Application: XBMC Media Center
Category: Music & Video
Description: XBMC Portable is an award winning media center application for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and XBox. The ultimate hub for all your media, XBMC is easy to use, looks slick, and has a large helpful community. This portable version is made with a NSIS launcher, on a simplified version of the one used by, but with admin rights verification and packaged with the format. It doesn't leave any data on AppData dir, it is set for this. Furthermore, it's automatically set to look for your media files on Menu folders when it builds the library.
Download XBMC Media Center Portable 9.11 Development Test 5 [151MB download / 260MB installed]
Release Notes:
Development Test 5 (2010-11-19) : Localization bug fixed. The app now launches in English.
Development Test 4 (2009-12-27) : Bug fixed, due to DirectX and Visual C++ dependencies.
Launcher with DirectX and Visual C++ install verification.
Development Test 3 (2009-12-26) : Updated to XBMC 9.11, with the new launcher and admin rights, because the programm needs it now.
Bonus : MC360 Theme included
- Minor update : improved launcher is out -> Download
Development Test 2 (2009-07-04):
- Added support of the's platform by the XBMC's media library. (Special thanks to NeoRame =))
Development Test 1 (2009-06-26): Initial release
It works fine for me. You should try to get the app to auto-detect the structure's Documents (Music, Pictures & Video)
i love this app
can i update xbmc (*hint* new version is out) via interface or have i to wait until xou update the portable version???
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Sadly it doesnt do television =_=
and on first start it hangs up but on second start it works well
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
You can do it manually, simply copy the app files, (after installing it and setting the mode where data is stored with app) into the folder App\XBMC.
But the portable version'll have updated also the appinfo.ini and the launcher.
It's your own choice.
But, a little question, where did you find your new version ? I've looked on the official website, but the version I found was the same as I packaged.
on my first test i used the update inside of xbmc and they clled me that exists a new version after downlad he told me that im now on the latest version.....
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
For Espanaks :
Your idea is very nice guy, and I've followed it. after looking on their forums in order to know how to modify media source.
We have to only modify a XML file. I've found how to do with NSIS, but, when I'd create a XML value named (path where the music is on the Platform), I can't.
The problem is that I've to put the root directory\Documents\Music.
But what variable on NSIS set this root directory ?
what is your problem u dont know how u can change the xml or wich path u must add in the xml ?????
u can use diffent ways for path (relative pathes) execdir/../../blabla or installdir/../bli/bla/blub.....
show me your srting that must be changed in the xml... ah and can you set relative pathes for the xml????
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My problem is the path on the XML File; all the default variables i've seen with NSIS doesn't work with the result I'd like.
Here is my .nsi code (the XML creation is at the top of the file) :
can you send me the plugin and nsh for the xml stuff??
btw they us another problem, xbmc dont support ralative pathes and when u use xbmc portable and change the device letter , xbmc cant find any of the added movies...
ok i have found out how you can set relative pathes path for the music folder for example must be:
*EDIT 2*
why you dont install /implented not a preformed xml in you installer?? so you dont need the create xml stuff
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
The plugin is nsisXML, you can download it here.
I have'nt understood you method guy;
I've uploaded the source of my launcher here(
Try to do something plz I'm really stuck
NB: the xml file for xbmc is into the App folder\XBMC\userdata\sources.xml
what i mean is let this nsisxml shit. you dont need it u must only change the source.xml use this one:
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Wow, it's wonderful guy
Thanks you very much for the tip
I'll package this new version and upload it now... Thanks again dude
doesn't work....the splash screen flashes but that's all that happens
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
What os do you use ? 'Cause on my Windows 7, il has admin rights automatically and works.
If you're on XP, you must set this program with admin rights if you want to run it.
Windows 7, and I allowed it admin rights.
Edit:: Nevermind, im confused lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
So it works ?
nope....i was digging in the launcher and thought i had found the issue, but i didn't.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Strange.... I'll test tomorrow with other Windows 7 machines, but I'm confused : it work well in my computer. Don't know why it doesn't launch.
I'll say you this soon
Not working for me on XP SP3 - splash screen for the portableapps alpha comes up, but nothing happens. I'm going to try the application itself with the -p shortcut and see what happens.
The first time I ran Portabla XBMC after installing DevTest4 I got a message. I think it said that it was going to look for some dependencies and would download them if it couldn't find them (or at least tell me what I was missing). Then it shutdown without doing anything.
