I have read from one of the old forums here about a code block portable development, but i've viewed already all of the apps here(or my eyes just did closed on that page), aint portapps gonna release any?
Then, im hoping for a release of a "how to make apps port" using launcher generator and NSIS. I've read the topics on the forum and have seen the documentations. But my head really is slow. Studying now for c++ but nsis is really new. I know there's a lot of discussions re this topic but for a slow like me, i crave for a much more fluid "how to". Thx.
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A lot of questions
January 11, 2011 - 5:08am
A lot of questions
1. Use the search function. You can find Code::Blocks here. It is still in development testing.
2. With the PortableApps.com Launcher, you'll rarely need any knowledge of NSIS. The manual can be found here.
So ok, i was searching for code blocks portable on sourceforge but im always end w/ a dead link, now its here. But as stated, v10 of code block porty has no compiler? And only MingW, to be downloaded separately? Im just starting learning c language, so just to kn0w, ain't mingW only for linux? Anyways, thx. I'l chk the download later. Its still sleeping time here, im just realy a sleepwalker.
-:O =
ok you need to reread what was stated
codeblocks is on this forum as a development test, and mingw is a windows port of gcc which yes is a linux compiler but modified to compile windows applications for windows.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Ok,i've reread it. Hahaha! Thnks! Im working on it now. Thx!
Your friendly asian neighbor.
-:O =