I am setting up a collection of Portable Apps on a USB thumb drive and I want to use something like Rocketdock to launch them. However, when I set up the program path in Rocketdock it requires the drive to be included. (ex. P:\PortableApps\7Zip\7Zip.exe). When using the USB drive on various computers, it is likely that the USB drive will be assigned a drive letter other than P:. Yes, I know how to manually assign a drive letter to the USB, but I don't want to have to do this on every computer I may plug the thumb drive into. So, I want to know if I can somehow use the %CurrDrv% command as part of the program path in the shortcut. I tried it in RocketDock, but it doesn't seem to work. HELP, please.
Try this portable version. Install it on the same drive as the apps, and it should update the drive letter automatically.
Previously known as kAlug.
I installed that version of Rocketdock Portabale and it works great...all I had to do is leave the drive letter out of the path name.
I used \PortableApps\7zip\7zipFM.exe
instead of using P:\PortableApps\7zip\7zipFM.exe
Worked great.
You can use paths normally, they should be adjusted when the drive letter changes; if not, please report it to that thread.
Previously known as kAlug.