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Change Portable Apps Menu Color?

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Change Portable Apps Menu Color?

I'm just not a big fan of red. Is there an easy way to get in and change the menu's color? Maybe use this for future reference too? Customization = Great. That's one thing I love about portable apps. All of my customized apps right there. So it would be even better if I could change the menu color at least~~

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
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I'm sure that things like

I'm sure that things like this will be added in time - this is still the first version of the menu, and has only been out a few weeks now.

The code is available though - not sure how easy it would be, but perhaps someone kows how to change the colour then recompile? Might be as easy as changing the graphics then recompiling...

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
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could try ResHacker to change them, might work.
Ryan McCue
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(Tom Lehrer)

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well i dont think res hacker would let u since john has compressed it with UPX and has modified the EP btw john what version of UPX is it andwhere can u download it since it isnt a recent version?

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John T. Haller
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It's 2.03, the current version.

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well... then probobly delphi apps are weird to unpack when compressed

Slackware 12 for system
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John T. Haller
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Coming soon

Like just about everything, this is coming soon. The menu will support themes for the whole menu interface and close (and eject soon) buttons. I'll be making available themes in the most popular colors (dark blue, black, etc) with fun names (midnight, etc). I'll also be holding a theme contest for folks to create an original theme with a prize of an iPod or a flash drive. And there will be a themes directory on much like with Firefox's themes directory.

The menu will also support icon packs for the icons on the right (docs, videos, etc) in addition to letting you change them yourself. I just didn't have the time to get this all into version 1.

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solanus's picture
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Sounds great, and...

It would go great with the idea of running two instances (one on each flash drive) - the themes would make them easily distinguishable.

BTW, I've turned most of my friends onto this site, and they all think your work is great!

Solanus, The East Wind

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MarkoMLM's picture
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Source Code?

Hi John,
Great Job again :-)!

As You know we offer nearly all of Your excellent Apps in German.
PortableBackup is also ready.

In order to translate the Menu to German we need the Sourcecode.
Would You be so kind to publish it yet?

Thank You Smile

Kind Regards

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John T. Haller
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Finishing it up

I'm still finishing up the version that fixes the GPL issues around images and outside resources. I'm hoping to post it tomorrow (I wound up with no time last week)... so if you know Delphi, I'll need folks to ensure I have all the correct files up for compilation. I'll be officially supporting all languages natively in the base app with no need for forks or recompilation using .locale files... similar to AbiWord and NSIS. So, you'd have de.locale with a series of INI-style entries in it for all the menu strings (Documents, Help, Install a new app, etc) that it'll read on launch. The base launchers are getting them, too, in the next release along with multilingual installers written in NSIS (rather than the current 7-Zip self-extractors). If you've done translations along those lines, I'd love your input on the format.

BTW - Did you try editing that page I'd posted for you to have the German OOP on this site yet? Ping me via email on that.

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Simeon's picture
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I could translate into german, too

if you need someone...

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MarkoMLM's picture
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Good news!

I send You an Email

I think the way to use lang-files is the best solution, because we will have some more persons who could create the lang-files than create an compile native lang versions with NSIS.

Delphi is not my favorite programming language, but I think I'll be able to help.
Please let me know which Delphi Version is needed. Perhaps we can use FreePascal and the Lazarus Gui too?


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Ryan McCue
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That competition sounds cool. I can't wait Biggrin
I might try a Royale one, to match the theme.
Mind you, if I won, I'd donate my prize to someone else like Steve.
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)

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Steve Lamerton

Ryan McCue
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Several reasons
  1. The shipping costs to here would be immense
  2. I don't really need/want any thing
  3. You deserve one Biggrin

Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)

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Patrick Patienc...
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Now that....

Since this theme has already been resurected, I thot I'd tell Ryan his Royale theme would be a great idea and I'd love it.

Ryan McCue
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I would sorta work on it, 'cept I have a few assignments due really soon.
If I get any spare time (*cough*), I'll see if I can squeeze it in.
Ryan McCue
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

scoutconnor's picture
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what format would the themes be in?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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It'll be an archive, perhaps a 7-Zip self-extractor to make em nice and small, containing a background bitmap, bitmaps for the two buttons (close and eject) in normal and pressed states and an INI file with the details of the theme (name, who made it, etc) as well as the colors of the text on the left, right and bottom. The goals is to allow you to alter the entire interface easily with simple-to-install themes.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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what sizes will these bitmaps be?
Also, any idea on when you will start this?
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 12 hours 26 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Current size

The current size, most likely. Before the end of the year.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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:O ¨°o.O( Prizes ! )

Count me IN on the Theme contest thingy; I got a thing for prizes Biggrin

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-13 12:58
Change Colour of PortableApps.... remember you were tipped here.

Dear fried,

If you want to change the color of PortableAps menu for the reason that you do not like it then brace yourself for the year 2007 ... this is going to be year of red color ..

Every single application worth its name in bytes is embracing this shade for the year 2007. I am compiling the list and the top of the line are - may be you can help suggest a few more ....

Nero (anyway it was always red - AIWAR)
Firefox (Halfway AIWAR)
Anyhow year of blue is counting down day 15 14 13 ...

BTW next+1 year will be another color ... and WYAVHNY ...

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-05 08:41 is is red is a mixture of red and yellow (yes, sometimes this is called orange...)


Red is the new iPod, and some phones

I love red.

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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:O ¨°o.O( SKINERØØ!)

wØØties! Biggrin big ty to the XPLUSAK tipster.

Change Colour of PortableApps.... remember you were tipped here.
Submitted by xplusak on December 13, 2006 - 1:25pm.

I grabbed irfanview32 and went to work Smile
its a beaut! My first PAMSkin Biggrin
Biggrin Gosh I wish I could post a copy of it right here... I'll check for a portable "host" and link it in the other location where peeps have allready started posting skin.zips Biggrin

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