LibreOffice is no in Beta 3. Is there any time frame for a portable release? I do not like working in OO 3.2 and wish for Libre Portable.
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Marko (on the LO team) is already working on it. We're just finalizing the logistics of branding and hosting
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Not to put you on the spot John, but does that mean OpenOffice will be going away, and LibreOffice will be the new "default" Office suite for PortableApps? Not that I mind one way or the other, it's just been a very fluid time of tension and speculation so finally be able to commit to one product versus another would be good.
We have no intention of dropping OOo and are actively working with Oracle on finishing the trademark agreement to make our package the first and only legitimate portable package of 3.2.1.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Fair enough. Let the users decide for themselves. I think that is the best solution for everybody concerned. No reason for PA.c to get involved in the politics.
I'll sit tight and await the latest Office suites with baited breath.
..."bated breath." Unless you're eating tuna to coax your cat onto your lap.
I only pointed it out so I could make that joke. Sorry, shutting up.
I am not my signature.
Whenever I see bated breath misspelled like that I'm tempted to ask whether they caught any fish. I resisted the temptation this time until you commented on it
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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I'm happy to provide such lively entertainment.
for having a sense of humour. Feel free to return the "favour."
I am not my signature.
It (bated) is short for "abated" as in stopped. The other (baited) is what is happening here, as in trolling.
That means that a lot of people holding their breaths is, of course, "mass ....ers"
Sorry I missed it before. When those people start to breathe again, are they "mass de-baters"?
I am not my signature.
please do let us know whether we can have portableapps OO.o 3.1 and the LO version (also from portableapps whenever it's ready) co-existing. I'm asking because I seem to remember reading somewhere else that LO replaced OO.o during installation.
for the portable versions.
Because of the different folder structures of OOoP and LibOP ther will be no problem, accept installing both of it in the same folder (changing the default install folder).
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They mentioned that the replacement was unintentional:
Once you have Beta3 installed on Windows you should be able to install or vice verse without mixing them up.
Expect some confusion concerning which application is launched (OOo or LO) when documents are double-clicked in the Explorer.
The Beta1 unintentionally replaced; This bug has been fixed in Beta2.
If you notice undesirable interactions between LibreOffice and in Beta3 or later, please report this as a bug
This is from here: http : // wiki .document foundation .org /Releases/3.3/RC2
Not to put you on the spot John, but does that mean OpenOffice will be going away, and LibreOffice will be the new "default" Office suite for PortableApps? Not that I mind one way or the other, it's just been a very fluid time of tension and speculation so finally
This is a very old thread, and has some very outdated (and incomplete) information regarding both office suites.
LibreOffice is currently the only recommended office suite packaged here, however John is still in talks with Apache about reacquiring permission to release OpenOffice. If this does go ahead PortableApps will offer both office suites.
Hello @all,
I've finished the work on LibreOffice Portable Beta 3.
At the moment we have some last tests and we will publish a version for public testing if RC1 of LibreOffice is available.
The work on Portable is stopped at the moment because of unsolved legal issues with the Trademarks. If there will be an answer of Oracle solving this problems we will continue the work on OpenOffice.or Portable as stated before by John.
We'll inform You soon if LibreOffice (or Portable will be available.
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What You need is OSS!
I'm also waiting for the release.
I did a search and found this [Shhhh... not yet] but every time I try to download it just sends me back to the page again. Is this up early? I would really love to download an early version of it.
Someone is in danger of getting their kneecaps removed.
Just kidding... or am I?
thank you for granting my wish!!!
I am grateful for all your hard work in putting this together.
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(Comment deleted)
I'm not sure about libreoffice, but I have it on good authority that openoffice 3.3 will be finalized on Tuesday at 9:00 EST.
More info here
Nothing is as it appears...or is it?
We still need redistributive rights from Oracle though.
why do we need redistributive rights for an open source product?
Nothing is as it appears...or is it?
Firefox and OpenOffice are open source applications, but the name rights are trademarked so if we want to keep them, we have to ask.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
and we can't change the name because...
Nothing is as it appears...or is it?
Because no one would be interested in it or know what it is and we'd have to spend hours and hours updating code and recompiling every single release.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It's not a simple case of changing just one little logo in place. It's a matter of changing potentially hundreds of lines of code, basically anything that refers to "OpenOffice". Then what you have is a fork of the original project. LibreOffice has already done that so that would seem like a big, fat waste of time, to put it bluntly. Besides, that's not what does, they repackage original sources, not modify sources and then repackage them.
Finally it's released: