Application: KiTTY
Category: Internet
Description: KiTTY is a fork of the PuTTY SSH and telnet client with many addional features.
Licence: MIT Licence (Source)
The usage of pscp.exe is supported, just place it in the folder /App/KiTTY/
kscp.exe is included (substitute for pscp.exe)
Download KiTTY Portable Development Test 2 [988KB download / 1.16MB installed]
(MD5: 422dd92f2de679bab612975f18c57ec4)
Release Notes: Development Test 2 (2012-06-14)
dropped obsolete pscp support
included kscp.exe
fixed issue involving parallel usage with PuTTY Development Test 1 (2012-05-11)
updated Base App
updated to PA.c format 3.0
updated PA.c installer to 3.03 Development Test 2 (2012-01-18)
fixed registry cleanup
deleted obsolete DefaultData
updated to PA.c application template 2.2 Development Test 1 (2012-01-17)
updated Base App
removed MinOS Development Test 1 (2011-12-23)
updated Base App
adjusted MinOS to Windows 2000 Development Test 2 (2011-11-11)
Fixed invalid use of Registry cleanup in launcher.ini Development Test 1 (2011-09-03)
Updated base app Development Test 3 (2011-05-17)
Added support for pscp.exe (see above) Development Test 2 (2011-04-30)
Added handling of some missed folders Development Test 1 (2011-04-29): Initial release
Makes use of PA.c Launcher 2.1 Beta 2 and PA.c Installer
Please test, as I don't use all features. Maybe some more files/folders are created with additional settings.
Log files are moved to Data, too, if created in the App\KiTTY\folder.
Cyd, the developer of the base app, informed me about some other folders, that can be created during runtime, containing user data. These are:
Commands, Folders, Launcher, Sessions_Commands
.I took care of them in the new dev test. I did not encounter them yet during my brief testing. Maybe, if I use KiTTY a bit longer.
I'd be glad, if someone, who uses KiTTY more regularily, could check, if it works.
How are you feeling about this app? I think it'll be a good addition.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm fine with that. I did not use it too excessively, so I'm not the best tester for that. But no feedback maybe good feedback bug-wise.
It has not been downloaded very often, though (ca. 50).
I can care for updates and revisions if needed for the next time. Don't know what steps are needed to make that official yet, but I can learn that
I played around with this a fair bit, tried X11 forwarding, tunneling, all was handled as expected.
Have you thought about building in support for WinSCP portable if it's there? KiTTY supports it too, and pscp might also be worth bundling.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I looked at how that would be done and while including pscp seems easy (just put it in the KiTTY folder and deal with the registry entry) integrating with WinSCP is not that easy (at least without custom code). As both are not included with the base app, I think I don't add them to the package but add a hint to the helpfile. Maybe a plugin installer may be the solution for that.
See release notes for changes.
That leaves the question: Add pscp.exe to the package? Make it a plugin? Or just leave it to the user as with the base app?
See release notes for changes.
Fixed an invalid user of RegistryCleanupIfEmpty (trailing backslash). Deleted an unnecessary cleanup entry as well.
The release team is starting to review this for release, and I've found one issue right away: You have set the MinOS at XP, but in my testing, I've determined that this works with Windows 2000, so you can remove that line from the launcher.ini
Thanks for testing. I corrected the MinOS to 2000 and updated the base app. Btw. what about the pscp support? Should it be left open to the user? Or should I try a plugin installer? Or simply include it in the package?
If MinOS is 2000, it shouldn't be set.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Ok, will do. I was not shure about that, but on second thought its quite obvious. Noboby should use a system below today (we still have some win98 machines at school but they are locked down with hardware steady state).
More to the point, 2000 is the earliest version that it will run on due to being a Unicode build.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
See release notes for changes.
1. Leaves registry key HKCU\Software\\KiTTY\Jumplist.
2. DefaultData is empty, so should be removed entirely
3. Needs to be updated to the application template 2.2
Also, we have verified that this works correctly on Win7 x64
I'll fix that later today. I do not get that key here on my WinXP system so I cannot test if the fix works until I have access to a Win7 system. Is there any user action involved to produce it or does it just occur after a simple launch?
fixed the above issues (hopefully). Maybe someone with Win7 64bit could test if the registry keys are properly deleted.
I have win7 64bit.
how i check the reg file is delete?
which of them?
Just run regedit and search for kitty. If you did not run kitty locally or the previous development test, it should come out clean. (or you could manually navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and look in Software for it).
If it is found (maybe from a previous version), you could try to delete it and then run Kitty dev test 2 again to see, if the entry is created new (by searching with regedit).
I delete previous key with name kitty,
I open and connect with Kitty,
I close the program, then search for kitty reg file.
non was found. seems clean.
See release notes for changes.
Sorry for the long update delay, I was very short of spare time the last weeks.
How come all those registry keys need backing up? This causes the app to collide with PuTTY when used at the same time. I thought the portable version didn't create any keys when used with the INI file.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Just had to recall why I implemented registry handling (over a year ago), but I found it. It's to deal with the registry entries, pscp.exe creates. I think, pscp support should be dropped if that causes interference with putty portable. There seems to be an equivalent tool on the kitty download page (kscp.exe), but I couldn't get it to work with kitty portable somehow.
On the other hand, using putty and kitty at the same time seems redundant.
Is there a way to fix this with custom code? Else I would repackage it without pscp support.
According to the docs, it should support KiTTY in portable mode. Is it possible it doesn't support kitty_portable.exe but only kitty.exe with the appropriate config file?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Could you point me to the docs? I did not find any reference to kscp in the kitty docs.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Looking at the kitty docs, under "pscp and WinSCP integration", it looks fairly simple to handle both of kscp and WinSCP portable, and not need pscp at all. I'll post what I've got tomorrow, once I can test it to make sure those simontatham reg keys aren't created.
Found it. I just overread kscp in the first box. I'll try it again (afair I did that before and it failed, but maybe I did something wrong then.)
switched from pscp.exe to kscp.exe. Don't know what went wrong when I first tried it, but now it works as expected. No registry keys left behind on my end.
Obsolete reg files (kitty_portable1.reg and kitty_portable2.reg) in \Data\settings can be deleted (manually).
If those aren't being used anymore, I recvommend removing the using installer.ini
I removed pscp.exe from the installer.ini, but as kcsp.exe is included now, it is obsolete... I'll put up another dev test, as soon as I've finished writing certificates for my students this evening.
Any ideas how to integrate winscp without breaking its portability? I consider launching winscp.exe directly out of the question as that shurely would interfere with winscp portable.
Yep, I'll show you how this afternoon.
Add these file writes for WinSCPPortable integration.
I'm packaging this up as 'final' now.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!