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404 Error When Downloading Previous Versions of Google Chrome Portable

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Last seen: 13 years 3 days ago
Joined: 2012-03-12 21:35
404 Error When Downloading Previous Versions of Google Chrome Portable

When trying to download and install previous versions of Google Chrome Portable, I get a File Not Found (404) error.

I am trying to download previous versions of Google Chrome Portable from the PortableApps SourceForge page for Google Chrome and I can download the exe file and then run it but when I get to the screen for it to actually install, it gets about half way and comes up with a notice saying:

The installer was unable to download Google Chrome (Stable). There installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it. Please try installing again. (ERROR: File Not Found (404))

Then when I press "ok”, the installer finishes and I go to launch GoogleChromePortable.exe it will not launch and I get the notice:

Google Chrome Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: chrome.exe could not be found)

I have gotten this error for every version I have tried older than the current version (version 17.0.963.79).

Does anybody know how to solve this so that I can download and install previous versions of Google Chrome Portable?

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
I can not solve it

But I surmise the issue is that Google Chrome itself has pulled the file that is downloaded by the installer, so there is nothing for the installer to download and install. Sounds to me the only way would be to somehow get the program from Google, but then it would not b e portable. Why do you want an older version might I ask? Programs are generally updated due to security issues or bugs in previous releases.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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