Make installing fonts easier! -- This utility copies fonts from the Documents\Fonts folder before PortableApps starts up. Just a quick batch file, it will make the Fonts folder if it doesn't exist. Just copies every time, so if you have many fonts you'd probably only want to run this once and a while.
NOT INTENDED TO BE SELF PROMOTIONAL - Its just a simple utility that I thought would be good for the general public.
:BOF @ECHO OFF TITLE PortableApps Platform Startup and Font Utility GOTO START :START ECHO. ECHO Starting PortableApps Platform START PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe IF EXIST Documents\Fonts (GOTO COPY) ELSE (GOTO MAKE) :MAKE ECHO. ECHO Creating Fonts folder in Documents ECHO. MKDIR Documents\Fonts REM - Readme Creator @ECHO. >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + :[:[:(:(:( -- README -- ):):):]:]: + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + You can put any font files you have in + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + here and they will be loaded every time + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + PortableApps starts! + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + Font utility created by maxpowa + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO + + >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt @ECHO. >> Documents\Fonts\README.txt ECHO Done. ECHO. ECHO Fonts folder has been created - You may use the PortableApps Platform now. GOTO COPY :COPY ECHO. ECHO Beginning Font folder copy ECHO. @COPY Documents\Fonts PortableApps\\Data\Fonts ECHO. ECHO Copy Successful! - You may use the PortableApps Platform now. GOTO EOF :EOF ECHO. PAUSE EXIT
This is already done by the platform, so why the need for a utility to do it? Which, bly the look of it, doesn't remove fonts once the platform is closed, something that the platform does automatically.
It doesn't copy from the Fonts folder to the SYSTEM folder, it copies from the Documents\Fonts folder to the PortableApps\\Data\fonts folder, to simplify the font install more.
-- Co-Owner of Blizzcraft --
Again, I ask Why?
What's the benefit of adding an extra step? It makes more sense to put the fonts directly in PortableApps\\Data\Fonts, rather than copy them from somewhere else, which can add a significant delay to loading time.
is he trying to copy the fonts out of the PortableApps folder directly to the host computer? As I keep seeing him say System which is just way wrong? Or is it the reverse? System fonts to PA ?still re-readingActually not even sure what he is doing so ignore post“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
First off, your starting the Platform, and then copying the fonts over to the folder. Big no-no. Copying files from one part of your drive to another isn't the fastest, especially if you have a lot of fonts. Plus, your starting the platform first, which will increase the load time even more.
Look at it this way: Your reading and writing to your drive with copying the files, and reading it even more with the platform. This script, if you have a lot of fonts and apps (my fonts folder is 70+ MB), and hundreds of apps, can double or triple my loading time for the platform. Not to mention the fact that the platform loads fonts while that progress bar loads, so if you have like 10 apps and a ton of fonts, not all of them will be loaded before the platform loads what's in the Data\Fonts folder, onto the computer.
It seems your only making the process more bloated, complicated, and slower with this script, in exchange for clicking through two less folders to load the fonts.
Whatever, then change it, or better yet, don't use it.
-- Co-Owner of Blizzcraft --