try to update ASAP (probably Sunday).
It looks like MiPony does use .NET (2.0). And I don't have enough space on my 18GB harddrive to install it, so I can't test it. I think the library might have it though, so I'll try to update it then
I'm dropping support for MiPony Portable. If anyone wishes to take over, be my guest.
MiPony v1.5.x Portable (multi-language):
If you are trying to take over development you will need to post your own thread here in the beta testing forum, making sure to follow the guidelines for development test posting.
This will make sure your app gets the best exposure, as not many people are going to come here with the [Dead] tag in the title.
Would somebody kindly takes over the support for MiPony Portable?
Test it here.
Yes, I set the working directory!
Thank you so much *thumps up*