I must be blind, How do you edit your contacts info, when I right click on a contact in my list then click user details it has info on them name email etc etc, I can not edit that info, so do I need an addon for such a basic task ? or edit from with in a local install ?...v0.9.17
The User Details window has various tabs. Only Summary and Account are read-only.
As for the name, just select the contact and press
.Previously known as kAlug.
Here's another thing, at the top where you can click the Miranda Icon or the status icon, on the status icon I see all 3 of my accounts, but on the miranda icon it only shows 2, even though all 3 are online and in the status icon and in the options area.
What are the accounts' types?
For me, there is a separator between MSN accounts and others.
Perhaps there are no options to set with that account.
Previously known as kAlug.
AIM, Yahoo and ICQ. The miranda Icon only shows AIM and Yahoo, but not ICQ. The status icon shows all 3 and so does the bottom status bar, it says all 3 are online.
The tabs/links/sections on the left that I show are a total of, (7), from top to bottom they read, Summary, Avatar, Background info, Contact, Location, Notes, Work. On the summary tab there are 6 categories, none have anything in them except Nickname and I can't edit those, one is email and even though I put in an email address in the Contact tab it does not show up there, I am guessing it must be read from the info he has put in on his side. Can't edit background info, must be the same, same with location, and work, so there is really only 2 areas where you can input information, the contact and notes tabs. And on the notes tab there are 2 sections the upper section is "About" which you can not edit, you can only edit the "My Notes" section.
I really hadn't realized that.
As you have noted, it seems to use information from the contact itself. And there is no addon to solve this.
Previously known as kAlug.
To be sorry
we're working together here...just trying to figure it all out and get it right
I thought maybe it was just me being blind, not knowledgeable enough about the program or just plain duh....I am going to have the contact enter something I don't have and see.