I was wondering if anyone is currently working on Super Mario War?
It's a level based game created by fans around Nintendo's Super Mario. The game is under GPL2 license.
The only sad thing is development of the game has pretty much been halted since 2006. I managed to find a copy of it and have been trying to re-package it as a portable app. But since I have no idea whatsoever about what I'm doing, I'm pretty much failing at the launcher creation step in a rather miserable fashion...
Anyways, if anybody is interested in working on that, I'd be very happy as I find there aren't enough games for the format.
yea be great, i like the nostalgic games
Trademark issues are the show stopper for this.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
i would not like it if nintendo sued John into oblivion over a trademark issue.
I don't think the trademark is much of a problem here. I can't possibly believe that they would have left the creator's site run for so long if they had chosen to do something about it.
The program was made way back in 2006... and it obviously doesn't use any of Nintendo's current technology
doesn't matter, the trademark would be in this case Nintendo's Character Mario, in short it will never happen here because of that, Just because Nintendo didn't shut down the guy doesn't mean they won't come after us if we host it, just keeping things legal would be best.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
technology is a copywright or a patent. Mario(tm) is a trademark of Nintendo and their mascot. They have been known to go after people who develop games using their property. it would be like taking Mickey Mouse and making a game with him in it. you will spark the ire of Disney doing that and may or may not be sued into oblivion.
if you like this 2006 game keep it quiet. there was a Mario and Luigi game i loved that became ever so popular. but every site that hosted it got sued and it was removed. even a few Mario fan sites where asked to remove it or face a lawsuit. so it may not be a case of being sued but a case that if we host it we may be sued.
Atari has been around since about 1972. I guess we can start ripping them off left and right.
PacmanPortable anyone?
Maybe then we could move on to the Secret Maryo Chronicles... (http://www.secretmaryo.org/)
do a search
at minimum its in beta.
I played Super Mario War and tested it with regshot.
Don't worry, you can copy it on your USB drive and play it without problems.
William JCM
I played Super Mario War and tested it with regshot.
Don't worry, you can copy it on your USB drive and play it without problems.
William JCM