Some apps' launchers (e.g GnuCash) take a long time to tidy up after their app has closed so it would be nice to have the option for a splash screen to show so that one knows when the app is completedly finished.
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Some apps' launchers (e.g GnuCash) take a long time to tidy up after their app has closed so it would be nice to have the option for a splash screen to show so that one knows when the app is completedly finished.
Please would you comment on this suggestion
That's GnuCash itself doing file stuff as it closes, not our launcher. As such, we have no idea when that is occurring.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Process Explorer clearly shows that gnucash-bin.exe closes very quickly after exiting GnuCash and GnuCashPortable.exe stays running for a long time after that.
That would not be neat at all (really, it would be exceedingly ugly). I have no plans of implementing that.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
If we encounter an app that *genuinely* needs a lot of shutdown time in the launcher (after the app closes), we could implement a simple banner explaining that. But, currently, I don't think any app we do does that.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
see my reply above. Is there something wrong with my interpretation of Process Explorer or something wrong with my copy of GnuCash?
GnuCash is a special case as it has a secondary process that runs for a bit after exit called gconfd-2.exe. In that case, we can actually have a banner stating that it is closing down. But it is the only app that we have that ability for out of the 300 released and in test apps. It doesn't use PA.c Launcher, it uses a custom one and will have to keep custom code even if it moves to PAL. I'm doing a rev of it sometime soon to get it on the latest PA.c Installer, so I'll probably add the balloon then.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Ugly for you to code, or ugly for the user to view?
Code-wise it would be a trivial matter; in appearance it would be unpleasant.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
What I would like (and I appreciate that most others probably wouldn't hence my suggestion to have it optional) is for a window to pop-up saying, for example, "GnuCash launcher cleaning up PC and writing data back to drive x:".
Don't see what is unpleasant in that. I just hate it when I don't know what my PC is doing!
I agree with you.
Maybe not a splash screen but a "ballon" on systray would be really good.
I would like to see when the portableapp ended its writing to the disk, because sometimes we need to close and reopen the same program and we don't know exactly how many time we need to wait until open it again.
surprisingly you are the only one - I started this thread in August and got no replies until I explicitly asked John or Chris to reply by bumping in December.
A balloon on the systray would work for me, anything really just so I know when the launcher has finished tidying up so I can restart the app.
There are technical issues with a balloon tip and tray icon; there's not really any way of doing it in NSIS already and so it'd need to be implemented from the system calls (I don't know what they are).
Personally I don't really like the idea anyway.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
If it's hard to do and you don't like the idea, forgive it
A question: What happens if I close a portable app and re-open it immediately? The launcher will "know" that the previous one is saving it's settings or they'll mess settings folder while one try to save settings and another one to move it?