The temp directory created by PFF Live tries to delete the files shortly after PFF is launched. How do I make it wait for PFF to close before it tries to auto-delete the temporary folder?
Thanks, and great work on this project!
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The temp directory created by PFF Live tries to delete the files shortly after PFF is launched. How do I make it wait for PFF to close before it tries to auto-delete the temporary folder?
Thanks, and great work on this project!
I added 'pause' to the line before 'closing firefox...', so now it will wait until i hit a key to delete the files. Ultimately, I'm going to hide the cmd window so this is only a temporary solution.
What part of the .bat file for PPF Live tells it to wait until FireFox exits before cleanup?
echo Closing Firefox...
rem Pause for 5 seconds to ensure Firefox is fully closed
PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
The "5000" tells the bat file to wait 5 seconds before continuing. To make it wait longer, change that value to anything above 5000. Such that the seconds waited is "#"*1000. For example for it to wait 8 seconds, change the entry to "8000".
As for the problem with the cmd window closing. Go to:
And download CMDOW.EXE. Place it in the directory with the batch file and 1 line below the "@ECHO OFF" statement at the top of the batch file type the following line: "cmdow @ /HID". This will hide the command prompt windows the second it starts. The batch will still run just like it is supposed to, just the command prompt window will be hidden. This program allows you to manipulate the windows that are open within Windows OSes. Read the website for more uses, the author documents it well and gives examples.
The one downside, is if there are any error messages, you will not see them. Unless you add in lines that reshow the windows on the error messages. Worth looking into if you need it, hey John?
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
It's in the .ini file not the .bat
The Portable Firefox Launcher reads the ini
Copy the ini to the same directory as the Lanucher and change WaitForFirefox to true
Also, the offical forum is at
not here
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
PFF is what uses waitforfirefox to wait on it to close, the "Live" version does need to have it set to true, but the question was about deleting the temp folders, not waitforfirefox. And that is in the .bat file at the location above. That is where the time it waits to for firefox to close to delete the %Temp% folders from the HDD is. That has nothing to do with waitforfirefox
Also, I know the forum is in mozillazine, i was answering his question so he could get up an running quickly. No skin off my back to answer it.
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
for not posting in the correct forum. I will try there next. Here is a better description of the problem I'm having.
The files are copied locally with no problem. The script window then says "Starting Firefox...", I see the splash window and then the browser window appears. This is all good.
However, shortly after Firefox is opened and in use, the script window goes to "Closing Firefox..." and 5 seconds later it tries do delete the files it copied to TEMP. I realize it should try to delete the files, but it should not happen while the browser is still open.
when using the batch
My new, silent version is coming out soon which fixes the problem for me
Check out the beta testing forums for more info
Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh before
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."