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WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 1

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WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 1

Application: WinFF
Category: Music & Video
Description: WinFF is a GUI for the command line video converter, FFMPEG. It will convert most any video file that FFmpeg will convert. WinFF does multiple files in multiple formats at one time. You can for example convert mpeg's, flv's, and mov's, all into avi's all at once.
WinFF is open source and cross platform written in Free Pascal and Lazarus. WinFF is published under the GNU public license. WinFF is published without any warranty or suitability for any purpose.

Download WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 1 [8MB download / 9MB installed]
(MD5: 6c3542a990a9f4ea118108b928e26655)

Release Notes:

    • WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 1 (2011-05-14): Initial release
  • G4Oblivion
    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    My first app

    This is my first attempt at making a portableapp.
    Its still a bit messy, uncompressed and I haven't regshot it.

    If you find anything wrong, please tell me.
    I will try to fix any typos/incorrect info/left behind files/registry entries

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New release

    Development Test 2 Released.
    Cleaned up configuration files
    Compressed the app
    English only (Until I figure out how to switch langs on WinFF, and how to handle it on PA, its staying English.)
    Placed source and license information in source folder
    Removed DefaultData folder

    If I did anything incorrectly please tell me.
    I will begin testing it tomorrow, and maybe attempt regshot.

    I did a LOT of testing using regfromapp.
    Nothing popped up, its clean.

    I have yet to test languages.

    Starting to think language switching in WinFF is impossible. (Not PA)
    I will try to fix the "Cannot find ffmpeg/ffplay" issue later today.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    Development Test 3 Released.
    Updated PAL to latest 2.1 Beta 2
    Moved WinFF settings out of Data->Settings (oops) to Data->Winff
    Added WorkingDirectory
    It automatically finds and sets ffmpeg & ffplay! (took me an hour & ½ to figure out how to make it work)
    ^This fixes the "Cannot find ffmpeg/ffplay" issue.
    Minor cleanup of configuration files

    I want to thank the developers of PAL Smile
    I never knew it could do so many advanced things, its truly amazing.

    What needs to be done before its ready for release:
    Needs testing by users to make sure appcompactor didn't break anything.
    Need someone to look through it and make sure all the information and files are correct.

    I cannot figure out how to switch languages in WinFF (Not PAL)
    If anyone knows how to do this, please tell me. There is a "Language" directory with .po language(?) files.
    I'm starting to think its impossible.

    I need to re-run registry tests and make sure its 100% clean.
    It would be nice if someone could run a regshot for me.
    I don't have a VM set up, and I only have access to a Vista computer.

    Aluísio A. S. G.
    Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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    I just ran it on a clean XP SP2. Nothing left behind.
    However, it always pops up with 'Unable to create file "".'. Even when I try to close it.

    Previously known as kAlug.

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    I'll look into it.
    It may have something to do with the XML file I have it edit.

    Thank you very much for testing.

    Hmm, did some testing and I'm not able to reproduce on Vista.
    The XML files should be edited when the program starts, not when it closes.

    The only thing it does at the end is move %APPDATA%\Winff -> %PAL:DataDir%\Winff

    I'm going to setup a VM and test it.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Can't reproduce

    I setup a Windows XP SP3 VM and it works fine.
    Can you please provide steps on how to reproduce?

    VM software: VMware player (VMTools disabled on startup)
    OS: Windows XP Pro SP3 (SP2 CD with SP3 slipstreamed)
    Clean install of WinFFPortable

    Aluísio A. S. G.
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    It happens when I start the program, when I try to save the preferences and when I try to close it.

    It also doesn't seems to create any cfg.xml file. Can you provide me with the file from your install? I believe it's trying to create a file specified in there (or even cfg.xml itself - maybe it's failing because my profile contains an Unicode character).

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    My cfg.XMl file:

    My cfg.xml file: (EDIT: XP config is the same, just with a path to my XP desktop)

    What i'm thinking:
    cannot find to edit cfg.xml
    Could be unicode I will test that in a bit.
    Might be AppCompactor

    Is it a PAL error or a WinFF?

    Aluísio A. S. G.
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    I just ran it using another account, and I was right: $APPDATA cannot contain Unicode characters.

    Now I searched their bug tracker and found issue 51. So, it's a base app issue.

    Previously known as kAlug.

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    Ah, just confirmed it myself too.

    I'm sure that going to be a deal breaker for making an official app =/.

    Thanks for the report. I hope they add support for unicode characters, doubt it though.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 4 Released
    Replaced application hompage links
    Removed unused/redundant installer.ini
    Removed unused options in appinfo.ini
    Cleaned and corrected all readme's

    This is just a maintenance release.

    Figure out what I'm going to do about languages.
    Change short description in appinfo.ini & help.html to's "Free Video Converter"

    Aluísio A. S. G.
    Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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    No Language Switching

    I tracked down their translation code to this:

    GetLanguageIDs returns the current language IDs (an ISO string) as returned by the operating system. On Windows, the GetUserDefaultLCID and GetLocaleInfo calls are used. On other operating systems, the LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES or LANG environment variables are examined.

    Both calls are system functions, so it will use whatever the Windows language is. There is no way to override.

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Thank you!

    Thank you very much for figuring it out.

    I'll look a bit more into it later.
    Not sure what this means for "Language="

    Simeon's picture
    Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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    ditch it

    that means that there is no way for the launcher to tell WinFF what language to use - it will always use the system default. Makes it easier for you Smile

    "What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    WinFF 1.3.2 Portable Development Test 5 Released.
    Removed "Language=*" (WinFF gets language from system)
    Replaced short descriptions in appinfo.ini & help.html with "Free Portable Video Converter"

    Changed file hosts (Mediafire -> MyDataNest (I'm loving MDN so far.)

    I removed "Language=*" from appinfo.ini, I'm not sure if this changed anything.
    I tried making my XP install French, but it would not switch. Changed everything in the language settings to French, installed, rebooted, and nothing changed.
    Would be nice if someone can test if WinFF and the installer change based on the systems.

    Just realized its a "*_English.paf". I'm guessing when I created the installer it decided to go with system default.
    I can't find much documentation on "Multilingual" option. I'm thinking about changing it to that.

    vf2nsr's picture
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    that is is the appinfo ini file

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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    Yeah, I'm unsure what to use in the appinfo.ini
    I made the installer without "Language=" and it seems to have gone with system default and created a English installer. (I've already removed launcher.ini or was it installer.ini?)

    Since the app is not English only, I'm wondering if I should put "Language=Multilingual" I'm not sure how multilingual works.
    I saw this:

    If the app is multilingual, it should be specified as Multilingual.

    I'm wondering if I need to do anything extra if I set "Language=Multilingual"
    I feel like setting Language=English is wrong since the app detects the system language and switches if its supported (from what I understand).

    If I set Language=English will the installer be in English on a German system?
    And if I set Language=Multilingual will it be German on a German system?
    Tried out Multilingual, it prompts for language at installation.
    Still not sure if its the only thing it effects or if I need to do anything different.

    Aluísio A. S. G.
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    AFAIK, it only selects the set of languages included in the installer (e.g. English = English installer).
    I'm not sure if being unable to select the application language is a desired behavior for a portable app. Perhaps is better to leave the application to English only (by removing the Languages directory).

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    I figured it would come down

    I figured it would come down to that. Labeling an app "Multilingual" when you cannot choose your language doesn't make much sense for a portableapp, like you said.
    Going to update in a second.

    Simeon's picture
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    it is

    I cant recall which but I think there are several official apps that have that exact behaviour.

    "What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

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    Yes, desired!

    Not many users come across different OS-languages in day to day use so removing the languages simply cripples the app for many non english speakers which otherwise could perfeclty use it.
    The one option I could imagine would be to make languages optional by the installer to cope with that problem for the few people that have to use it on an OS with a language that they could not read. :evil:

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 6 Released
    Application is English only.
    Removed language directory.
    (WinFF gets language from system to determine what language to use AKA: Automatic. No manual switching available)
    WinFF Portable cannot be Multilingual because of this.

    This is probably as portable as WinFF gets. Last release (till new WinFF release.) unless a new problem arises

    Aluísio A. S. G.
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    ...I can make it check for environment variables before calling GetUserDefaultLCID.
    I will test this and post the results when I come back from the school (in ~7hrs).

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    I found a comment by Chris

    I found a comment by Chris Morgan

    I had BleachBit installed already so I copied its launch settings into WinFF's launcher.ini.

    It didn't work, so I figured I did something wrong, since all I did was copy & paste Blum
    My launcher.ini file: WinFFPortable.ini
    I tried BleachBit with platform language in Spanish and BleachBit was still English, not Spanish. Not sure if I did something wrong, or I misunderstood how it works.

