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Thunderbird Update failed

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2012-05-16 06:20
Thunderbird Update failed

Hi, I have the Thunderbird App running on an network drive. Everytime when there is a new version and I try to make the update I get an message
"Software-Update fehlgeschlagen - Das Update ...". But there is no other process of thunderbird activ.
my work arround:
I copy thunderbird to an USB stick an start the update again - this works fine. After the update I copy thunderbird back to the network drive and it works fine.
Have anyone an idea, why the update on the network drive fails?

Last seen: 5 hours 34 min ago
Joined: 2010-09-03 09:36

Permissions? Does your network drive have access controls?

I once had an app that went beyond normal permission checks and refused to update unless I had ownership on all the files in the app directory. It was a shared app and files created during run-time would be assigned to whoever was running it, so the problem cropped up often.

I doubt your issue is caused by an over-zealous app, but some other permission issue could be at fault. Copying the app to another drive (especially a FAT32 drive) could certainly sidestep permission issues, so your work-around fits.

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2012-05-16 06:20
Permissions !

Thank you for your reply. I think I have to check the permissions. But this is not so easy because I have a NAS and the permissions on this device, are such as Linux use it. I use the share from a WinXP machine. The rights are set by a group on the NAS. The mebers of the group have full access to the share, but the ownership is assigned to another account. The attempt to take ownership (as I can do in Windows environment) does not work. So I have to check how I can do this.

Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-09-13 15:32
to less space on the volume


Yes I now it's an old thread. I got the same error message. I use a Truecyrpt volume and in my case their was to less space on the volume.

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