I created a PuTTY plugin for one of my BartPE CDs and just tested it to work as a great portable app as well. PuTTY is the best SSH shell for Windows and my scripts basically let you load your personalized settings into the registry, run your session, save any setting changes you made and then delete all PuTTY settings from the host computer when you close PuTTY. It also lets you login with a predefined private-key file so you're not transmitting your password in clear-text either.
It can work from a read-only disk as well as a USB key. Its most secure on a ramdisk-based OS environment (BartPE CD) because none of your session will ever even touch magnetic platter. But it does delete all trace of its use on any Windows system.
Con: My scripts will only work on 2K/XP.
Question is... how do I submit this sucker here? PuTTY's author Simon Tatham doesn't seem to have a problem with hosting his program on a site like this: PuTTY FAQ
But head to http://portasoft.stsolutions.us/
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Bryan Fordham is one step ahead of you with PortaPutty
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
But I use putty at work, home, and school to administer servers. I really don't like the fact that it saves information to the Windows registry, it seems insecure to use portably. The problem I have downloading a portable version is that I don't really know who I'm downloading it from. I would almost rather have a nsis launcher that i can drop my own, trusted copy of of putty into.
PortaPutty actually doesn't save anything in the registry. Bryan edited Putty's source directly so that it saves it in the application directory instead of even going near the registry. A registry wrapper would save and load information from the registry. PortaPutty skips that step.
If you're still sceptical, the source is available on the website.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
I'm not sure I really see any need for a portable putty because you don't need to install it. I was able to copy putty from one computer to another just fine.
The only reason I can think one might need it if the single .exe file puts stuff in the windows registry. I don't see any reason for it to do that.
- Chris
www.quate.net, Portable Apps List
Hi Guys,
Hi All,
I'm not sure if this needs to go on the PortableAppMenu (PAM) thread or here.
When starting PAM portaputty seem to store it's info in the x:\PortableApps\PortableAppMenu\.putty directory
I then realized I should use x:\StartPortableApps to start PAM. PortaPutty then saved everything in X\.putty
When starting portaputty in it's own directory using IE. it stores it's config data in x:\PortableApps\Portaputty\.putty
How can I get portaputty to reference the same config data in the same (preferably ..\portaputty\data\.putty) directory?
Does th same thing, but works on all windows systems. BUT since Bryan beat us to it, oh well, all good to go.
Deuce {The Core}
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
I rebuilt a portable version of PuTTy using the latest 0.58 release. It correctly saves font information (a shortcoming of the current portaPuTTy) and has all the updated security and bugfixes of 0.58:
portaPuTTY has been updated too
This version of Putty seems to crash on WinXP SP2 when connecting to the server.