    I'm not sure if I understand how it works correctly, so correct me if I'm wrong:
    %PAL:LanguageCustom% Is the language PAP is set in, right? (e.g: Options -> Language -> Spanish)
    LANG=%PAL:LanguageCustom% Tricks the app into thinking its running on a Spanish machine (If PAP is set to Spanish)

    So, if BleachBit/WinFF thought the machines default language is Spanish, it would use the apps Spanish language file, correct?

    Am I misunderstanding how environment variable "LANG" or %PAL:LanguageCustom% works?
    (This last part was not directed at kAlug, it was directed to anyone who can answer)

    Reminder to self:
    Replace "Development" to "Dev" to follow guidelines.
    Move "Type=" above "File=" in FileWriteN. (Not sure why I did it like that.)

    Simeon's picture
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    %PAL:LanguageCustom% is the languege string constructed if the standard method doesnt work.

    Take a look at a couple of example apps to get a better feeling how language switching works or see here.

    "What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

    Aluísio A. S. G.
    Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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    Test build

    Can you guys please try this build of WinFF.exe, using this WinFFPortable.ini?
    It solves both the language and the Unicode $APPDATA problems.
    (WinFF source code changes: here)

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Tested, works fine.

    Thank you very much!

    Can you please test this build of WinFF Portable:

    I added your patch with a few changes:
    Changed Application.ExeName -> ParamStr
    Changed applications settings to the applications directory (I find it easier this way)
    "Winff" settings is stored at "Data", automatically moves to App\WinFF when launched.

    If everything is OK, I'll update to Dev Test 7. (Need to remember to
    Replace "Development" to "Dev" to follow guidelines." too)

    Again, thank you a bunch!

    Planned for DT7:
    IIRC, GPL'd software requires you to add credits if you edit the software.
    Once I get the diff I will add it to the "Sources" directory.

    Planned for DT8:
    Read up on Language switching. See if its possible to get it to remember language without PAP.

    Sleepy time now.

    (I'm not sure how to make a diff/patch in lazarus. I will try to figure it out tomorrow and post it.)

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Progess report

    I have language switching working now.

    My changes to WinFF so far: unit1 diff

    My launcher.ini: launcher.ini

    I'm working on setting up a SF project for this.
    Trying to figure out GPL, atm.

    Do you want your full name on your profile page to be included in the credits?

    Aluísio A. S. G.
    Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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    New changes

    New patch: Unit1.diff (lines from yours):

    1. Removed the GetappdataPath change (lines 28-41)
    2. Changed line 64, because it seems that extraspath is not yet initialized there
    3. Removed the check for LC_ALL, once it's unnecessary (lines 46-48)

    New launcher config: WinFFPortable.ini (lines from mine):

    1. Kept the config directory as Winff, in order to keep backwards compability (line 12)
    2. Added a check for the language file, to use a default if the translation doesn't exist (lines 39-40)

    I would be glad to be listed as contributor.
    And stay with Development Test instead of Dev Test (from the Launcher manual).

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    I made a readme, it should

    I made a readme, it should work for now.

    Thanks for catching the extraspath. I'll use your unit1 and launcher.ini.
    I'll be staying with "development test", thanks for pointing that out.
    All I've done so far is the readme.

    Update "About" to follow GPL
    Apply changes and build a PortableApps installer
    Run a few tests to make sure everything works
    Upload binaries and source to SourceForge

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    The SF project is setup.
    WinFF Portable

    I uploaded the source and a PAP installer.

    I need to double check everything. The readme isn't that great, but it works.
    I left out copyright, it was confusing me. I saw this, so it should be fine.

    "About" form/tab is a bit messy.

    I experienced an error with ffmpeg. I'm looking into it right now.
    I was able to reproduce it with the official WinFF, not sure whats causing it atm. I have a few guesses.

