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Password Manager .... ???? suggestion

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Grand Canyon
Last seen: 17 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2006-01-22 19:59
Password Manager .... ???? suggestion


Firts i'm a french and my english is poor but i used a translator for this text.

I have to notice that under “ password to manager ” there is nothing? I have to find a software free : Passreminder 1.0 which is also portable here the link:
Under "Memory Stick" is a portable software.

Réal Duchesne

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-29 14:26
It uses JVM

I have downloaded the PassReminder and used Total Uninstaller to launched it. I found that it still using JVM.

Blog for Portability

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-17 23:04

I don't think there is any better than PasswordSafe. And there's a french version.

Also, I have heard many good things about KeePass. It too has localized versions.

Both of these programs are open source and support the strongest encryption and authentication algorithms.

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-25 21:26
KeePass is great

I use this software and it is great.
- Open source

- Double protection option: 1- your choice password or/and 2- a large key file (very high encription protection).

So, you can use:

1- A Password only (you choice a passord key):
--- positive:
**** Easy to remember,

--- negative:
**** Keylogs can get your password easy (when you type).
**** password limited at your memory capacity (a long passw is better). so if your password is short, it is easy to decrypt: bad ex: (12345)
**** If you forgive your password, you can't open the database.

2- A key file only: (create a key file that is used like password)

--- positive:
**** It is very long and difficult to decript
**** You dont need to remember it because it's stored on your portable device, it is impossible to forgive.
**** You can change your keyfile often
**** Keylogs can't get your password

--- negative:
**** If you lost your portabel device (together your key file), you can't access your data any more. so you better keep a backup copy of your key file and database.

**** If you use only a key file option, anyone who can copy your keyfile, will get access to your database ( ex: you lost your portable device and within is the database and the keyfile).

3- Both (Passord and Key File): choice a passord key, and keep a keyfile stored on your portable device.

--- positive:
**** Here is doble protection: you lost your portable device and within is the database and the keyfile --> No problem, will be necessary your password too before decrypt the database. So you can be sure, anybody will open your database.

**** It is very long and difficult to decript, because you use 2 password levels, and one of these is the keyfile.

**** If a keylogs get your password --> No problem, will be necessary your keyfile too before decrypt the database.

**** You can change your keyfile often (that increase, your security), all days if you want, because you dont need rembember this (just keep a copy safe).

--- negative:
**** You can't forgive your password
**** You can't lost your keyfile (keep a backup copy)
that is it. sorry about, very long thread
And my english too. i speak spanish.

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52
Hey, GC - check this one out...

Try this freebie - portable as is. Just install and copy/burn to intended destination ,then uninstall (though not open source, as far as I know):

(From the included text file):

"Password Prompter, Version 1.2
Copyright (c) 1999 Ziff-Davis, Inc.
Written by Steven E. Sipe
First Published in PC Magazine, US Edition, June 8, 1999, v18n11"

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-25 21:26
keep pass

win/linux versions. and i find some info about a pocket pc version too.

i use
KeePass-1.05 - windows version
KeePassX-0.2.2 - linux version

i can access the database using both versions, but i just have introduced new data from windows.

my folder looks like this>

-------------->keepass-windows/ ## KeePass-1.05 - folder
-------------->keepass-linux/ ## KeePassX-0.2.2 - folder
-------------->database.kdb ## dabase file (where encrypted passsowords are sotred)

I'm not using keyfile now.

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-25 21:26
kee pass

Maybe this thread about run keepass from a portable device helps:

Run Entirely On USB

i know nothing about programming. so just ideas for now.

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