Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities
Toucan 3.1 Pre-Release 12 has now been uploaded. This is the biggest new version of Toucan in ages with nearly 50 issues fixed or features added. Highlights include UNC support for Sync, a much revamped Rules systems and an improved Progress display system.
Download Toucan 3.1 Pre-Release 12 [3MB download / 5MB installed]
Release Notes
Pre-Release 12 (2012-09-14)
- Quote ccrypt correctly
- Quote backup paths correctly
- Single instance check in GUI only
- Use password if supplied in backup test
- Limit mirror to one folder
Pre-Release 11 (2012-01-09)
- Fix equalise progress bar
- Fix equalise deleting empty folders
- Fix empty folders not being shown
- Hopefully fix assert about adding to an invalid item
Pre-Release 10 (2011-12-28)
- Update version of Boost used
- Update version of Lua used
- Fix crash when the progress dialog appears
Pre-Release 9 (2011-12-16)
- Fix various assert messages when message boxes being shown
- Fix broken backup display
- Update version of wxWidgets to 2.9.3
Pre-Release 8 (2011-10-31)
- Fix various invalid job errors
- Add missing tooltips to the progress window
- Disallow multiple instances
Pre-Release 7 (2011-09-27)
- Fix script loading not clearing existing text
- Fix new script not clearing existing text
- Disallow multiple instances
- Simplify cancelling and the progress dialog
Pre-Release 6 (2011-09-23)
- Fix crash on absolute exclude
- Fix incorrect previewing of exclusions and absolute exclusions in sync
- Fix hang on a filesystem error
- Dramatically increase speed for skipped files, slow files and jobs with more than 10,000 files
Pre-Release 5 (2011-09-04)
- Fix backup not handling differential backups correctly
- Expand minimum size
- Remove taskbar progress during scripts
Pre-Release 4 (2011-05-30)
- Fix command line sync
- Fix some secure bugs
- Fix crash when removing a non-existent item
- Fix mirror with a non-existent source
- Update the compression slider as it is being dragged
Pre-Release 3 (2011-04-28)
- Move to the Launcher
- Add a backup mirror mode (finally)
- Proper logging and verbose output added
- Tidied the command line option names
- Fixed a bunch of exception errors
Pre-Release 2 (2011-02-26)
- Properly built with static libraries to reduce the numbers of dlls needed and the overall size
- Bunch of unit tests written
- Correctly create direcotries on run, should fix a load of error on run
- Properly clear script window when a script is deleted
- Improve consistency of sync preview
- Update to latest version of 7zip
Pre-Release 1 (2011-01-03)
- Improved Rules support, including
- Improved validation
- A new interface
- Wildcard support in the Simple type
- Seperate file and folder includes
- Absolute excludes
- Username variable
- Improved input validation
- Tooltips everywhere
- Improved progress display
- Fixed command line output
- Improved UI responsivness
- Autoscroll toggle added
- UI now saves position and size
- Scripting interface improvements
- Undo and redo buttons
- Interface to add existing jobs and commands
- Long path support in sync
- UNC path support in sync
- Long UNC path support in sync
Programm calls for msvcp100.dll. delivered is msvcp90.dll
Did you fix that problem that Toucan create a empty folder on destination when you put it on "exclude" rule?
Example: I want to exclude folder "temporary", Toucan will not copy files inside the folder "temporary" but will create it on the destination.
I think it's the most annoying bug over all.
Thanks bro
someone who is having trouble with the VS10 dll, and hasn't installed the redistributable package from microsoft, try this version, thanks!
All I get is Splash & "Error". Does not start.
Windows XP Pro here, can test on Win7 64bit tonight at home if you like.
Me too. Splash and error. Also running XP.
I'm trying to contact Lurking Biohazard, to reply to a 3 year old question.
Can you email me at my gmail account? The name makes one word out of the following sentence (remove spaces). Grant us joy.
Sorry for hijacking an old thread, but I didn't know how else to make contact, and hoped you followed replies to your posts.
I am not my signature.
I basically have the same problems as others.
On Windows 7 64bit
along with splash screen which doesn't close until the dialog is dismissed.
On Windows XP
In both cases I don't know if the Microsoft redistributable has been installed or not. Would it be listed in the add/program programs dialog?
hopefully this will do it
SOS (Same old sh .. er .. stuff)
Okay.. I have good news and I have bad news
Bad News
The latest link you gave us does exactly the same as the original pre-release 1 on WinXP: generic error dialog
Good News
If I install the lastest PAF you gave us over a copy of my current 3.0.4 Toucan, I can successfully load the latest pre-release.