    The error seems to have been caused because there was something wrong with the information in the video file and ffmpeg wouldn't do two passes.
    (I was using the mp4 file that came with Longtail's JW Player >.>)

    I'm going to update the main download to "WinFF Portable" Development Test 1 (The one thats already posted on SF)
    everything seems to work just fine.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    WinFF Portable Development Test 1 (2011-03-25)
    Updated WinFF to the WinFF modification "WinFF Portable"
    Application Data is not accessed anymore. Settings are read from the applications directory
    Language switching (Language is based on PAP language)
    Language is remembered when not launched from PAP
    Minor clean ups

    Thanks a bunch to Aluísio Augusto Silva Gonçalves (kAlug)
    "WinFF Portable" wouldn't exist without him

    WinFF Portable website:

    WinFF Portable changes from the official WinFF:
    Settings are now stored and read in the applications directory
    Changed the way language is detected

    I may make more changes, but I'm done for now.

    If I do make any other changes:
    Cleanup presets (Quite a few of them are pretty nasty when it comes to the order the commands are in)
    Code cleanup and refactoring (remove unused and useless code leftover from older builds, etc.)
    Add Unicode support
    Make it less dependent on PortableApps for portability
    Allow manual language switching from the applications GUI

    Right now, this is more of a wishlist. If any of this gets done, it will get done slowly. They will probably be done in the order listed, if done at all.

    Corrected file size

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    Just noticed...

    I just noticed that the FFmpeg build that WinFF comes with is from April 28th 2009
    EDIT: I will not be updating FFmpeg, I ran into issues.

    I forgot to update the settings directory from "config" to "Winff" in the launcher.ini.
    This means that it will not automatically find ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe.
    Since this isn't a critical feature, I'm going to hold it off till I finish up a few things.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    New Release

    WinFF Portable Development Test 1 (2011-03-27)
    Updated to WinFF Portable
    Fixed ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe not being automatically found
    For more information see WinFF Portable Changelog
    A copy of the changelog can also be found in the "Docs" folder in
    WinFF Portable -> App -> WinFF -> Docs

    I spent quite a bit of time on WinFF Portable
    The version system I'm using works like this:
    I will bump up the last version number every new WinFF Portable release.
    If there is a official WinFF release, I will reset the last version number and update the version number to the official WinFF release. If I make a change I will bump up the last version number.

    e.g: If there is a official WinFF (e.g: 1.4.0) release:
    WinFF Portable will become 1.4.0

    If I make a change to 1.4.0 it will become, etc.

    If anyone on a XP or Win7 machine can test and make sure WinFF Portable works, I would really appreciate it. (Since I changed the GUI)
    This release should be stable, I don't think I broke anything. Needs testing to confirm.

    I'm not a 100% sure I did copyright right.
    I believe it works like this:
    You can copyright the modifications you made of the program.

    So, since I clearly state that "WinFF Portable" is a modification of WinFF, If I say that "WinFF Portable" is (C) to me, it means I'm copyrighting "WinFF Portable" source code changes from the original WinFF source code. I don't believe I'm in copyright violation.
    (I kept all the original documents and I added copyright for the official WinFF to the "about" tab, clearly stating that WinFF is copyrighted by someone else and I only copyright my changes ("WinFF Portable"))

    vf2nsr's picture
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    I am way confused

    1. The link to the original program brings me to your Sourceforge portable page and not the base apps page.

    2. It seems that you keep bumping your posts but I see nothing new in the bump.

    3. I am a bit confused about changes etc which should be in the description and release not in the comments.

    4. Just curious on downloads, as to me imho it appears as if you answer questions in your posts, yet I do not see the questions.

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Sorry about that

    1. Since the program is a modified version of the official WinFF, linking to the official WinFF website wouldn't be correct. I wasn't sure how to go about that.

    2. I correct typos and I add information. I know its a bit messy, I'm sorry for that.
    I'll try not to post irrelevant information and hold back on the edits. Its not that I'm purposely bumping, I'm editing my posts.

    3. All changes are posted in the dev test description. I add a bit more detail in comments. I also post what I plan to change (I will not be posting that anymore, its irrelevant to the PA version)

    4. Not sure I understand. If you're talking about

    I'm not a 100% sure I did copyright right.
    I believe it works like this:

    I posted that, so if my understanding is incorrect someone can correct me. I do not want to be in copyright violation.

    The version system I'm using works like this:

    I posted that so people understand the version system.
    I try to keep the information correct.

    Once again, sorry for all the edits and irrelevant information. I'll try to keep it short and clean.

    vf2nsr's picture
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    this is a modified program that you probably should not use the name as users who may want to see the original can not. Calling it one name but not providing reference to base app is not the way it is generally done. Also is this FOSS? I have no idea as I can not access base apps web page?

