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Some requests

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Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-11-17 11:36
Some requests

I use some of these apps regularly. Please provide paf.exe app if possible, or suggest alternatives if any.

1. DivFix++
2. ExactFile
3. Format Factory
4. HxD - Hex Editor (I tried Frhed, but it doesn't highlight changes.)
5. Recovery software (I wonder why doesn't a single app exist on this site?)
6. XAMPP (already listed, but it's not paf.exe)
7. Sandboxie

Thanks in Advance!

SakiTC's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 02:05
Please search before you post

Many of the apps you are asking for have been discussed here, some of them even have development tests here:

1. DivFix++ has an old development test:
2. ExactFile has never had a stable release and the last beta is more than two years old, so it is not very likely that it will be made portable.
3. Format Factory has been frequently discussed here, just search.
4. HxD development test: (the download link may not be working though)
5. An old launcher for Recuva is here: I didn't search for other recovery software, but there might be some more.
7. Sandboxie has also been asked for several times, search and you will find why it can't be made portable.

I left out XAMPP because I don't know if there is a reason why it isn't packaged here, but it does work with the launcher.

No typin th las lette ca sav yo plent o spac

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Right on the homepage

Menu Integration: XAMPP isn't in Format, but it easily integrates with the Suite by using the XAMPP Launcher 1.5 and installing XAMPP in the root directory of your portable device (as recommended). You can open the self-extracting archive with 7-Zip Portable or download the larger ZIP archive.

The XAMPP launcher makes XAMPP in PAF format.
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-11-17 11:36
RE: Please search before you post

Sorry, I posted without searching. I realized now that there are lot of apps here, not just mentioned in /apps page.

1. Exactly what I needed. Although version was old, so I replaced folder in App/DivFix++ with latest version.
2. OK.
3. I found outdated version:, but I don't see download link. I will see if XMedia Converter can replace it.
4. Download link is dead. I think I should learn how to make portable apps.
5. Thanks for that. I found some more recovery softwares here.
6. I tried to make a launcher with Launcher and I succeed after few tries.
7. Any alternative?

Thank you very much.

SakiTC's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 02:05
RE: Please search before you post

I realized now that there are lot of apps here, not just mentioned in /apps page.

The ones mentioned on the "apps" page are the official ones: they have been tested (and passed the tests) for portability, platform integration etc. There are lots of other apps under development that can also be downloaded for testing purposes.

As for alternatives for Sandboxie, I don't think that it's really possible to make that kind of software really portable.

No typin th las lette ca sav yo plent o spac
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-11-17 11:36
Portable Sandboxie

I found portable version of Sandboxie on its forum by one of the developers here. It's not actually portable. Launcher first installs service and driver, then runs application, and finally cleans up.

I was trying some apps and found that PeaZip is good alternative to ExactFile as it supports most of checksums ExactFile supports.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-01-24 17:51
Firefox aurora

Why won't add Firefox Aurora version portableapps ??
It's the instable version but it's the good idea, right ???
it's the official page...

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