So it sounds like there needs to be a setting or file that gets created by user interaction with Toucan. I tried a fresh install of 3.0.4 and installing the lastest static pre-release over the top and it doesn't seem to work (still get the error dialog), so it's definitely something to do with user interaction...
If I can pinpoint the exact cause, I'll post back.
P.S. Should I bother posting 3.1 feedback yet? I've already found a tiny issue if you try to create a new set of rules using a name of an existing ruleset; you get a verbose error stack dialog. The program does recover though.
if this doesn't do it I might just go mad!
Have yourself a beer (or five). Just don't program Toucan after.
Static Test 2 works with a clean install on Windows XP SP3.
works with the latest development of wine on Archlinux now too, previous builds didn't work, now it does
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Overwriting previous on 64bit Win7 resulted in:
"***Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating."
However, "fresh" install seems to be working fine.
Keep up the great work!
time no see
Was this with the version in the first post of the one I posted a couple of comments about this one?
Methinks the confusion comes from me not logging in first, but logging in at comment area. Anywho...
Error was with Toucan_3.1.0_VC10-teststatic2.paf.exe.
hello im new here and just installed the new beta Toucan_3.1.0_VC10-teststatic2.paf.exe.
the program truly seems to start taking form(before that it was a bit barren, well atleast to me)
anyways i got it all almost working except fot secure where it would come up with this: Could not run C:\Toucan2\App\toucan\ccrypt-f -e -K"qwerty" "C:\sybacup\"
Encrypted C:\sybacup\
no encrypted file was created.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a Gift, thats why its called a Present.
am glad you like it
I will take at look and see why it isn't working, it looks from the error message that I have managed to loose a space in the code which is why it fails.
Love this app. I use it daily to take all my work files home on an 8 GB USB drive. It was a U3 drive and I reformatted it to ditch U3, but that meant reinstalling Toucan. Unfortunately 3.0.4 was giving me errors as previously noted, so I tried this version of 3.1. I am trying to use this as a portable app.
Here's the error message I got:
c:\programming\wxWidgets-2.9.1-VS10\include (blah, blah) format specifier doesn't match argument type
Call stack:
(many numbers)
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
I'll confess that I'm only dangerous in my computer skills, so my level of tech know-how is limited.
This was a fresh install (having uninstalled the non-working 3.0.4) on an 8GB Cruzer.
I'm very bummed that to get 3.0.3 I would have to visit a torrent site or some other site to register there. Would it be possible to have this website re-post 3.0.3 for those of us challenged by 3.0.4 and/or 3.1?
I don't mind being a guinea pig if you want to send back more instructions.
Thanks. This is the only app of my Portable Apps that I actually use!
Try here. Older versions of all open source apps are always available on PortableApps' Sourceforge account.
Thanks Darkbee. I will remember this. This may not be the appropriate thread for this, but I'd like to add a comment and ask a question about Toucan's utility in general:
1) The comment: I am surprised that this is labeled as for advanced users. I suppose I get that there are one-button solutions (in fact, my question is about one of these) that are easier, but I find Toucan relatively straightforward. I am amazed by its small size, portability, ease of use, pretty decent instructions, and the fact that it is free! Right now I am using only the sync function, am easily able to exclude folders that I do not want, and rely on it for my work files. (Would a donation go to the programmer or to Portable Apps in general?)
2) The question: I was tempted by a Symantec bundle of Internet Security, Norton Utilities, and Norton Ghost, which, after rebates, cost me $20. I am using Ghost to do backups of my home computer, which has lots of pictures, music, video, etc. The hard drive is 750GB and the external backup drive is only 450GB. I do get a pretty decent 100GB backup. But frankly, I find the one-button option very frustrating. I do not know what the consequences might be of deleting older back-ups, since the drive is not very large. It seems to me that Toucan's back-up functions are much more powerful, at least as easy to use, and it's free. I'm just not sure I understand, consequently, why anyone would pay for Ghost, other than perhaps if you wanted to have a scheduled back-up. Am I missing something? Is Ghost's compression significantly better? Or is Ghost aimed at a one-button audience who feels that the brand name makes more sense?
I am, as you can see, very pleased to have found Toucan and will sing its praises.
for your feedback, I am the developer of Toucan and it is nice to have some positive feedback! I will try and get your issue fixed, could you send me a screen shot of the error message that your get? My email is slamerton (at) acm (dot) org
As for the advanced user thing that has been there too long in my opinion and hopefully will change soon, I hope to have some important Toucan news about that sort of thing in the near future. Similarly the donations at the moment go to Portableapps, but if you would like to donate to me, for which I would be very grateful, just drop me an email.
