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[Closed] Chrome Two Little and nasty bugs (?)

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Joined: 2012-02-16 05:39
[Closed] Chrome Two Little and nasty bugs (?)

Hi, everyone !

I've downloaded the Portable Chrome Apps. It Rocks ! Yeah, I know, I'm almost trolling ^_^
BUT why (yes whyyyyyyy so much hate ?) :

1) I use Chrome in order to connect to a HTTPS webmail. I've imported the p12 certificate. I can connect ! \o/ I remove the Usbkey, try somewhere else... WTF ? The certificate is not there ??? Coming back to the previous computer, it's working ...? Is the Certificate stored LOCALLY ???? But I cannot find it anywhere :/
Any Idea ?

2) I've installed some extension : TweetDeck for example. Nice and Useful.
Alas ! Same process as above, on the other computer, I must reinstall it and reconfigure it... Why ? I've tried with other extensions, it's the same. From one computer to another, Chrome doesn't keep the info...
Any Idea ?

Thanks !!!
Keep the good work up !


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Unsupported, Chrome Isn't Self-Contained

Unlike Firefox and Opera, Chrome is not a fully complete browser. It uses all kinds of components on the local PC's Internet Explorer to function. So, when you add a personal certificate, you're adding it to the local PC's Internet Explorer, not to Chrome Portable. It says so right on the app page:

Certificates Not Portable: Google Chrome has no certificate manager. It uses Windows' certificates manager. So, any certificates you install through the Google Chrome interface are stored on the current local machine and will not travel with you. Thus, you should not use any private certificates with Google Chrome except on your own PC.

If you want to use a personal security certificate portably, use a complete browser like Firefox.

Chrome's extensions are a bit of a farse. Unlike Firefox's extensions, Chrome's extensions like TweetDeck and the like are NOT browser extensions. It's just an easy way to install local apps. So anything you install via Chrome is installed in the local PC. You can do this without admin rights because Chrome ignores the standard Windows security model and installs itself and extensions to the user's data profile directories instead of Program Files. That's also why a local install of Chrome is more vulnerable to security issues than a local Opera or Firefox install are (since they both follow the Windows security model).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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