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Mercora IM

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Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-31 05:28
Mercora IM

Does anyone know if there is any idea of making this portable?
This i think would be a highly popular product to make portable. I have myself been asked by lots of people if this can be made portable. Mercora is used my tens of thousands of users at a time, a highly used product.

Mercora IMRadio is for the music connoisseur or aficionado who is into music discovery. Mercora IMRadio is the "universal tuner" that connects you to the world's largest and legal music radio network powered by people, dj's and artists just like you. With Mercora IMRadio, you can search, find and listen to thousands of artists and hundreds of genres in near-CD quality sound from webcasters all over the world - you can never find such variety with other online services, AM, FM or even XM. Mercora IMRadio also allows you to legally time-shift authorized webcasts for listening at a later more convenient time or when you are disconnected from the Internet. Welcome to the future of legal music discovery - Mercora IMRadio!

Mercora IM.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-10 03:24
Dosn't seem too difficult

will give it a crack afta i finish exams on Friday. It writes to users Profile in C: drive, and adds a few registry entries, but otherwise looks to be not all that difficult (but correct me if i'm wrong). Smile

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-31 05:28
This would be fantastic if

This would be fantastic if you could make this possible! Smile I'd love for some updates or news! Smile


Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-10 03:24
Portable, but...

not fully. I've tested the app and seems to work fine, but it does leave traces in the registry such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{DF7096FF-DF20-42DC-9E70-7F4EFC6081D5}.

Not perfect, but unfortuntly my limited knowledge only allows me to us the Portable App Template by Klonk to make it work successfully at the moment. Your more than welcome to try it and see if it works for you, but just be aware its not completely portable.

To get it working, do this.

1. Copy all files from C:\Program files\Mercora to MercoraPE\App\MercoraPE, except the uninstall file.

2. Copy all files from C:\Documents and Settings\"User"\Application Data\Merocora\MercoraClient\Data

Then backup the files on your hard drive, then delete the Merocora file from the Application Data directory

3. Uninstall the App.

4. Run MerocoraPE, and then go to setting and uncheck, start at startup and autoupdate

And there you have it. You can download the Portable ZIP file from here Download Link and program Merocora Site

Let me known how you go. Smile

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-31 05:28
Yupp it works! I tested it

Yupp it works! Smile

I tested it on my other computer and it seems ok!

I don't get any music info, nor can I seem to control the volume, but that isn't such an issue for me.

But the songs work to listen to.

Some didn't but that may have been just those songs!

Thanks a bunch! Smile

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