I do not know much about Ghost, but I have a feeling that it takes a full disk image which is different to Toucan. The difference being that a disk image can restore your disk exactly as it was in case of failure, whereas Toucan backs up your files, you would need to reinstall your operating system then extract your files.
would it be possible to implement time related commands to be addable from the drop down box and perhaps automated password insert (so that toucan wouldn't need to ask every time for a password)
also for my last post i wanted to add that im using win 7 pro 32 bit, but i tried the same install on win XP pro 32 bit and didn't get past the '*** Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating' error.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a Gift, thats why its called a Present.
Just a little reminder to update to the latest 7za (9.20) Stable
I noticed its using 9.17(Unstable)
In case you forget.
is a bit nervmustering because if you make a new folder in sync then,at least me, i cant select it from the backup window cos it hasn't updated to show it.
a bit of a tinkering could really make this better (pretty please).
also i noticed that toucan dosen't work very well in USER mode(atleast when an admin installs toucan) cos the user dosent have permission to overwrite the config file.
just a heads up for future consideration.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a Gift, thats why its called a Present.
have finally go round to uploading pre-release 2, enjoy!
Thanks for that pre-release.
I tried to update my 3.0.4 version I have on my USB stick (with portableapps launcher) with this pre-release 2 as I need sync on network units. I get the "*** Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating" (OS: Vista SP2).
I didn't get this error message after installing on my laptop hard disk ("clean" install). Does this pre-release requires specific update process?
Another point: I didn't get the detail of the realized operations on the log window after lauching the synchro: lines seemed to be created as the vertical scrollbar moved but there were no text like "copying file xx to yy".
should be fixed in the latest pre-release, please let me know if it isn't.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for pre-release 2.
Some issues I noticed while playing with it for a short amount of time on Vista Build 6002 Service Pack 2:
-Pressing the minus sign without rule name or variable name selected gives: wxWidgets Debug Alert: ..\..\src\common\ctrlsub.cpp(112): assert "pos
I missed these for the latest update they will be fixed in the next!
the third pre-release has finally been finished up, if people could test their backup jobs in this version that would be great as there have been a number of changes to allow for the mirror mode.
First of all let me say that I love Toucan. I've been playing with v.3.0.3 for a couple hours and it's great. Easy to use and after reading the manual was doing what I needed to do right away. I noticed that you mentioned that UNC support is to be available on v.3.1 and so I downloaded the pre-release.
I installed the pre-release and I'm getting an error when I launch Toucan. I'm trying to run it on a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine and Toucan is installed and running off a 1GB flash drive.
The error window that opens is titled "wxWidgets Debug Alert" and the main body of the error reads as follows:
C:\Programming\wxWidgets-2.9.1-VS10\include\wx/strvararg.h(449):assert "(argtype & (wxFormatStringSpecifier::value)) == argtype" failed in wxArgNormalizer::wxArgNormalizer(): format specifier doesn't match argument type
Call stack:
[00] luaopen_toucan
[01] luaopen_toucan
[18] luaopen_toucan
[19] gapfnScSendMessage
[20] GetThreadDesktop
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
I've tried to download the application several times and have formatted the flash drive before each install and keep getting the same error when I open the program. I don't have this issue when I do the same process and install v.3.0.3.
Are there any new entries in the .po file we should translate? Or did you use the same strings as in previous versions?
I would be happy to update the Dutch translation again if needed!
is now out, if you have any issue with it then please reply and I will try and get the sorted as soon as possible.
EDIT: I noticed and fixed a couple more issues after the first release, so I uploaded a replacement pre-release 4 package, the build time is 19:50:29 which you can check in the about dialog.
Hi Steve,
Just downloaded the latest version and I'm still crashing with the same error message as with the previous version of the release candidate. I posted it on 5/18 and is two comments up from your reply.
I thought I had replied to that. I can't reproduce it at all. Could you try running Toucan from the App/toucan directory to make sure it isn't the launcher messing something up. Are you running it from the menu or something else?
Could you create an option to not display all the skipped files? I don't need to know what was skipped and displaying the skipped status seems to produce a rather large increase sync time.
can do, I will check why it seems to be taking so long too.
Hi Steve,
I've been playing around with pre-releases 3 and 4 on a windows vista machine both from a USB with Portable Apps menu and on my hard drive without PA menu. I keep getting the following error:, followed by the message: "please select the folder to store your backups". I made the screenshot so you can see my settings. The format has no influence on this as well as giving a folder or file as backup location. This was with 'differential', 'complete' backup works fine. If you need more information please let me know.
