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ClamWin: After scanning I saw in RED color two virus elements MY QUETION is how can I delete it then ?

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ClamWin: After scanning I saw in RED color two virus elements MY QUETION is how can I delete it then ?

After scanning I saw in RED color two virus elements MY QUETION is how can I delete it then ?

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Is it autorun.inf,

Is it autorun.inf, autorun.ini, or Autorun.inf? If it's Autorun.inf, then the Platform installer created it. Your anti-virus is probably picking it up since most viruses use autorun.inf to spread the virus to other computers. However, if it's just a lowercase autorun.inf, then I would bet a virus did place it on the drive, and you should do a thorough scan on it.

I don't know about recycler.exe though.

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