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PAF Format Clarification

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Ryan McCue
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PAF Format Clarification

John, just to clarify, is the PAF format just the normal PortableApps style directories and the extractor?
R McCue
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Zach Thibeau
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the paf is actually just a

the paf is actually just a marker for the portable apps suite, you know for the new menu. It doesn't actually affect the program. It is still standalon based so if you just want that program and not the menu you still can use it normally.
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Ryan McCue
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I know

I'm just curious on whether PAFed programs have to have the PortableApps structure.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
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Zach Thibeau
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I would certainly Think so.. Maybe John could clarify this
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your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

John T. Haller
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Yes, they do

In order for an app to be considered PortableApps Format, it must:
1. Use the App/Data split directory structure
2. Do in-place upgrades (install over itself)
3. Recreate the Data directory if it doesn't exist
4. Have the new appinfo files within the app directory
5. Be a self-extractor that accepts certain command line options

Temporartily, #5 means a 7-Zip self-exctractor, but once I release the 1.0 spec of PAF, it will mean a specific installer setup. I'm releasing a series of NSIS scripts under the GPL that will allow folks to easily package their apps in this format. As well as a wizard-style installer creation utility so you won't even need to be able to do NSIS to be able to create one... but that's a couple weeks away.

I'll be posting a new thread in the forums explaining the new format and opening up discussion to other developers to be sure it has everything we need in it. It's extensible, too. I have some big plans for the next major Menu revision to add lots of functionality.

And, yes, one of the goals of this new PAF format is so apps can operate entirely standalone as well as play nice with the new PortableApps Menu and Suite.

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Great news all round then

This is great news as a whole then. I will repackage blender/wink/camstudio portable along with a few others I have been playing with, when these come out so everything is standardized for the community and for the Menu :).


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Ryan McCue
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That's exactly the information I wanted to know.
Maybe you should add this to the development page if you have time.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
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John Bentley
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Will there be a way to use

Will there be a way to use InnoSetup? I think it is much better than NSIS.

cowsay Moo
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Steve Lamerton
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another quick clarification, am I allowed to have dll files in the root of the program or not as my C++ apps do?


Steve Lamerton

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