Cheers and good luck.
thanks, I will get this fixed!
3.1 Pre-Release 5 has now been uploaded after far too long. I know there are some issues I have missed in the meantime, I will fix them as soon as possible so we can get this show back on the road!
Glad to hear you are back on track. The silence here has been deafening. I still have high hopes that a final version of this app will be the go-to back-up utility for me and the people I help maintain the computers for.
is now up, I spent a lot of time in the release speeding sync up, it should be dramatically faster than previous pre-releases now, especially with small or skipped files. Any large jobs should also be quicker now too as I have done some optimisations to the progress display.
is now out.
next pre-release, version 8, has now been released. This fixes a few more issues and also updates Toucan to use the latest tools. The remaining issues before I make this a new release are:
Short: using unc still seems buged, also does Toucan trim multiple "\" in the path?
Details: using variables containing paths produces an error:
03:26:25 The source must exist
03:26:25 Toucan 3.1 must exist
Date: 2011-11-20exist
Computer Name: Blackbox
Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Everything works fine without variables. The preview pane displays correctly.
It also seems that Toucan does not trim excess "\" that may result through using variables. Lets say you have the variable "foolocation" point to "d:\", when you us the path @foolocation@\Utilities\new , Toucan sees d:\\Utilities\new , and gets confused by the \\.
the easiest way to fix this would be to change the definition of
to just point tod:
. Or to use the path@foolocation@Utilities\new
has been uploaded. This should fix the crash on load issues that people have been seeing. Please let me know one way or the other if you had this issue in previous pre-releases.
Hi Steve,
Good to see you making progress. I got two app crashes yesterday. The first was saving a sync job (equalize) and the second came after I started up again saved it successfully and tried to run the job. I haven't done extensive testing, but it could be related to the fact that the jobname had "" in the name or that the preview was still running (I couldn't tell for sure when the preview was done as there is no progress bar).
I have MS Vista and no history of random app crashes from my Portable Apps USB-drive.
PS-I've had problems with earlier pre-releases but those where related to the wxWidgets (or something like that), not app crashes.
Hopefully pre-release 10 should fix these, please let me know if it doesn't. Can you confirm that the wxWidgets errors you were seeing in previous releases are now fixed? Thanks in advance!
Congrats on getting the errors out that have been bugging me! Thanks for that.
I did some testing with the sync equalise function and found, what I think is, another issue:
Empty folders contained in the destination folder are copied to the source folder and subsequently deleted from the source and are therefore not actually equalised. From source to destination works correctly.
This is obscured by the fact that the log works at file granularity, thus not showing any copying/deletion of folders and the preview also doesn't show any empty folders.
(EDIT: my settings where "Full Comparison" for File Checks and "Retain Timestamps", "Retain Attributes" and "Preview Only Changes" with Other)
Besides, two little things:
Progress bar goes to 100% way too fast (one or two files in or something).
Also, a progress bar with the preview would be nice because with large jobs I can't really tell if and when the preview is complete.
for the report, I'll take a look at the folders issue and see what I can do, I have an idea as to what might be causing it. I think the progress bar problem might be equalise only, I'll take a look at that too.
For the preview anything that you can see should be done, as you expand folders the preview is done on the fly.
you test with the new pre-release for me please? I am pretty sure I fixed these issues.
I might have to wait till Saturday, but I'll try to do it before that.
Hi Steve, I've been looking at Pre-Release 11 with the same settings as above and these are my findings:
With sync-equalise the changes to source and destination are shown in blue automatically (including any empty folders that should be copied across). However, with "preview only changes" and clicking the "preview" button, the empty folders don't show up in the preview. The log also doesn't show the copying of any empty folders (which are in fact copied). I think, for clarity, you should add the portrayal of empty folders and also show in de log that new folders are created. It makes tracking events easier and gives a more complete picture.
The good news is, the folders are in fact copied and the source and destination are equalised, which is most important. Also the progress bar of the sync job now portrays the progression satisfactory. So, good progress!
If you need me to check so other specific stuff, let me know.
thanks for testing this for me, I will take a look into the empty folders, I definitely fixed one issue with this in the last release but clealyt it is still not quite right.
When I try to encrypt anything I get the following:
21:29:14 Toucan 3.1
Date: 2012-02-15
Computer Name: LAPTOP
Operating System: Windows Vista (build 6002, Service Pack 2)
21:29:23 Failed to encrypt D:\Downloads\PA\Toucan_3.1.0_Pre-Release_11.paf.exe : 101120
Elapsed: 00:00:10
Any idea what might be the cause of this? I don't know what the 101120 stands for.
looks like ccrypt doesn't like the latest UPX compression stuff, if you download a fresh copy from here it should work fine. Thanks for reporting!
