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Problem Installing Sparkline Extension

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-12-10 23:38
Problem Installing Sparkline Extension

I am getting an error while trying to install a free extension called EuroOffice Sparkline. The extension is listed in the OpenOffice extension catalog and also here:

I tried installing it in both LibreOffice Portable 3.5.0 and OpenOffice Portable 3.2. I get very similar error messages that I am including below. My system is a Win XP SP3 with 4GB RAM.


(LibreOffice Portable 3.5.0)

Extension Manager

{ { Message = ": ‘module’ object has
no attribute 'writeRegistryInfo', traceback
office\\program\\ in function
writeRegistryInfo() [return
mod .writeRegistryInfo( self.ctx.ServiceManager,
regKey )]\X000a\X000a", Context =
(com @0 } }


(OpenOffice Portable 3.2)

Extension Manager

{ { Message = ": 'module' object has
no attribute 'writeRegistryInfo', traceback
office\\Basis\\program\\ in
function writeRegistryInfo() [return
mod .writeRegistryInfo( self.ctx.ServiceManager,
regKey )]\X000a", Context =
(com @0 } }

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
As an addendum

I get the same results on a local copy of Libre Office, so IMHO it is either in Libre Office regular app or in the extensions app. I do not believe it has anything to do with the portable version Of Libre office. I might suggest that you go here for Libre Office to report it as a potential bug?
I saw no real bug tracker for the Euro Office site but did see this there Definitely a bug somewhere but not really with just the portable app it appears across the board

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