Application: XChat
Category: Office
Description: XChat is an advanced and very customizable IRC client. It features support for various servers, chat logging, and attractive interface similar to Pidgin's (GTK+ & Tango!), and much more.
Download XChat Portable 2.8.6 Pre-Release 1 [7.6MB download / 37MB installed] (I do recommended you delete your previous installer, preserving the Data directory if you wish)
(MD5: 0c1d0ee0263e480e82cec6622a3c24da)
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 1 (2008-10-01):
- Initial release of 2.8.6
- I just realized the language files are 17+ megs, they will be optional for sure next release.
- Few more tweaks are needed with some file handling in the launcher
- Splash screen must be rebranded "XChat" as that is the official name and the only place that says X-Chat anymore is the local installer.
- Change YChat to XChat (I did that, but I guess I threw in the wrong binaries).
- Add support for Perl, Python, and the like.
Thanks Patrick
Uhmmm some how your installer got corrupted :S
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Outrageous. But thank you, I'll try to fix that.
Edit: The upload is too slow here. I'll try to fix it and make it multilingual tomorrow. Sorry.
Oh dear! and i downloaded that for a friend. hope you get it fixed dood!
Are you ging to support an addition of %PATH% for perl? I have mine set as App\Perl\bin.
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I can do that.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Links is fixed and active now.
404 Not Found
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yeah it's definetly not working
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I've thought about and agree with myself- It's busted
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You all like to complain a lot, eh?
Anywho... the difference an s makes. It's fixed now.
We are complainers
Hear us ROAR!
Thanks Patrick, I'm looking forward to trying out the upgrade\using it
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I can't wait until this is official.
Me too!
There's something wrong with XChat- its not accepting the use of a background image
I've tried different sizes, multiple file formats. It says that it cannot access read the file.
This doesn't happen with the official build, but the official build appears to have switched to minigtk.dll.
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Another problem is that it won't let me move the channel switcher to the "right (upper)" position. Like the post before mine, it works as it should in the official build, so I'm not sure why it's bugged now.
This is a confirmed bug. XChat Portable Fails to load a background picture.
Behavior occurs properly in the installed (Silverex) version of XChat.
, but this has not corrected the problems either.$EXEDIR\App\perl\bin
It is mentioned later,
The exact error of the text is:
Cannot open:
Silverex's XChat will luanch/load the picture correctly via a bat file with the following contents:
Which assumes the bat file is within
/XChat 2
directory.Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Would my problem also be a bug in the portable version? As I haven't tried the decompressed Silverex version yet. If you'd prefer I check on my own, I will.
Did you check to make sure you moved the user list?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I'm an idiot, I didn't even think that trying to move only the channel switcher would conflict with the position of the user list. Nevermind.
Would it be possible to have scrollback disabled by default in the portableapps version as to prevent a lot of writes to the USB/etc. drive?
XChat works great! doing it now and it doesnt look like anythings left behind that I see
link dead
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
patrick is changing a few things around with his server. link should be back soon
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Mine was: 731e48c286187e8a14fa81e221d4fdd6
EDIT: The download aborts after 1.79 MB. This has happened thrice already, both when clicking and right-click > Save as. The Firefox Download tools expects 1.8 MB.
Confirmed. If you'd like, I can upload a copy elsewhere for you.
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I downloaded this program and when i clicked the setup file I got this error
just like the message said your download wasn't complete. compare the file size with the one in the first post and you should see the difference
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I downloaded on a connection that never fails and it failed
I don't know why, but it did.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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is their any chance u can upload it else where??
yeah, I'll upload it for you tommorrow, as its at home and I don't have a way to get at it
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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ok, sounds good!
beat you to it
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I still got the same error
then there is something wrong with your network.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
hmmm. thats odd, i tried on two different wireless networks on ff and on ie, maybe its my comp for some reason, ill try it later on a different comp
EDIT: hmm, i tried on 2 different comps, 3 different browsers (ie7, ff3, chrome) and 3 different networks...any idea wat the problem could be??
Have you tried a completely fresh install? IE New folder, or delete old copy and reinstall afresh. Another possibility is to try another USB to see if issue is hardware related. Advocate
I just downloaded it to my desktop and when i click it i got that error i wrote down before. I tried downloading straight onto my usb but it still doesn't work. Does it work for you?
Yes, it's corrupt... I can verify that. I'm working on fixing it. May be a bit. I'll post back when it's fixed.
I'm fairly sure the file is no longer corrupt... but who's gonna be the first to find out? The choice is yours! I apologize for the inconvenience, a full refund will be offered if you return your product at the desk over there or you can cut the mail-in rebate off the back of the executable on your new download.
I tried to download it again, still getting a corrupted installation file on two different computers and networks (MD5: a9b6dded040a7250c9d613164bb2900c ).
Thanks in advance
looks like someone already took the back off my download, it was only 2MB. don't have an md5 tool on me at the moment, but it still phails to run.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
still doesn't work for me
the downloaded installer is still broken,...
Patrick even after I gave you a good version it still fails :S Maybe something with your server that is corrupting it?
Anywho here is a MediaFire link for everyone. I have verified using multiple methods that this is NOT corrupt. I even did a fresh install and it worked FINE.
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
The file from Mediafire works pretty fine,...
Regards Marc
I finally fixed the download, and I swear it works. Don't even lie to me this time, I downloaded it myself. ;-P
It better work this time
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I can't help but notice references to pidgin in the help file
I just found that tonight as I copied the help file from xchat to use for QtWebPortable I released for testing 
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Can not understand what I doing wrong, I get double SysTray icon.
If I click on left xChar crasch, right is okay.
Yeah, it happens to everyone.
