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[Fixed] 3.4.3/3.4.4 fails to start

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Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
[Fixed] 3.4.3/3.4.4 fails to start

Tried on XP, w7 and now also on w2k (just to see what it does) and did so far not manage to launch 3.4.3

it crashes on loading some of the extensions bundled extensions, either nonlinear math or some others.
It crashes also apparently on file soffice.bin.exe

Tried clean install, same effect, xp, w7 are not able to launch it at all.

Furthermore, when attempting to launch it from the next computer, I am getting a message saying that other users are running this copy already. As user is indicated the name of the computer where the stick was inserted as last.

3.3.x versions run fine on all computers.

Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2011-01-05 11:50
Clean install works

A clean install works,
as long as you do NOT use the "experimental option during installation allows you to remove extra language templates, dictionaries, etc".

Something changed in 3.4.x and now I have startup problems on any that have used the option to remove extra languages.

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
Good Morning Group;3.4.3

Good Morning Group;

3.4.3 Fails to load on my PC running Windows XP Service pack 3.
It stops loading the same place as 3.4.2, enabling script writer for python.

This was a clean normal install. I did not check off the option to remove anything.

Side note: "3.3.4" works on the same PC. So thanks for providing both. Have one question which may not belong here. "3.3.4" is labled as stable should work on all PCs. "3.4.3" however is labled stable may work on all PCs". There is a diferrance in wording which is confuseing at least to me.

Would it be possible to not label "3.3X" as legacy. Since it works and is still being updated by LO and the newer "3.4x" series seems to have problems.

EDITED AFTER THE FACT. I forgot to mention I am useing "PA 1.6.1".

Frank D. Hubeny

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-24 13:41
I have win 7 64bit, and 3.4.3

I have win 7 64bit SP1, and 3.4.3 also fails to start.

Tried clean install, same thing.

Best of regards

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-24 13:41
I got it to work!

1. uninstalled libreoffice
2. clean install via Manage Apps -> Install a new app

Starts and works OK!

Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
no luck here

to speed things up, I tried clean install of 3.3 and 3.4 on my external hard drive.

Well it took also here ages, but the 3.4.3 does crash on the initial config, that means on the first run where it seems to set up database of the extensions.
It crashes on different extensions each time.
Those are the bundled extensions.

The 3.3 version works ok.

this test done on w7 x64 german.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
More Info

Where are you installing to (exact full path)? Did you download Multilingual Normal or All? Did you use the experimental option to remove additional languages? Did you install via the platform or solo? What language was it installing in?

I just installed it with and without removing additional languages with the installer in German to X:\PortableApps\LibreOffice. And it installed and ran without a hitch on Windows 7 x64 (English).

Keep in mind that the experimental remove languages option will result in LibreOffice Portable needing to be started twice on first run and that running from a path with spaces will crash LibreOffice.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE More Info

Good Morning John;

I did a clean normal install to my usual Portable Apps USB Drive. I installed using the option in the Platform to install or upgrade apps. My PC is running Windows XP with Service Pack three. My default language is English. I am using "PA 1.6.1".

"LO 3.4.3" stops loading at enabling script for python. This is the same error I received when trying "LO 3.4.2". The start up screen stays on enabling script for python about thirty seconds or so. Then LO shuts down completely. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times with the same error.

I notice on the initial start up that LO enables lots of different language items. This does not happen after the initial start up. I have never checked the box to remove additional languages if this helps.

"LO 3.3.4" does not do this. It is what I am using now.


Hello John;

I do not know if this will help you in any way. I just installed "LO 3.4.3 for Windows" onto the same PC that "LO 3.4.3 Portable" would not start up on.

The Windows installation started up and did not hang up on anything. It also did not seem to try and enable very much of anything. I may be wrong there as it started up very fast.

So the problem seems to be with the portable versions of "LO 3.4X" at least on my PC. I did notice the sizes were very different could this mean things were left out or the compression method hurt something. These are questions only as I am not a programer and only noticed the size differences.

Hope this helps narrow things down.


Frank D. Hubeny

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 6 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
full path

Once again , what is the EXACT path you are installing to?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53

Good Afternoon John;

Will get back with you tomorrow on the full path as I do not have my USB Drive today. I wrongly assumed the normal install would be enough.

Frank D. Hubeny

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
Re: Sorry

Good Morning John;

My path for "LO343" is F:\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable.