I ran it half a dozen more times, but every time the splash screen would appear, and then immediately disappear. I watched the XBMC process appear momentarily in the active processes list time and time again. I then tried running \\PortableApps\XBMCPortable\App\XBMC\XBMC.exe
It told me that it couldn't find d3dx9_42.dll so I re-downloaded Direct X from here: ; Re-installing Direct X was fast and simple (I didn't even have to reboot!), and XBMC worked normally from the Portable Apps menu without any more fiddling. I'm indexing my library right now.
nb. It seemed ridiculous to me that my Direct X installation wouldn't be up to date. I game semi-regularly and I'd updated Direct X recently. Nonetheless, the reinstall did the trick.
I know this problem and I've discovered by the same way as you. Thanks for the feedback anyway.
But, you're saying that this arrived with Dev Test 4 ? It seems me impossible, because I've added to my launcher DirectX Updater by Microsoft and the launcher is set to verify latest update, but one time by machine.
Are your sure the problem I've fixed with the Dev Test 4 was with the Dev Test 4 ?
The file I installed was XBMCPortable_9.11_Release_4.paf.exe
The MD5 matches, and I downloaded it at ~3pm on New Years Day (~2am based on server time). I haven't touched a portable XBMC install prior to that, and had uninstalled my old "proper" XBMC and deleted the associated Documents & Settings folders at least several days earlier.
While testing my portable app, I've seen that it needs some dependencies to work (Visual C++ Redistribuable and DirectX latest).
That's why I've added to my launcher a verification of the installation on every PC, and it will ask you when needed.
Upload soon !
Hi there,
XBMC is portable out of the box. It does not write anywhere outside it's own folder if started with the -p switch. This is even an option from the installer - you can install it wherever you like and it'll create the shortcut for you.
We (Team XBMC) welcome any improvements to the build system that allows this to be done in a better way. Please drop us a line at and let us know any improvements you need.
Jonathan (Team XBMC)
Okay, I'm pretty familiar with French but I would like the English I choose French instead of English when I install this to get English or what???
Do I need to download from somewhere other than this page to get an English version?
I already know this, so my version here is only a version of XBMC, the launcher checks if Visual C++ and DirectX dependencies are installed, if no, ask the user to install them, if yes, to launch directly the app, with the -p argument.
Wooops, I thought the version was natively English. I'm making a patch.
I am only allotted 200 MB's per day by my ISP (satellite).
Is there a small patch I could apply instead?
No, you just have to modify a line in an xml file. I'll make a smaller patch just for you, I'll post it later.
Custom service...I like it.
Will be checking back for the file.
Nevermind, fixed it myself.
BUT, how do I exit out of this XBMC? I go to "shutdown" and it says something about a countdown timer. All I want to do is exit the software.
AND, can I use another skin? My son will only be using it to watch movies on DVD or xvid avi movies with it and maybe putting some pictures on it. Are there other skins without all the gaming stuff like the one that comes with the XBMC for Windows?
No, there is a exit button normally. But the skin I packaged by default with the portable edition is a little strange, you can revert to the default skin in order to easily exit the program.
And yes, of course you can change. Simply check the skin options of the program.
So jmarshal reported back in Feb of 2010 that xbmc was "portable out of the box". This may be true, but the other issue is that it must be run with the -p parameter in order for the data to be stored in the portable_data folder on the USB drive rather then C:\users\username\AppData\Roaming\xbmc .
PortableApps needs to recognize this. It would be nice if PortableApps would allow you to right click an app on the menu to access launch properties. Also helpful if the user could manually add their own apps to the menu.
guys , pls xbmc 10 portable NOW
Read the Readme.txt in the specific app's Other\Source how to use commandline switches with the help of an ini file. On the other hand, that's just how XBMC Portable works (read radarman36's reply to jmarshal).
You could add whatever app you like to the menu, too, as stated in the manual.
Any ideas if it could come out of development any time soon?
Is anyone likely to pick this up? I ask as an XBMC Portable as PAF offers a great solution for one of the most common gripes with XBMC.
That is maintaining a single instance with watched/unwatched tally, imported media, customized settings, etc across multiple logins. Advocate
Hi... I did some work on the new upcoming version of XBMC. You can find it here: I didn't know about this effort, but I was pointed here by a member, so I thought I just let you know.
If there is any info / suggestions, plz let me know. Thanx
Hope I'm being usefull.
previous link: XBMC 11.0 Dev Test 1 of jpoul is not working.
so there for your(radarman36) is the most recent version of xbmc.
there is a new version for windows 12rc1:
xbmc v12 frodo
can you update to it?
After extracted, XBMC itself doesn't need admin access to run. So why did you require it on yours?
my browser did something wierd