Anyone know of a visual text encryption tool like ClipSecure. By visual I mean that the encrypted text is not stored in a file but presented in a GUI that the user can then copy and paste into another application, say an email client for example. Basically, I need to stored text in encrypted form but not in a file, just as (printable) text.
well, you know me, I will suggest you some kind of pgp - gpg what ever , anything is this direction.
You can fetch the portable pgp , which is java based. But you can use also most other gnupg front ends , very nice is the winpt, which has the so called 'current windows feature'. This means, it will even automaticaly capture the text of the last active controll window and encrypt or decrypt it and paste it back, or it will simply do all ops on the content of the clipboard.
In fact, more front ends are simply doing what you are asking for, some front ends are not even able to handle files properly.
If you install portable gpg, the core function is here, then just select some gpg4win, gpg4usb, winpt, instant crypt, or gnu privacy tray etc.
Most fun will give you the winpt I assume.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
idea for a new product me thinks...
anyone here wise enough to do?
and you will find plenty of such products here ready for use. portable gpg is ready and so many of the front ends.
author of the instantcrypt comes to see us here time to time, rather simple stright forward tool for beginners
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Notepad++ will do it with the crypt plugin.
Release Team Member
that's sounds to be the best *non geek* way
If you're using it for email take a look at some of the security plugins for Mozilla Thunderbird. If I remember right they've got some that will auto encrypt and decrypt on the other side.
Release Team Member
PolyEdit will do it. The lite version is free...