I also have "LO334" installed on my USB Drive in its own Directory under PortableApps if this helps. But I did get the error prior to installing "LO334".

Frank D. Hubeny

Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
just my info

installed 343 and 334 on stick in default position (platform 1.6)

no problems in starting 334 , but 343 start crashed during first run on different budled addons.

Finally installed both on local hard drive, as the installation on usb stick even the fastest takes very long, used default path on the local drive too, copied the common files to it (contains java) and was able to start both versions without problems.
In both I checked the 'remove other lang' box.

As both versions seemed to work now well, deleted all LO from my stick and copied this two folders to the stick.

All works now fine, tested all on w7 x64 and w2k so far.

I was not able to do the start up of the 343 on usb external disk too. The initial start up crashed on different addons during the intial config run.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE; Just My Info

Morning Otto;

I did try your suggestion. But I could not even get it to fully start when installed on my PC. I once did this when useing Windopws at home and had no problems with it. I did install Pa161 to my C drive. I installed Java Portable using the plateform and then installed LO343 also using the platform.

It did not fully start up and died ar enableing script for python.

The funny thing is I do have LO343 for windows installed on the same PC and it runs fine.

It has to drive the developers nuts at times. But I am happy to have LO334 on my USB. LO34X will have to wait for another release or two.

Frank D. Hubeny

Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
well just report of mine

not really suggestion, but anyway as I wanted to speed up experiments as I have not endless time to wait untill all installs on the usb stick, I treid on the external hard drive and now on the local drive.

On the local drive I had exactly same path as on the stick, means the standard as it installs by default on a stick.

It did install well and started after some time without crashing on any of the addon features.

But to your problem with python: are using thinkpad7
/lenovo/ibm or similar?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE: Just Report Of Mine

Good afternoon Otto;

No I am useing a Intel perl mainboard. I work for a company that assembles Desktops for use with their medical equipment. Many of our company workstations were assembled by the section I supervise in the past.

We were bought out by a larger firm and are no longer able to do that as they use Dell Workstations.

But I would think that since LO343 for Windows works installed on the same PC that the Portable version should also work.

I might also add that something is not right just think of what you had to do to get it to work for you and others have suggested other things that work for them. I tried a number of them to no availe.

My last remarks are just observations. I do appreciate all the developers work and do not want anyone to think otherwise.

Frank D. Hubeny

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-05 19:37
W7 x64, no problems

Using the PA.c beta platform, I updated. This went and started updating LO to the 3.3.4 version, but as I wanted 3.4.3 I stopped it, then downloaded and installed 3.4.3 multilang 'manually' from here.

I didn't check the experimental remove extra languages option (as I might need one or two of these) and apart from taking ages and ages (which isn't something new) to install, no problems encountered. Actually it seems most of the install time was spent removing the old version from the drive.

Also no problems starting the program, I'll even add that LO 3.4.3 seems to be starting a bit faster than usual - very nice.

This on Win 7 ult. x64, and a rather slow SanDisk 8GB pen. Default install location, pen is drive L, l:\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\
Antivirus is Avast!, btw. - I'm thinking this may be something to consider too as I've seen mentions of false positives re. LO.

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-17 08:57
Fix for 'Failed Launch'!


I'm new here, but I'm a long time user of OpenOffice and now LibreOffice Biggrin
I've experienced this 'failed launch' problem of LO since version 3.4.2 and downloading the 3.4.3 version just to try if it's already fixed. But the problem still the same.

It's strange why on some (most) systems the problem didn't show up, but here I'm offering a solution based on my experience.

The solution is very simple, and it goes like this:

1. Find the file, is should be in xxx\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\Basis\program\ (xxx = e:\PortableApps or any path you choose when you installed it to)

2. Comment these two lines inside that file, like this:

;PYUNO_LOADER_PYTHONPATH=$ORIGIN/python-core-2.6.1/lib $ORIGIN/python-core-2.6.1/lib/site-packages $ORIGIN

NOTE: I'm not sure if ';' is the proper symbol... Hey, I'm just a newbie Biggrin

3. Try launch 'LibreOfficePortable.exe' (or any of the executable), it should launch successfully. After this, you can un-comment those two line back to previous state.

This should fix the problem!