    Not sure if I am making my point understandable?

    What I meant in #4 was it seems that when you write that you are answering unasked questions as opposed to making statements, just wondering which it is?

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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    WinFF is FOSS, licensed under GNU General Public license version 3
    Directly from their website:

    WinFF is open source and cross platform written in Free Pascal and Lazarus. WinFF is published under the GNU public license. WinFF is published without any warranty or suitability for any purpose.

    I'm sorry about the link, I meant to change the name from "WinFF" to "WinFF Portable"
    I will add a link to both the official WinFF site and the "WinFF Portable" modification.

    4. Statements.
    I know sometimes it seems as though I'm answering a question.
    I post that way in case anyone was wondering. I will try to catch myself next time I start typing like that.

    vf2nsr's picture
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    You really

    Need to change this apps name if you are not going to credit the base app and are making significant changes.

    That being said Downloaded and ran reg shot looks ok

    AppSource.txt WinFF source code is available from the WinFF Portable website: This should point to WinFF page not yours since you are not the author of WinFF

    Homepage= This should also take you to the base app?
    Also if you are using WinFF then the original author should be listed as well as you


    It can not be Open source and freeware one or the other

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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    Thank you

    I will correct AppSource.txt, thanks for clarifying that.
    I based the homepage off what I saw in a few other apps, I'll correct it.
    I will be sure to include original author. Thank you.

    License information:

    vf2nsr's picture
    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    freeware is free closed source software Open Source is just that

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

    Aluísio A. S. G.
    Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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    G4Oblivion is right

    Miranda IM:




    Previously known as kAlug.

    vf2nsr's picture
    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    We are both correct. Using the launcher manual G4Oblivion is correct. Using my understanding as well as Wikipedia's definition:

    Freeware (from "free" and "software") is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee,[1] but usually with one or more restricted usage rights.[2][3] Freeware is in contrast to commercial software, which is typically sold for profit. The term does not imply that the software is free and open source software (FOSS). Freeware is a loosely defined category, which includes both closed and open source proprietary software.

    I would say I am correct. So I guess we can agree to disagree on it.


    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

    Aluísio A. S. G.
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    "In this case"

    I usually would agree with you on the definition of freeware. What I meant to say was: "In this case, G4Oblivion is right".
    I think that field should be renamed to Free in the next incompatible revision of the PAF spec (if this ever happen).

    Previously known as kAlug.

    Simeon's picture
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    on Johns definition when he wrote the format spec, not yours or wikipedia.

    "What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

    John T. Haller
    John T. Haller's picture
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    Open Source software given away for free is Freeware. Freeware which providers the source under an OSI-approved license is Open Source. Open Source software which requires a fee is not Freeware. Freeware which does not have the source available under an OSI-approved license is not Open Source.

    These are the terms used just within the appinfo.ini to define whether or not a given piece of software is free (as in no cost), has source available, can be shared by copying it from one drive to another and whether it can be used at a business.

    Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

    Chris Morgan
    Chris Morgan's picture
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    OpenSource implies Freeware in [License].

    I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

    “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

    vf2nsr's picture
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    I can not agree I think this is all just a question of semantics

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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    Joined: 2011-03-18 20:29

    I've got a question.

    I'm currently working on my modified version of WinFF.
    This version will eventually be quite different from the original WinFF.
    The name will be changed. I have not thought of what to change it to yet. It will not be "WinFF Portable" anymore.

    Since I am doing this, I probably need to create a new thread.

    My question is:
    Should I revert the version and information here back to the official WinFF (Development Test 6)?
    In case someone wants to pick it up and try again at some point in the future.

    Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
    Joined: 2011-03-18 20:29

    WinFF Portable 1.3.2 Development Test 1 Released

    Uses the original, unmodified WinFF.
    English only, languages removed.
    Everything should work. Information and configuration should be correct, or at least acceptable.

    I ran into computer issues and lost motivation for development of the modified version of WinFF.
    I got a lot of work done, but ran into a few obstacles. Since I modified so much, the language files became incompatible, thus useless.

    I may start working on it again, but not anytime soon.

    You can find the experimental, modified release with language switching at the Sourceforge project page.

    All previous release information was removed since I started from scratch.
    Leaving it would have led to confusion. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
    Joined: 2012-02-14 09:02
    I test it. It worked perfect

    I test it. It worked perfect until now.

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