BOINCPortable: BOINCPortable
Category: Utilities
Description: BOINC Portable makes the Boinc Client and Manager portable. So you can crunch you workunits everywhere and without admin rights. Also the workunits are stored on you USB Device. It is possible to connect to an account manager so it is easy to mange your work.
More information about BOINC:
Version description:
First two numbers show the project version.
Last two numbers show the BOINC version.
For example: -> Projektversion 0.2 - BOINCversion 6.1017
Download BOINC Portable [4.5MB download / 16MB installed]
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-12-23): Initial release
Development Test 1 (2009-04-21): Upadte to version 6.6.20
Development Test 1 (2009-06-08): Upadte to version 6.6.31
Development Test 1 (2009-11-05): Update to version 6.6.1017
Development Test 2 (2009-11-06): Fixed bug with different foldernames
Hey olum, thanks very much for the release! I just wanted to let you know I've removed the comments from the previous posts as the posts were bumped from over a year and a half ago, and likely users searching for BOINC in the future will stumble upon this thread.
This sounds similar to what I created just few weeks ago. Mine is also "BOINC on a USB stick", but doesn't require host system (it is complete standalone Linux distribution). The idea is that you can run it on your dedicated DC machine without a need to install hard drive or to configure etherboot etc. It also makes sure that your USB will not wear out too quickly (as all USB drives have limited write operations).
You can read more here: Like this app
we use this while where working..... Well done for making this portable... what needs to be done to take this out of beta?
I thought this was a good idea, and would very much like to see it fully developed.
Trying it out, I ran in to some problems though.
The command window that opens (!) show the following commands and errors:
- - - - -
cd /d \PortableApps\BOINCPortable\Data
The system cannot find the path specified.
start "" "..\App\BOINC\boincmgr.exe"
- - - - -
A window error message pops up and explains that the file boincmgr.exe cannot be found. And since the CD-command is expecting me to use the path "\PortableApps\" as my PortableApps-folder, it fails.
Any chance of a quick update?
Thank you for you hint.
I worked on this and now I hope it will work better.
Please download Version 0.2.?
If you find any other Problem, tell me.
Hi olum
I found this on google
I'm wondering is that your page?
Is there any updates on this? If not, can I takeover?
Previously known as kAlug.
I will love to see it in the Dev.
It ok if you take over the project?
Can the PAF version can be as same version of Boinc? (7.2.42)
Thanks again,
Does anyone know the status for this? I saw that a while back, kAlug expressed an interest in doing this program. As a long time user of Boinc w/Seti@Home, I would be willing to test this one if anyone feels up to making it portable. This would solve a problem with my netbook, as it is usually not connected to the internet. Thanks...
Bill G.
Frozen St. Paul, MN
land of the frozen mosquito
The googlecode version doesn't work for me, I get the same problem with batch file script above as KMK did even though I downloaded the lastes version. Win 7 x64
I have constantly had conflicts with Boinc not running.
Please, someone work on this app. I would like to have it portable also.
Hey guys,
I also enjoy BOINC projects and PortableApps as well.
I came across this topic and created a first new portable installer for BOINC 7.4.42.
Feel free to enjoy: Download BOINCPortable_7.4.42.0_x86
hey. nothing against your accomplishment, but why don't you post the app as a portable app on the site?
pretty sketched out about downloading whatever that is from your dropbox.
thx in advance.
to Add something officaly into PortableApps you have to request it at some Forum topic.
This is not a big Problem but will take some time.
Also it was more an suggestion for the inital developer to work on.
And in future I plan to switch my private projects into GitHub... Well I plan with it since 1 year and its still not done. So DropBox was the easy way.
is there anything i can do to help push it along? is the forum post made already, and if so, why are they still ignoring you?
have you started the github yet? i would like to help out if possible.
Hi Peppernrino,
yes I am done with GitHub
unfortunately it is currently not up-to-date.
But you can have a look at
If you want I can upload the launcher I had provided some posts ago, because I didn´t work on it since this post.
Since I also don´t want to maintain this launcher (because of time) probably you can it it over to maintain it if you want
I will upload the launcher when I am back at home.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
as I promised I uploaded my old BOINCLauncher to my GitHub.
Please have a look to:
And if you want feel free to use it.
Kind regards
I tries out the old BOINCLauncher with new version of BOINC.
It doesnt work anymore, because they started to use the registry of windows.
I also updated the aluncher in my GitHub with the necessary keys but you still need to add a user group "boinc_users" and add your current account to this group. Then it should be running again
So at least starting with curretn version you need admin rights to update registry for paths and user group
Sure! I would love to try and get things running! I know a bunch of developers that are itching for a portable version of BOINC. Thank you so much for your work thus far. I'll friend you up on Github, and we can get things going.
Youre welcome and thanks for forking
If you have any further problems with the new launcher. Please let us discuss it. maybe we can get it solved
awesome news. i'm gonna start ripping things apart today.