Fresh is relative :), 2009. However, it works now. Thanks.
EDIT: If this keeps working it will be one of my favourite features. Only gripe is that it sometimes tries to encrypt newly created .cpt files and indicates them as failed. No need for this as the .cpt's are already encrypted.
I also tried the sync-equilise function and did a preview
a sub folder and its content from the destination drive "Stage_EGautier" was not copied in the Source drive.
Toucan 3.1 r11
Win XP sp2
Source drive USB drive
Destination drive Network USB drive
I am testing 3.1 PR 11 now. I'm using it to sync over network paths so the UNC path support seems to be working very well. My one concern is that the extensive information output in the progress window appears to increase the sync time significantly. In particular the "Skipped" listings. I believe that sync times for older versions that did not list "skipped" items was much faster. Is there any way this can be an option for output in the progress window?
for testing. I plan to disable these before the final release I think because there have been a number of people not like them, I will probably add them back as a configurable option in the future.
I am getting the following errors when running a sync over network paths (see link to screen shot below):
Any ideas what might be causing this?
for the late reply here, could you let me know what sort of path it was, I presume you mean a UNC path? Do you have permission to open the path?
Yes, it was a UNC path. I do have permissions to open the path. However, it appears that this problem occurs while trying to sync certain files. I haven't been able to see which files specifically but the files may be marked read only. I have yet to pinpoint specific characteristics of the files causing the problem.
Steve, congratulations for creating such a great program! I just happened to discover a potential bug: since my computer clock was updated to daylight savings time, Toucan seems to think that all of the files in my differential backup have been updated since the last backup (in reality it's only a couple of files that were updated out of thousands) and is backing up all of them in the differential backup which as you can imagine is taking up a lot of space and time. Thanks for looking into this.
A new (as usual much delayed) pre-release is now out. Various fixes are included, hopefully this will be the final pre-release.
seals the deal for an official release. I've been looking for an alternate file sync utility with the lack of official updates and the crashes to the 3.0.4 release on the "newer" operating systems. I'm going to give this a try and HOPE this is working correctly
Keep up the GREAT work! I've actually gotten to the point where most of my "installs" are portable apps off of the harddrive!
Toucan 3.1 should better handle files with too long names or too long paths.

Tested Sync on Win7 SP1 x64 and got Toucan Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
Also got wxWidgets Debug Alert:
Toucan 3.03 does not present this issue and syncs the file without crashing. 8)
I did no test with 3.04
If you need more details, just ask.
Your program is a great tool. Thanks for your job.
Learning to improve our lives...
for the report, which options were you using?
Sorry for the ultra mega slow reply.
Options used:
* File Checks: File size and Short Comparison
* Other: Retain Timestamps, Retain attributes, Ignore REad-Only and Preview Only Changes.
Learning to improve our lives...
on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. I went into settings, clicked Sync as my standard/default and now the program will not load ... just hangs. Hope you can figure this out. I miss this programs functionality. Oh, I am running from my USB micro drive
for your report, sorry for the very slow reply. I'm afraid I am not sure which setting you are referring to. Do you mean you chose to remember the entered sync info?
Steve, your program is the best. I am excited and inspired that you continue to develop it so diligently.
Recently tried out 3.1 RC12. I am getting the following error on a function I use frequently in 3.04.
Toucan hangs when I expand all folders in either the Destination or Source. This only happens using the Equalise function; all other functions are OK. Doesn't seem to matter which File Checks are selected or if "Preview Only Changes" is selected.
1 in 10 times of testing this bug I got a warning related to wxWidgets. I managed to grab a screen shot.
MS Visual Studio offers to debug but I only get tiny morsel that means nothing to me: Call stack location - KernelBase.ddl!76883219().
I am running Windows 7 Professional SP-1 64-bit, Toucan is on USB 2.0 HD.
Maybe we have the same issue.
Is the path/name too long in some folder/file where you are equalizing?
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Yes, it looks like I've got a number of files with their full name approaching 300 chars.
Looks like the same issue except when previewing and expanding all folders the program hangs. When previewing without expanding all folders, there is no error. When actually running the Equalise operation the program presents a number of error dialogs but continues operating.
I was able to use R12 to make a copy of my problematic directory, so again as far as my testing shows this is limited to Equalise.
Toucan beats Windows Explorer - it can't handle the copy operation at all.
Thanks for spotting this. I tried to read for a similar problem in previous posts, but must have been too bleary-eyed.