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New U3 will not eject after FF update

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Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 17:13
New U3 will not eject after FF update

Hi all,
I got what I thought would be a good deal on this drive and now I am ready to scream: SanDisk Cruzer® Micro 2GB (Black) - New
SDCZ6-2048. My OS is XP Home Svc.Pack 2.

It worked fine until FF downloaded the latest update 1.0.8 and after I synched
some Open Office files with GoodSync from my C drive. The files were stored in
the drive directory. I also deleted some OO files loaded by mistake.
Now the drive will not eject and I get an error message telling me to close all
programs. Unless they are hidden there are none visible. The light on the device is on steady but not blinking. I figure there must be corrupted data somewhere.

I guess this may be an expensive lesson learned. This is my 5th drive purchased
and I've equipped them all and never had a lockup including a smaller U3 drive. Help!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 22 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Task Manager

If you corrupted OO, it could be stuck. Check task manager and see what's running. Kill anything that would be from the drive (FF for U3, OO for U3, etc). You can also use Unlocker (Google it) to see what's running from the drive. Any additional help and you need to call U3 or Sandisk as this isn't related to the apps here.

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Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 17:13
Fixed U3 Thanks to John Haller

Thanks so much for your valuable advice. Believe it or not I had done quite a bit of research before I wrote in. I had tried Task Manager but couldn't see anything running.

I called SanDisk and the tech was most helpful. It required an update from Sandisk
which I downloaded and it now works lke a champ. Guess I did not realize that it
really was not up-to-date just out of the box.
Thanks again,

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-21 08:29
Update from SanDisk?

Hmm, I and some others are having trouble with SanDisk Cruzer and U3 apps leaving temp files.

What this an update for U3? Or something specific to SanDisk? Can you elaborate?

Many Thanks
Lynn August Linse; Industrial Specialist

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 17:13
U3 2GB Problem/Update

I had the identical problem described above and I also called tech support because
I too could not find any hang-up on Task Manager with OO. The tech and I struggled
with the English language but he was very halpful saying the drive needed an update
right out of the box to do with Active X. I did the download and all was well until
a couple of days later....

The drive's light would not go off. It was a steady light rather than blinking. Again I called for help through their blog this time. I had loaded a program called
AppSnapper that is designed to make sure that documents are opened only with the program (OO or others)on the stick and not on the host computer. It is a nifty app
but is very controlling and this U3 drive has struggled for me when I try to add anything. The tech advised me just to remove the drive, I did and it worked fine next time. I also tried to load Maxthon but that was a no go.

I own 5 flash drives and the only ones to give trouble are U3 based. I scrubbed one of them and it works like a champ. This black 2GB will not take repeated use I do not believe for the mechanism is weak. Even on sale the drive was very expensive but I don't trust it to keep anything valuable on and that is a shame
with 2 gigs to use.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

Somewhere on the Sandisk Launchpad you can check for updates for the Launchpad.I dunno where because I dropped U3 a couple of weeks later.
I think its in the settings-dialoge.

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