Basically I like to play around with bleeding edge software, and thus would like to use the development version of LO/OOo.
IIRC, OOo used to have a very tedious process of making it portable.
Is it still true for LO?
What would roughly be the procedure and about how much time does it take per release?
The launchers are using the PortableApps.com Launcher, so you'll find most of the work in App\AppInfo\Launcher\LibreOfficePortable.ini, and there's some custom code in there in Other\Source\*.nsi written in NSIS. I took a peak at the INI, and it does look a bit ugly.
Maybe I have a completely wrong concept here, but just compiling the *Portable.exe seems not to cut it. With simpler apps, you can just copy the install dir to the apps dir. With LO, there seem to be a lot of changes in the directory structure, even completely removed files.