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BeebEm Portable 4.13 Development Test 3

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Joined: 2008-09-19 13:35
BeebEm Portable 4.13 Development Test 3

Application: BeebEm
Licence: Open Source
Category: Education (& Games)
Description: BeebEm is a BBC Micro and Master 128 emulator. The BBC Microcomputer System, or BBC Micro, was a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by Acorn Computers for the BBC Computer Literacy Project, operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation in the 1980s. Designed with an emphasis on education, it was notable for its ruggedness, expandability and the quality of its operating system.

By default BeebEm will start the BASIC programming language ROM. From here you can load and run disc and tape images, type in commands or write a BASIC program! BeebEm has many features and options available via the menus and keyboard shortcuts. For example, you can use PC joysticks with BeebEm, capture screen shots and videos, run BeebEm full screen and vary the speed of emulation. See the Menu Options section and other help sections for more details. And, even more importantly (!), there is a wealth of Games Disc Images available for download, which makes retro-gaming great fun. - Check out the Repton series and Elite. Plus, you can find a wide variety of ROM image software if you're of a more serious mind.

And the challenge was: What could you achieve with 32k of memory (that's just 16k RAM and 16k ROM)? - And all for just £399 (GBP), with software loaded from cassette tapes; and later on 360k floppy discs if you could afford an extra £200 for a disk filing system (DFS) ROM and disc drive. Makes MS look positively philanthropic!

Download BeebEm Portable 4.13 Development Test 3 [ 3.01MB download / 32.3MB installed]
(MD5: 204694750e8fa630e81821d94cc1916a)

Release Notes:

Development Test 3 (2011-04-18):

  • PA.c Format 2.0 compliance improved following testing with the PA.c Development Kit.

Development Test 2 (2011-03-25):

  • General tidy-up for PA.c Format compliance.

Development Test 1 (2011-03-11): Initial release

Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-09-19 13:35
Development Test 2

As above.

Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-09-19 13:35
Development Test 3

Some Changes made to ini files for improved PA.c Format compliance. No change to base application.

Download moved to Sourceforge.

Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-04-24 14:15

I have used BeebEm for several years and find it very useful.
I was really happy to see that a portable version had been created as this meant I could carry it around without needing to take a whole machine.
However, when i run it, it keeps trying to install the userdata to my local Documents folder and when i refuse, it fails to create the Roms.cfg file and quits.
Is there any way to configure the program or its settings to install the userdata into the PortableApps Documents folder on the portable drive?
This would allow the data to stay mobile with the application.



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