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I seem to have Photoshop CS5 Portable... But it's not listed here.

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Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-01-22 12:33
I seem to have Photoshop CS5 Portable... But it's not listed here.


I once got Photoshop CS5 Portable from a mate in my class. Works fine, does what it has to do. Only thing is that when I came to check out your site here, it wasn't listed. So, how come I have this portable application, but it's not even downloadable here?

Or was it once downloadable, but has it been removed for some reason?

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Never From Here

It was never from here because it's illegal. There are a number of sites that offer "PortableApps" applications but all they've done is stolen the PortableApps logo (also illegal since it's trademarked) and copied the PA.c format (since it's an open source format).

Photoshop is a commercial program and unless a developer has explicit permission to do so may noy be distributed in any shape or form from anywhere other than Adobe.

If you prefer to use legal software then consider using GimpPortable, which has comparable functionality to Photoshop.

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-01-22 12:33
Well I use it rarely, I have

Well I use it rarely, I have to have Photoshop for school, studying IT (my 2nd year now) and it was required for Internet technology. I use it about 2-3 times a month, so it'd be a waste if I'd officially buy it.
So my version is actually an illegal version then? Sad
Is it then wrong that I sometimes use it? Because I also sometimes use it to crop images or to resize them... We've learned to work with Photoshop at school, so I can't imagine any other editor... So is it bad that I actually use it?

The teacher at school just told us that we had to get a version of Photoshop, and she didn't care if it was a legal or illegal one, as long as we had it on our laptop installed for the classes. :S

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solanus's picture
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I think you already know what's right and what's wrong...

You are just asking permission to do the wrong thing.
So my version is actually an illegal version then? Is it then wrong that I sometimes use it?
Yes, it is.
... I can't imagine any other editor
Of course you can imagine it, and more than that, you can easily master the many open source graphic apps out there. You are studying IT, right? So you must have some skills with software, and most graphic apps are EASIER than Photoshop.
The teacher at school just told us ... she didn't care if it was a legal or illegal one...
Your teacher at an IT school is teaching you that it's OK to steal software? That's a pretty crappy lesson.

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Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
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My teachers a couple of years

My teachers a couple of years back were the same, needed MS Project for Project Management, nobody cared where it came from. Needed a code editor, everyone was recommended to use a trialware app and just ignore the "You have been using app X for eleventy billion days, please consider purchasing a license".

Unfortunately, I know that this attitude was largely bred from a lack of budget within the school itself, as every computer in every classroom used the same trialware code editor, and they couldn't even afford a single license and then enter it into every PC. They used Photoshop, but the version on every PC was rather old as they couldn't afford the license upgrade.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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Although, I gotta say

Adobe has quite a racket going.
I checked out prices, and they offer Photoshop CS5 for students at $200 US, but once you graduate, the commercial price is $1000. They are like crack dealers - they get you hooked with cheap deals when you are a student, then they drain your bank account later.
So, while what they do is actually legal - well, it's not really right either.

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OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Anything that vaguely

Anything that vaguely involves schooling is a racket. Text books is a big one.

I checked out prices, and they offer Photoshop CS5 for students at $200 US, but once you graduate, the commercial price is $1000.

And god forbid they catch you un-studented using it.

I can't imagine how many more copies they could sell of photoshop if they would lower the price.

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tgrantt's picture
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I agree

Many people assume that "legal" equals "moral" when legal things are often not moral. I'm not commenting on Adobe directly, just the principle you brought up. The one that makes me the most crazy is when rich companies tie people up in court who can't afford to get justice.

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Darkbee's picture
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I'd like to give an in-depth comment but I don't think I can do politely, suffice to say:

No, I'm not going to condone the use of illegal software.
Yes, your school and/or your teacher needs a policy change if they insist you use Photoshop for cropping and resizing images (which any monkey can do in the myriad freeware/open source image viewers/editors available on the Internet including half a dozen tools here that would do the job).
No, I fail to see how Photoshop and IT are related. I thought Photoshop would be more appropriate for Graphics Design or Digital Art courses.

Sorry if that's abrupt, I don't think there's anything more to say.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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The teacher at school just

The teacher at school just told us that we had to get a version of Photoshop, and she didn't care if it was a legal or illegal one, as long as we had it on our laptop installed for the classes. :S

My teacher on the subject of cracked autocad said, "don't tell me. Because if you do, I'll have to turn you in."

You can use the gimp to resize photos, heck mspaint will do it. Not very well, but it will do it. Or you could even try this:

Yeah, you need to stop using cracked photoshop. Anytime like now is good.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world

ceciliaFX's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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if your teacher wants to see that you have a copy of photoshop

on your computer, ok fine. I'm not going to judge that.

however, there's isn't anything to stop you using another program - I'm an artist so I have used many just because I like to. You can pick one and stick to it. believe me, whatever you use will be WAY easier to figure out than Photoshop. GIMP has a ton of great tutorials on line.

The main purpose of photoshop is printing (cmyk color space). If all you use photoshop for is cropping and resizing you sure don't "need" it. The school is BS'ing you.

unless the teacher is looking over your shoulder you don't HAVE to use photoshop.

good luck with your studies

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vf2nsr's picture
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Slightly different perspective

Working for an online subscription based chat service ( well volunteering) I have a slightly different perspective. Which is do you know who cracked it? How? What may or may have been added to the "cracked" version? Many pieces of "cracked" software also contain hidden malware, virus's, trojans and even key loggers. On a safety standpoint I would suggest ditching the crack and going with a safer and free alternative

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gluxon's picture
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I've always hated classes

I've always hated classes that force you to use payed software. Whenever my teacher's going over a lesson (usually with MS Office), I'm in the back, tinkering with Portable and trying to figure out the equivalent function.

I would recommend GIMP over PhotoShop to anyone. You really get the hang of using it after a while Smile

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Someone save me from myself, please

Can't we just close this thread before I start going on a rant about the inadequacies of the US education system. If the goal of the US education system is to have kids blindly follow some practice because it's sacred doctrine then it does a fanstastic job. To educators: innovate, self-educate or get out.

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