NOTE: At this time I haven't had a chance test if python is working or not. Anyone?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
3.4.4 Tests

For anyone that this still occurs on 3.4.4:
1. Does a local install of 3.4.4 work?
2. Does it work if you run it directly? (Browse to LibreOfficePortable\App\LibreOffice\program and run soffice.exe) Note that this will create a set of LibreOffice settings locally.
3. Does it work if you disable Python (see above comment)?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE: 3.4.4 Tests

Hello John;

#1 and #2 did not work for me. I assume a local install means installing PA and LO to my local hard drive. I did this by installing them both to "C:/1/portableapps".

#3 did work for me. I commented the two lines and LO started just fine in C:/1/portableapps.

On a side note I did comment them back and exited PA. When I restarted PA and LO. LO started up just fine.

Also I did install LO 3.4.3 for windows on the same PC and it did work. I have not tried LO 3.4.4 for windows.

Hope this helps you out.

Frank D. Hubeny

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Try More Than Once?

Did you try running the app more than once in 1 and 2? LO has issues with its settings and even the local version after an upgrade will often fail to run the first time you run it.

What OS are you on again? 32 or 64 bit? Any antivirus running?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE: Try More Than Once

Hello Again John;

I tried to run LO Writer and LO four or five times. My OS is WIN XP, 32 bit with service pack three installed. I am running a McAfee corporate virus scan which can not be disabled nor does it give me any alert when I run LO or anything else. It is set to quarantine things and nothing is in quarantine.

Hope This Helps.

Frank D. Hubeny

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Try This

Could you try taking a 3.4.4 install of LibreOffice and deleting everything inside the LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\Basis\program directory. Then download this zip file and unzip it to the LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\Basis\program directory. Let me know if that works.

Side note: I can run a standard install of LibreOffice Portable 3.4.4 (Normal language set, no experimental remove) on a Windows XP SP3 machine from C:\1\LibreOfficePortable without incident, both with and without Java installed on the local machine (I thought it may be connected to not having Java).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE: Try This

Good afternoon John;

I deleted my LO 344. Then reinstalled a fresh LO344 to the same place. Then applied your zip file and it worked. I started LO Writer and it enabled the python script and took off. I tried launching LO and LO Writer twice both worked.

I found that I could also shorten the names in the "ini" file in the above solution to just "python: then rename the long directory "python-core-2.6.1" to just "python" and it worked as well. This was also done on a fresh install of LO344.

Do you want me to try reinstalling LO and your fix a few times. I can if you want.

Thank you John you are a genius. I really wanted to use the latest but the legacy LO did not have this problem.

Frank D. Hubeny

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE2: Try This

Good afternoon John;

I thought I should tell you that I tried your "fix" to a fresh LO 344 istall to my local hard drive, path "C:/1/portableapps".

Tomorrow I will try it to my PA USB Drive which I do not have with me today. Its path will be "F/Portableapps" my normal unaltered installed path. It will also be a fresh install not an upgrade. Same OS, Win XP with service pack three.

Frank D. Hubeny

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
RE3: Try This

Good Morning John;

I tried your "fix" to a fresh LO 344 install on my local hard drive, path "C:/1/portableapps".

I tried your "fix" to a fresh LO 344 install on my PA USB Flash drive, path "F:/portableapps".

In both cases it was a fresh install of LO 344, not an upgrade. Same OS, Win XP with service pack three. I never said this before. But my Win XP is a company pushed upgrade not a fresh install. I just found out that in some cases there are differences between a complete install and a upgrade. Something about not all files being upgraded.

In both cases your fix worked for me. Does this mean there will be a Revision 2 for LO 344. Or should I just use both the original LO 344 and your fix.

For now I have kept the files but am only using LO334 the last Legacy LO for portableapps as well as for the one for Windows from libreoffice's web site.

To say it again real genius at work thanks.

SIDE NOTE: I shortened "python-core-2.6.1" in both the "ini" file and the directory name. The inital start up was much faster. But not being a programmer may have hurt something else in LO. You may wish to look at this in the future. If the entire is needed for some reason could you not add a text file or a line in the "ini" saying something like "python-core-2.6.1" in both the "ini" file and the directory name was shortened to aid in a faster startup.

Of course I may be out in left field somewhere. But you and others did say that Office does not like long names in directories. This one is both long and has "- and ." through out which maybe could be changed.

Frank D. Hubeny

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