1) I ran LibreOffice Portable 3.5.4 from PortableApps Platform on a USB stick.
2) After terminating the application and the platform, I tried to eject ("deactivate") the USB stick. OS (Windows 2000) denied the request; obviously, some data object on the stick was still in use.
3) Analysis with Process Explorer (by Sysinternals) showed that file "G:\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\Basis\share\fonts\truetype\__DO_NOT_ADD_FONTS_HERE!.txt" was assigned to the system process CSRSS.EXE (Client/Server Runtime). There was no way to cause CSRSS.EXE to release the file. I had to reboot.
Shouldn't the portability layer remove such remnants from the host system?
Processes holding open handles are not reliable and can't really be predetermined except to try and release handles for every file in an install, which is excessive and would waste time and effort for practically no return.
While a file handle may be open on one run, on another run it might be a different handle that is held open, on another run, no handles open.
Also, if you were unable to release the handle there is no reason to think that a programmatic solution could also release the handle.
Different problem but maybe related.
I had to uninstall/reinstall LO a few times lately because of removed languages beeing reinstalled after upgrading. I found that the uninstall cancels evertime because that specific file was locked. Unlocker found no handle but was able to delete it.
A scan with Process Explorer revealed, that it was assigned to csrss.exe on my machine, too.
It's a LibreOffice bug in its font handling that wasn't properly addressed. You can solve that for now by deleting that folder.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That was my problem, but Unlocker solved this. This happened with LO 3.5.3 als well (just checked).
If I'd had even a single report of it in 3.5.3, it'd been solved in 3.5.4. As it is it seems LO accidentally locks non-font files in its font directory. So, I've got it moved and fixed for the next release or revision.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I just found out it locked my drive after I read the original post - and did a cross check with 3.5.3 half an hour ago.
I did not use LO from my flash drive recently since I installed it locally on every computer at our school. And my local drive does not get ejected.
And since Unlocker did not find an open handle I supected a file system error.
I wasn't accusing you of hoarding bug reports
Just lamenting that it wasn't reported earlier.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
USB stick is no longer locked
Since this file only contains advisory text, its deletion doesn't affect the application - the ideal workaround
The files have been moved and will no longer lock a drive on exit nor require manually removing the file in LibreOffice Portable 3.5.5.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!