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[Outdated] Eclipse Portable 3.6.2 Development Test 1

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gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
[Outdated] Eclipse Portable 3.6.2 Development Test 1

OUTDATED: This release of Eclipse Portable is now outdated, please to go the new thread for the latest release.

Application: EclipseCategory: DevelopmentDescription: Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle.

Eclipse Portable, Classic Edition:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable, Classic Edition [165 MB download / 186 MB installed]
MD5: 6b0c0cf6f9faaac34f233b6cbc6bc0fb

Eclipse Portable, C/C++ Edition:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable, C/C++ Edition [84.9 MB download / 97.5 MB installed]
MD5: 5cca3c02d97dd515264062e160f06705

Eclipse Portable, Java Edition:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable, Java Edition [96.2 MB download / 110 MB installed]
MD5: 8723f78fdf3d0bfc33f3b20e47521e2a

Eclipse Portable, Java EE Edition:
Mirror 2 ( Eclipse Portable, Java EE Edition [197 MB download / 232 MB installed]
MD5: 81af8f5d119e08d3bfff90839ae8d77e

Eclipse Portable, PHP Edition:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable, PHP Edition [136 MB download / 158 MB installed]
MD5: a4dab9b85b52028d292af2e744222789

Eclipse NSIS Plugin Installer:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable NSIS Plugin [ 3.85 MB download / 3.90 MB installed]
MD5: 773aca6721afadd4cd02bed780c8d3fc

Eclipse Portable, Launcher Source:
Mirror 1 ( Eclipse Portable, Launcher Source [7.9 KB download]
MD5: 5cf11fb6e07376b7820469a53af20f64

Release Notes:
Eclipse 3.6.2 Release

Development Test 1 (5-22-11)

  1. Full support for multiple workspaces
  2. Fixed drive letter updating
  3. Fixed weird dialog at startup
  4. Fixed compatibility with MinGW Portable (thanks John!)
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-31 23:03

I have some questions about the thoughts behind how you made your installer/launcher. (questions are numbered for your convenience)

  1. It appears that your EclipsePortable.exe pre-dates (and does not use) the Launcher - is that correct?
  2. Is there something in your NSIS installer that PAL can't do?
  3. If I were to convert to PAL, do you think I would need to include custom code?
  4. Perhaps it would be simpler to just use your NSIS installer - how do I regenerate the Launcher app, EclipsePortable.exe? (or in my case, generate STSPortable.exe)
  5. You use the PA.c Installer, right?
  6. Do you put your installation in a sub-directory at the root of your drive when creating the installer? I ran into an error when I ran the PA.c installer on my X:/PortableApps/STSPortable directory.

Feel free to point me to the appropriate manual, so that I can RTFriendlyM. Smile

Why I care: I'm working on reusing your work for use with SpringSource Tools Suite (and then I'll tackle Aptana Studio and eventually Titanium Studio). I use a variety of Eclipse installs optimized for various purposes, and do not like to have all of the plugins squished into one eclipse install (I don't like the bloated menus), so, I'm creating separate installs. If converting to PAL would be beneficial for the other Portable Eclipse distros as well, then I'd love to collaborate on that.

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
I'm not using the
  1. I'm not using the Launcher, sorry.
  2. I have string exploding code in my launcher that allows the Portable version of Eclipse to handle multiple workspaces. I'm pretty sure that functionality isn't in the Launcher, but I haven't read the 2.1 manual yet.
  3. Probably, due to the reason above (answer #2)
  4. Download NSISPortable and open it. Click on "Compile NSI Scripts" under the "Compile" header, and drag EclipsePortable.nsi into it
  5. Yep, and the latest version available now
  6. When creating the installer, I put Eclipse Portable in "C:\Users\gluxon\EclipsePortable". I've never encountered the error posted in that thread, but I have had trouble with a similar one while using the AppCompactor.

My launcher should probably work smoothly with those apps after some modification. If you don't mind, could you not do Aptana? I'm sorting out a few issues with that app and I should have it released soon. Post back if you encounter any problems. I'll be happy to help Smile

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-31 23:03

STS uses the registry (in part), and I didn't want to have to deal with writing something for NSIS to handle the registry when the PA.c Launcher already makes that fairly simple, so I chose to use PAL. Then, once I did that, PAL's registry handling wasn't as robust as I would have liked, so I found another solution that handles java.util.prefs much better (IMO). Though my original reason for using PAL fell by the wayside, I've already got STS working ok with PAL, so I haven't tried to go back and use your installer.

So, my portable version of STS uses a touch of custom code (based in part on your installer), but I haven't got all of the features (like handling MingW) you had. Plus, I patched PAL's Java handling to take into account the JDK. I tried to do things so that they could be as re-usable by as many apps as possible. I haven't worked anymore on making an installer for STS.

So which direction would you prefer? Use your launcher or finish porting it to PAL with the PAL modifications I mentioned earlier? I figure it's better to stick with one kind of launcher for all of the different Eclipse-based apps.

As far as Aptana goes, I'll need a portable copy for a meetup tomorrow (My computer's dead, so I'm stuck with a loaner laptop; PortableApps is just awesome). I'll see if I can throw Aptana in PAL and get it working with the stuff from the STS Lancher, but I'd love to see your installer, as it's probably more robust. Anyway, I won't post/publish whatever I do to make a portable Aptana.

Edit: I didn't end up making it to my meeting/event, and ran out of time to look at Aptana. Oh well.

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2010-09-20 15:32
NSIS Error

"Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.

More information at:"

I receive this error message for EclipsePortable_3.6.2_Java_Edition.paf.exe and not any of the other Eclipse packages (I just finished installing PHP). I have tried re-downloading three times now and would like to confirm whether it is a client-side error, or a server-side error, and would request a new upload/mirror to download from.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Your best bet is to go to

Your best bet is to go to Sourceforge and try a different mirror there. More often than not, that will fix your issue.

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2010-09-20 15:32
Ah, other mirrors

Ah, I did not see SourceForge's option for more mirrors. NoScript must've been blocking the list from opening; I thought there was only one lol. Thanks.

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34
Compatibly to MinGW Portable

I download Eclipse Portable, C/C++ Edition from here,
and MinGW Portable Development from there:

and i open new project Hello World,
and it not find the Mingw chain tool, and not compile the project
can you fix it?
I move Mingw to CommonFiles folder and it works!
need to fix MinGW that when choose different folder it will keep the
\CommonFiles\MinGW path.
thx you.
hope to see it soon in portable apps release apps.

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Take a look at the MinGWPath

Take a look at the MinGWPath option in the EclipsePortable.ini (Other\Source).

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34
Small Fix

Thank you again for your hard work
i think it not simple to make that eclipse will be portable
and will work with java and MinGW portable!
i found small bug.
when you change the default eclipse portable from EclipsePortable
to EclipsePortableC++ for example, by default he save your works space at
EclipsePortable\data\workspace. i think it not convenient at all....
i think there two option to solve this:
1. make eclipse to ask you when you open it where is your workspace
by default like the original eclipse
2. save the path relative to data, and not relative for EclipsePortable.
i think option 1 is more right because is the way in the original eclipse.

thank again for your hard work!

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-16 08:41
Eclipse 3.7

Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has been released, this update even includes the new WindowBuilder OSS Eclipse project as part of the Java package.

I guess it's time for another massive upload to sourceforge Blum

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
I googled "WindowBuilder OSS"

I googled "WindowBuilder OSS" and ended back here. Now if only the WindowBuilder had support for wxWidgets Smile

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