Mozilla Firefox - Portable Edition 2.0 Release Candidate 3 has been released. Firefox Portable is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser packaged as a portable app, so you can take your browser, bookmarks and extensions with you on your USB flash drive, iPod, CD or other portable device. This package allows you to test what should be the final Firefox 2.0 release candidate alongside your regular Firefox (or Firefox Portable) install without impacting your bookmarks, extensions, settings, etc. Grab a copy today from the Firefox Portable 2.0 RC 3 homepage.
Launcher Version
Does this use the same version of the launcher (1.3.1 iirc) as the last couple of releases?
It would be useful if you noted that detail in the release announcements, since -- if the result is the same -- it's easier (for me AND for your server) to just let Firefox's own auto-update handle the upgrade.
New launchers are noted
Since there is no note, it's the same launcher.
Alright then
Thanks, I just wanted to be sure.
Yes! It's so cool! Thanks.
Yes! It's so cool! Thanks. Firefox is my friend.
I had trouble whith the auto
I had trouble whith the auto update for RC 2 after several failed attempts I finaly downloaded it from here and installed it.
Incremental update failed
The incremental update from RC2 failed for me but the full update took. I thought that incremental updates were supposed to work now, though. Anybody know what the deal is?
As always, ask in the forums. No one will see this as a comment on a news story.
Any chances for a U3 installer soon, John?
Not until final
No U3 versions of beta/test/alpha/RCs are ever done as the U3 apps contain closed source components (making them not fully open source packages) which means I can't host them. That plus the fact that U3 is a consumer platform... that means no advanced config settings or test versions. Remember, most folks are using Firefox Portable 2.0 RCs to test Firefox itself by installing it locally and running alongside standard Firefox (which you can't do with U3 packages since they're limited to U3 drives).
So, ultimately, the order is this:
1. Firefox 2.0 is released (Tuesday)
2. Firefox Portable 2.0 Pre-Release is posted and tested by the community
3. Firefox Portable 2.0 is released
4. Firefox for U3 2.0 is packaged, based on Firefox Portable 2.0
5. Firefox for U3 2.0 is tested by me under Win 2K and XP under all 3 account types (Limited, Guest, Admin)
6. Firefox for U3 2.0 is submitted for U3 certification (takes about 3 days or so)
6a. If it fails for some reason, I fix the issue and then go back to step 5.
7. Firefox for U3 is submitted to U3 for posting in Software Central
8. Firefox for U3 is posted in Software Central (take a day or two)
So, expect it a week or two after Firefox Portable 2.0 Final is released.
How bout VLC?
Thanks John. Will be waiting then.... How about making a U3-installer for VLC? That would be great!
i can't wait
i can't wait till it comes out, its gonna be great
Firefox Portable 2.0?
When is it gonna come out?
hurry goddamnit!
I am anxious for the final release
*hits self on head*
John is working on it, jeez people.
I haven't even received a notice to update on my local Firefox.
R McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
Life is a journey not a destination!
Do you do the right thing even when no one will know you did?
Not getting the local
Not getting the local auto-update is a whole other issue in Firefox itself and how Mozilla chose it wanted to let it's users use the auto-update system. Keep an eye out for to lead you to Firefox 2 in the near future.
I know
but we only get the EN-US version anyway. (Or maybe we get our own for the spellchecker :?)
R McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
Hmm? Do you mean that we can
Hmm? Do you mean that we can expect a version in the future — even if 2.0 is already out? If so, then I'm really wondering about how Mozilla does things. =^^= isn't to be expected isn't to be expected till November 7. It had to get pushed back for several reasons so yeah. Patience, open source software isn't always on time.
Firefox 2.0 final
When does the final version of firefox portbale 2.0 come?
It'll be out when it's done.
It'll be out when it's done. That's the short answer.
I still don't exactly understand why people ask like 10 times in the SAME THREAD.
thanks a lot
Don't care about those comments. I think the most of us are thankfull for your work. And we can wait ...
Thank you for all Portable Apps ...
Me2. Just joking -- Cut the
Just joking
Cut the crap here.
I just can't believe Portable Vista SP2 and Portable Mac OS 10.6 aren't finished yet.
why not update to 2.0
Found this on Slashdot
"Hyped by a good deal of fanfare, outfitted with some new features, and now available for download, Firefox 2.0 has already passed 2 million downloads in less than 24 hours. However, a growing number of users are reporting bugs, widening memory leaks, unexpected instability, poor compatibility, and an overall experience that is inferior to that offered by prior versions of the browser. Expanding on these ideas, this list compiles nine reasons why it might be a good idea to stick with 1.5 until the debut of 3.0, skipping the "poorly badged" 2.0 release completely."