I just wanted to provide an update on the status of this for everyone. It looks like as of 2.8.7 and above, the application is no longer open source, that is, the source is not available.
SilvereX has updated to 2.8.6-2 (I believe) which provides update to Perl and Python and all those other good scripting dependencies.
Despite the fact XChat is unstable in a couple areas, I will be updating to SilvereX's new build possibly next week when I have some time off and in the update I'm planning to add support for custom paths for Perl and such and fixing the tray icon (I /swear/ I already did that).
This will likely never be released seeing as it is now no longer developed (as an open source project), so the only reason I'm updating it is we don't have too much alternative for IRC clients on Windows and people seem to like this.
Thanks for keeping up with this anyway, Patrick.
I was going to comment along with Zach T on the help file thing.
I'm going to work on KVIrc though, so hopefully we'll have a true IRC client for PA - of course you'll be the one I'll go to for help
Have you looked at Bersirc?
Doesn't look like it's being developed anymore but the source is apparently available...
Alrigth, a few comments.
First, and I find it strange noone has noticed this before, it shows up a "Pidgin Portable" in the menu.
Second, and I'm not sure whether this is a silverx issue, when you set gui_tweaks to 64, which will make the userlist icons change to @+ and such instead of the colored dots, the names of non-voiced (or opped) people will not show up in the userlist. I can still right-click the names, and thus find out who they are, but I cannot see the nicks normally.
I made screenshots of both bugs, The "Pidgin Portable" bug and The userlist bug.
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
Thank you for making this. I prefer XChat to KSirc and KVirc (tried them all over some years since working on PC-BSD beta testing) - I think - but that's usually what you have got used to imho.
A small problem with the installer. It doesn't add a menu item but you can go into the app's directory and click on the executable to run it.
Probably not the right place to ask, but is it possible to manually change the menu in any way to fix such a problem? Or to customise? Perhaps a link would be helpful.
Thanks again for your hard work.
I discovered portableapps by accident and think it's a great concept for those who insist on running MS Windows when there are better systems out there
Ozzie Richard
who lives where the crows fly backwards to keep the dust out of their eyes
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
Try Options > Refresh App Icons.
Tried that.
Tried it again (twice) after your post.
Still isn't there.
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
As I posted right above you, it is for some reason called "Pidgin Portable", not "XChat Portable".
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
Ah thank you.
I renamed the menu item and it's as good as gold
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
Thank you, edited the name in the menu. Didn't realise that you could do that, but it seems to work.
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
The previous menu didn't get its info from AppInfo.ini.
I mentioned this to Patrick Patience (who can correct me if I'm wrong) and the reply was basically, orly?.
The user list bug is probably a XChat bug.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I was wondering the status with this. This is the client I use and is an awesome application to be portable.
May the Shwartz be with you
It's likely not going to be made official for reasons previously mentioned, but the update would be very nice.
need to adjust sound.conf in data\settings. Are you still actively doing this program?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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to update just download the version on the official website and use uniextract and copy the folder into the apps directory
Hi guys!
Is XChat still active? Anyone doing work on it?
Yes, is this still a plan ? or should I be using Pidgin or Miranda, and if so which is better ?
If we're talking file size, Pidgin 14-51MB Installed. Miranda 5 MB, and since I am not familiar with IRC programs I do not know what all they can do, like a stand alone Irc.
This is likely not going to made official here, however another developer here is working on a fork that includes new features, etc.
Do any of the chat programs supported here offer a replacement for Yahoo Messenger web cam capability?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure about the other programs, but Pidgin is currently working on it. They have implemented the framework for video and voice, but as of right now none of the protocols support it (except for XMPP on Linux).
Apples to Apples. Or Apples to oranges. Don't know.
Personally, I use miranda for everything anymore. I got some plugins and it runs really nice now.
I just got sick or pidgin. I don't like it period.
XChat will only do IRC.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I use X-Chat pretty much every day all day.... but when you right click the system tray icon and try to get it to hide it just crashes....
that's not a xchat portable bug, that's xchat itself. I've never used the system tray plugin, it never worked the way I want it to.
Even when I did use it, it never crashed, but that was a long time ago.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It works for xchat when I have it installed regularly.....
I just want to hide the windows so SOMEONE doesn't accidentally close it
I've used it myself, the tray can be pretty buggy, especially if you get disconnected
and who would accidentally close it? wouldn't YOU be on the computer? sounds more like you're trying to hide peopel from seeing it open, perhaps we shouldn't be chatting in school?
"Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about Rock'n'Roll." -Shigeru Miyamoto
Actually there are 2 separate tray things. One is an external plugin called X-Tray. and the other is X-Chats built in one. X-Tray has never caused a crash for me. Xchat's built in one though, any time i even clicked on it, it crashed. ¬_¬ I think now X-Tray is included in XChat Portable by default so you can easily disable the built in tray thing without trouble. Just disable the built in one in the preferences of Xchat and it should be fine ^_^
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I downloaded and installed OK everything is great.
the only thing i found is that the menu entry in the pa menu, it dose have the right xchat icon but was labeled pidgin portable
i just changed the name to Xchat Portable. all good.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
This app has been scrapped and PChat (a fully open source fork of XChat) was released instead. Download that.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I don't understand what it is about Pchat but certain things don't work as well as they do with this one.
I try to use quits.txt , parts.txt and away.txt the text shows up as if the font is missing and can't be displayed.
Also sometimes people type in chat and the same thing happens that weird symbol
you need to change the font, something that supports Unicode characters, and as the Lead developer of PChat, it is getting better, in fact I've been fixing bugs that even the xchat team hasn't fixed yet.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau