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Anyway to make Opera truly portable (and safe)?

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HA Nut
Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2010-12-22 11:08
Anyway to make Opera truly portable (and safe)?

Because of the (IMO) idiotic Opera Unite component, running Opera (portable or regular) the first time adds Windows Firewall exceptions. Is there any way to avoid this fundamental and utterly unsafe computer change? I would like to have another browser option beyond FF and IE but unless there is a way to stop the Unite PC corruption, Opera cannot be that option.

Thanks for any help anyone can give!!

Last seen: 1 hour 51 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
modern nonsense

is meanwhile built into all sorts of apps. People want share all over internet, be permanently connected with whom ever. Opera probably just follows this marketing path and do include some platform for generic folks needs.

But you want know how to get rid of it.
It will not change your firewall settings. Don't worry , it can not, since you are anyway using the computer as restricted user, so no changes to FW setting are possible just by opening opera.
Or are you one of those #*$£@+* who run a browser as admin??? Then it is entirely your own fault that the FW was changed.

On the other hand, when you first start opera, you can simply go to the menu, and deselect not only the 'enable opera unite' (which is disabled by default) but also the 'discover opera unite users'.

Then you will not be asked to open anything for opera again, it behaves like normal browser again.

Write a mail to opera authors and ask them what was there plan (or what did they smoke) when they prepared the latest release version with the 'discover ..users' ticked.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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