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[updated][resolved] Button PNG corrupted

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-22 03:05
[updated][resolved] Button PNG corrupted

Portable wont function due to a corrupted Button PNG file. Reinstalling the Beta will not repair it. Is there a means to fix it?



Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

What are you talking about?

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-22 03:05
Corrupted PNG file

This is probably not a Beta specific issue, but it happened with the Beta 5 install on my USB key.

When I insert my USB key and select to start Portable Apps, I receive an error. "The file being read is not a valid "Portable Network Graphics" image because it has an invalid header. This file may be corrupted, try obtaining it again."

The Portable Apps application runs, but where the icons and program names should be I have empty space with text "lblAppButton01", "lblAppButton02", etc.

My assumption is that the PNG file that is being complained about is the one used for each program listing or maybe the programs icon? I tried reinstalling (without uninstalling), to see if that would correct it but it has not.

Do I blow up the USB key and start over? This is a 16GB USB key with half used by the apps I have installed and would prefer to replace a bad or missing file if possible.



Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-22 03:05
resolution to corrupted PNG

Reinstalling the Portable Apps program did not resolve anything.

However, I thought if a programs icon or something related was renewed it might have an affect. I ran the updater which updated 11 applications and without restarting Portable Apps, the program listing returned with all installed programs intact.

Although I am not sure what PNG file was corrupted, that resolved it.



Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-22 03:05
final resolution to corrupted PNG

After finding that updating would bring back the graphical program listing I found that each time I removed and reinserted my USB key and started Portable Apps again, I would get the bad PNG message again and the program list would be bad again.

I installed PA - Beta on another USB key and compared them. I found a file called PersonalPicture.png in one of the Portable Apps directories. I believe it was in \PortableApps\\App\Graphics\Chrome directory. The file was 20MB and GIMP couldn't open it either. I moved it to a documents directory and now Portable Apps is functioning fine each time I start it up.

Not sure how it ended up where it did, but even stranger is that the file properties show that this file was originally the Wireshark.paf.exe installer v1.4.4.0. Which I did successfully update a few days ago and when my problems started.

In any case, I am back in working order. Any ideas? PA shouldn't become completely unusable and unrecoverable when a file becomes corrupted. I can see why reinstalling didn't help since I was not overwriting the bad file with a good copy. The file normally does not exist. The other issue about how the .exe became a mystery, or what PA is looking for in a PersonalPicture.png file?

Let me know if you need more info from this.




Last seen: 19 hours 16 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
That's really strange...

The PersonalPicture.png can be created by clicking the box at the top right border to insert a -um- personal picture (png, 48x48px). The platform checks for the right file type and automatically scales pictures down to the right size. It should not be possible to choose a file type other than png, jpg, bmp.

How your Wireshark.paf.exe could be linked to that seems strange. Maybe your filesystem got corrupted and the data crosslinked to the file PersonalPicture.png.
That would be a very strange case of oddity, though.

The PersonalPicture.png normally lies in the Data directory, so it would not get deleted/updated/corrected with an update installation. You could solve that issue by simply right-clicking on the "picture box" in the menu. That would delete the PersonalPicture.png.
Not that you need that advice anymore, but if the Personal Picture becomes corrupted somehow causing that error, you at least dont have to cleanup the platform directories manually.

Maybe the error message could be more meaningful so users could guess what went wrong or where to look for a solution.

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