OK, maybe it's 10 reasons. An anonymous reader writes, "SecurityFocus reports an unpatched highly critical vulnerability in Firefox 2.0. This defect has been known since June 2006 but no patch has yet been made available. The developers claimed to have fixed the problem in according to Secunia, but the problem still exists in 2.0 according to SecurityFocus (and I have witnessed the crash personally). If security is the main reason users should switch to Firefox, how do we explain known vulnerabilities remaining unpatched across major releases?"
9 Reasons Not to Upgrade to Firefox 2.0
Thanks for the info.
Very interesting info.
At least users can be informed.
Life is a journey not a destination!
Do you do the right thing even when no one will know you did?
Firefox Portable 2.0 Final & Sunbird 0.3 Final
When does the final versions of firefox portbale 2.0 and sunbird portable 0.3 come?
They will be released when
They will be released when they're done. That's about as simple as it gets. With all the work John has done for us, do you think he's just sitting there not doing anything?
I love how some people clamor for the newest software the second it comes out. They're usually the ones least capable of dealing with new software. And then, almost as soon as it's installed they write back to complain about how lousy they think it is!
itl be out any time now
Firefox 2.0 Final == Firefox 2.0 RC3
Check the hashes of firefox.exe from RC3 and 2.0 Final. Both are available from
I believe there may have been changes to the installer, but the final version had no changes from RC3. I'm not sure if FF Portable will note that, but for all intents and purposes, RC3 == Final.
as mentioned in the forums.
John is working out the EULA and (more) licensing issues.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
Portable Apps - Thanks!
This is a personnal note to John.
I would like to thank you for your hard work and diligence in making portable apps happen and maintaining them!!!! Few would even begin to understand the level of effort required to support such a site as this one, more/less produce, package, and get approvals for all of the wonderful apps that John has here. This is a huge service to the web community.
As with most efforts of this type, the complaints are many, and the thanks are few. I would like to correct that here. The thanks to you John are many, and we salute you sir. Well done! Your efforts are most appreciated.
R U new
are you new this site or somethin???
"Thank You notes" can be put anywhere.
It seems you are new, since you don't use proper grammar and spelling.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
i wasn't happy the other day
Don't worry
It happens to the best of us :).
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
sorry again
now i feel like a jerk
I would also like to thank
I would also like to thank John for all his effort making portable apps for us to enjoy! Without his efforts doinkies would never have the convenience of being able to carry around my favorite apps wherever I want. I will be patient while waiting for Firefox Portable 2.0 Final to be released!
i wanna thank john too
Please stop this
Look guys, i'm sure we all appreciate what John does, but could we all stop with this ass kissing? It's just ludicrious. People legitimately ask when an updated app will be out because they want the latest and greatest. If you don't like them asking just don't answer. They'll eventually see the thread reponses to such questions and not bother. But this constant question and John ass-kissing responses is stupid. For those who want a quicker turn around time go to, the site is mostly Italian, but there is a limited english translation. You can get an X-Firefox 2.0 there in Italian or English.
For those that want the latest portable here, just wait it out.
But at any time, Mozilla could send them a CAD and they would have to remove it. John is actually working with Mozilla.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
True, but not the point
That's true but totally misses the point on two levels. Yes they could send a CAD. But if they did, so what? The fact is they haven't yet. And whilst that remains the case, average Joe will most likely be happy to just use it if it's available
Secondly the point of the comment was really to stop
a) The perpetual questioning of when the next release is due and
b) To stop the embarrassing amount of ass kissing in John defense
Neither make a nice spectacle, especially b) when more likely than not the people asking are noobs.
In short if you people here don't want noobs or otherwise to pop the question stop biting the bait. Just leave it.
The fact is they haven't yet.
You don't know that.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
But it is still there. It's still downloadable. So point remains. Who cares? It's there available for Joe average. Rather than just tell someone asking in rather abrupt tones, to shut up and stop asking about the next release, a viable alternative is provided.
Flash/Shockwave Plugin?
Hi, I checked that the Portable version of Firefox doesn't support Flash/Shockwave but Virtools Player intallation... Anyone know how to install Flash/Shockwave and other plugins?
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
Don`t work proxy
Don`t work proxy
Update Question
When the portable application prompts you because there is an update available, should you let the application update itself? ( E.G. to )
I have always let this happen and I haven't had problems yet. However, I am wondering if doing this causes registry entries to made. I had firefox installed on this machine locally at one time (and have since removed it) and I still see references to firefox.
Are the registry entries due to the update, or are they artifacts from an old installation?
Should I ignore the update prompts?
Are the registry entries due to the update, or are they artifacts from an old installation?
Old installation.
Should I ignore the update prompts?
No, you can update. However, make sure your launcher is the latest version.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
I've been haveing some issues
I've been having some issues with opening my portable firefox, when I had portable 1.5 it stopped opening, that was right around when this came out, so I updated to this and it wasn't a big deal, but now this is taking about 5 minutes to open, and I use this every day, what should I do???