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PortableApps Manager

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Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-09-29 18:10
PortableApps Manager

Hi everyone and sorry if i'm in the wrong section >.

  • Is there any xml/ini file which list any portableapps with its own version ?
  • Is there any xml/ini file which associate a software version with a download list ?
  • Is there a method to install a portableapps in silent mode ? (without prompt and some function to set the directory, etc.)

    'cause even if i can check version with the "last update" from, i can't have the exact download link. (Who say sourcefourge and redirections ? :p)

    Also, without silent mode, i'll have to simulate event whereas with a silent one i'll just have to launch the installer with, for example, the -d option and set a defined directory.

    It'd be a kind of PortableApps software for usb ... with install (from a list or not)/update functions.

  • scant_regard
    Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
    Joined: 2010-11-19 23:23
    Applications can be

    Applications can be uninstalled via their own uninstallers but you cannot run them automatically once installed.

    The is an updater component in the menu, however it does not incrementally update applications, worse it does not run installers for programs that can only be updated by themselves.

    gluxon's picture
    Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
    What are you talking about?

    What are you talking about? The PortableApps here don't have uninstallers, and they don't need to either. All you have to do is a simple delete on the App's folder. (ex: FirefoxPortable). Your scentences don't even gramatically make sense either.


    The Platform Beta 5 includes the Updater. To add an app from here (rather than updating), you can access the experimental Directory function by giving the Updater executable ([X]:\PortableApps\\PortableAppsUpdater.exe) the "/MODE=ADD" parameter after you've installed the latest beta over here.

    If you still want to run one of the installers here in silent mode, take a look at the example below. The /S parameter runs the installer in silent mode, and /D= allows you to choose the directory you would like to install to.

    FirefoxPortable.paf.exe /S /D=[X]:\Path\To\Custom\Directory

    Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
    Joined: 2010-09-29 18:10

    If there'll be a new PortableApps with an included updater, i've got no reason to create my own manager !

    Thanks for the add Wink

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