When firefox is running and open in bckground it always pops to front window and takes attention away from what I was doing.
I follow these steps, but it didn't work.
Is this a portableapps firefox issue? Any fix?
I believe you already created a thread on this, but regardless, could you be more specific? I still don't understand your issue. When does this happen? Are you doing anything to trigger this behavior? Does this occur on a clean installation?
I have firefox open in background, and I can be writing something into a word document or doing something else and all of a sudden the firefox window pops to the front.
I think it's firefox or perhaps a poorly behaved plugin/addon?
Considering I've never heard of this issue before, it has to be an add-on or plugin. Could you try this on a fresh install?
You never heard of this before? Really?
Well type this into google, "Firefox steals focus".
And looking at some of those links, this is a problem with base FireFox, not just the portable version.
As such, there is nothing that can be done to the portable version to fix the issue.
Your best bet would be to report this to Mozilla, as no-one here can help you further.
I've disabled ALL my addons, except for Noscript and testing now to see if it stops. I suspect it may be an addon issue stealing focus. I will see how it goes and turn on every addon one by one and see if I can find the culprit.
It could also be a plugin with a specific page. Either way, I've never encountered this issue, nor had I heard of it before now.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Take some time and look through those Google results. It's outlining a different issue, the one that's solved through modifying the about:config entry. Your issue is completely different. It's a bit unheard of, and none of us can reproduce it.
I disabled all my addons, except NoScript, and it stopped happening. So I will enabled one at a time and see which is causing it.
I found the culprit that is causing it to happen, it's an addon called "BetterPrivacy". Once I disabled the addon the firefox issue stopped.
There may still be a way to keep BetterPrivacy running and not have the issues you are experiencing.
Reading up on BP, it has a setting to delete LSO's at a time interval. What I suggest is disable the timed deletion and instead set BP to delete on browser open or close.
No guarantees, but it might just work.
Hey gluxon, install "BetterPrivacy" into firefox. Then load and run firefox. Then use IE or another web browser and open that. Then stand back and wait a few minutes as that browser window disappears and firefox window appears as front screen.
Since I removed "BetterPrivacy" addon from firefox, it doesn't happen anymore.
I use BetterPrivacy daily, and have used it for quite a long time, and have never had the issue you refer to. Try reinstalling BetterPrivacy - maybe the extension got corrupted somehow.
This probably isn't a figment of truthseeker's imagination.
winterblood mentioned the LSO delete timer.
I had a similar issue with KeePassPortable and the minimized (in tray) lock-database timer that would take focus away from Firefox when the configured interval expired.
Not wanting to defend truthseeker, but I got about the same reaction here when I was trying to identify the source of the focus issue. Evidently not many people have it configured that way, so nobody else experienced the issue.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Now that I look at my settings, I have it set to delete LSO's on browser exit as well. That could be why i don't see the issue. Testing now with the timer to verify.
[EDIT] after testing with the timer, i didn't see this issue occur, so it might be something else within the extension, or another extension entirely.
I honestly don't know why it would be important to delete LSOs during a session, unless of course the browser is never shut down.
Anyway, it is probably a combination of issues. Maybe one of the other extensions uses an LSO and the extension gets upset when it gets deleted during uptime.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
All I can tell you is that when I have the BetterPrivacy addon installed the problem happens, but since I removed it, the problem stopped.
And Gord Caswell , how exactly did you test it? Please tell me STEP BY STEP. I don't think you tested it properly and the exact way I described, so if you tell me exactly what you did and for time periods waiting, I can tell if you tested it correctly.
I await your reply with interest.
I normally have BetterPrivacy set to remove LSO's on browser close.
So, what I did was open BP's options dialogue, checked the timer setting, change the timer to 2 minutes, closed the options dialogue, then opened another browser and kept it open for over half an hour with no focus-stealing.
Gord, you need to have BetterPrivacy installed as DEFAULT, and then reload firefox and KEEP Firefox OPEN. Then load another web browser like IE and keep the IE page open at front, and sit back and wait, anf after a few minutes Firefox page should jump to the front.
Please do it exactly that way and report back.
I did exactly that, and no issues.
So why does it happen for me when it's installed as an addon and not for you. Interesting. What do you think it could be?
AS mentioned above:
I reinstalled BetterPrivacy with a clean install, and the problem began happening again. So it's definitely BetterPrivacy doing it,
Are you sure there aren't any other extensions that work with LSO's installed?
Here are all my extensions:
Cookie Monster
Any of those interfere with BP?
Cookie monster sounds like it might.
My last message in this thread (mostly because there's absolutely no future in it).
1. LSOs live in a system area, not in the FirefoxPortable area. This system area is also used by IE.
2. You're running BOTH browsers at the same time.
3. Then you're using BetterPrivacy in Firefox to kill all LSOs by the clock.
Can't you see that you're cooking up a situation that is destined to have issues?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Cooking up what situation?
By the way, I turned off the BetterPrivacy timer of 2 minutes and will see if that stops it happening.
A bit of an update. The problem seems to have stooped. All I did was turn off the "delete flash cookies by timer" which was set at 2minutes. Turning that off seems to have fixed it. Time will tell.