Hey every one
I have just got Windows 7 Home Premium and have downloadet Google Chrome Portable Ver. 10.0.648.204 and when i tri to start it it will not start op.
I have use it before and have start all the time but it is just stop after i install Windows 7 Home Premium, is there some one there can tell me why?
What specifically happens when you try to start it? Does nothing happen? Does it come up with an error? If so, what does the error say?
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
My use of Google indicates that I am insane.
It has been the same for me since any of the older versions. No error message, nothing, simply no reaction.
Google Chrome simply doesn't start, and application shortcuts don't start either.
I could resolve the first issue by starting GoogleChromePortable.exe as Administrator. However, application shortcuts still don't work.
This is weird. I had to reinstall Windows due to an SSD crash. Now I can start Google Chrome Portable without administrator rights. However, application shortcuts still don't work.
Application shortcuts can't be portable; they're created by the browser and will point to chrome.exe, not GoogleChromePortable.exe. If you change such shortcuts from pointing to chrome.exe to GoogleChromePortable.exe, I think they should work.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1