I finally decided to upgrade from the original 1.3 version of PA.c and when I went to make all my current custom themes in the format of the newest release, I became quite confused. I'm not sure exactly how to put a custom theme into the platform and have the platform options see it and be able to use it. I tried to create a new folder with the name of the theme in the "PortableApps.com\App\Graphics\Theme" folder and then create the .ini file for that theme and its custom background (also placed in the new folder), however this didn't seem to make it selectable from the PA.c settings. Could anyone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: 1.3 is a typo, meant to say 1.6. Hit the wrong key...
Custom themes are not supported yet.
Previously known as kAlug.
The PortableApps.com Platform currently does not scan for custom themes in that folder. Instead, you should zip up your theme and rename the .zip to a .patheme
Will the theme be usable by the platform if zipped?
The .patheme extension worked fine in 2.0b5, where you could select a custom theme of yadayada.patheme, and the platform would unzip it to the correct folders. That functionality has been disabled in "Next" PR4.2. There's no way to select the .patheme file.
You can manually copy the files of the theme to the correct folder of
and manually edit the
X:\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\Data\PortableAppsMenu.ini file
(change the entry to Theme=Custom)
This will allow you to use any theme that worked in 2.0b5. Themes from 1.6 may need tweaking because of some changes to button location, and certain additional graphics files.
Be aware that this will cause an error message "List index out of bounds (-1)" when you open the Options, since it is missing the code to include custom themes.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Okay, thanks for the information. I figured I'd have to tweak them anyway, which is what I was doing, but since I didn't know if this version allowed custom themes, I stopped my progress. Hopefully in the real release custom themes will be allowed. Thanks again.
Not sure which release candidate it will be, or when, but we should see custom themes before the full release.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.