I get this error on 1 of my computers:
"The portableappsmenu.exe file is not a valid portableapps.com release and cannot be launched."
how do i fix that? it works fine on School computers and my vista laptop, but not my XP desktop.
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I get this error on 1 of my computers:
"The portableappsmenu.exe file is not a valid portableapps.com release and cannot be launched."
how do i fix that? it works fine on School computers and my vista laptop, but not my XP desktop.
normal Menu from here?
If you do, re-download the Platform and it should work.
If you don't it gets tricky cause that's a message displayed by the starter if it finds another Menu or a fork.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Hi Simeon
I am using standard install, and have tried re-installing the platform and I still get the same message, could you please elaborate on the starter and finding another menu or fork
I am having trouble on an XP machine whereas on my Vista laptop it was working fine
So, it was working fine on vista, but it refuses to run in XP? Can you retry on the vista machine and confirm it is still working? This issue makes me think of some kind of corruption on the drive, although I'm not sure. You might want to run error checks on the drive, especially if it doesn't work on the vista machine anymore either.
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Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
I am having the same or similar problem. I have portable apps on a flash drive installed from a computer using XP at work. The program works fine on multiple computers (all XP) until I use it on one using Vista. It works on the Vista machine, but when I subsequently try to use it on my work XP system I get the kind of error message reported in this thread (all the individual apps still work, just the platform does not). I can reinstall the platform and it will work again - until I use it on a Vista machine. This has happened reproducibly several times - is this a bug? Thanks in advance for any insights into this and what I can do to solve the problem.
If anything, I'd guess it was infected. The StartPortableApps.exe checks to be sure the menu is valid. If it gets modified somehow, it won't be.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The vista PC you are using probably has some kind of virus.
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Thanks for the replies. I regularly check my flash drive for viruses with McAfee and have done so again following your suggestion - no viruses show. My XP computer seems clean too, but I don't have regular access a the Vista machine (my work still uses XP on all computers). What it has seemed like to me is that running the platform on a Vista machine makes it inoperable for XP - this would also account for Ross's problem too - if a virus rather than Vista does this I will have to do some do some digging.
The two of you seem to be the first to have this issue. Vista shouldn't be modifying the executable to make it not run on XP. I am still inclined to believe it's a virus. McAfee doesn't have a very good detection rate, try running MalwareBytes Antimalware and Avira AntiVir Free
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
It's not Vista causing the issue. Lots of folks routinely use it on Win7, Vista, XP, 2K, Wine on Linux, etc and move back and forth.
Another possibility is that it is a hardware issue and that file is being corrupted, which will present itself in the same way. This can be due to a bad drive. But since it seems to always happen after using this Vista machine, it's also possible that that machine has bad USB ports.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Unfortunately I don't have a Vista machine available to test out - but only the Platform itself was affected on my flash drive - none of the apps I used or any of the files opened using the Vista machine were corrupted. If it was hardware issue I would expect other files I used to be affected too. When I get a chance to use Vista again I will report what I find.
But this could also be the sign of a virus, which maybe infected only the file listed in the autorun.inf file.
So try uploading the StartPortableapps.exe to Virustotal or Jotti which will check the file with several AntiVirus Tools.
Then report the results here.
"Der Klügere gibt nach, deshalb regieren Dumme die Welt."
Funny, after consistently getting this problem for the last couple of months after using Vista it has stopped - no clue why as I didn't do anything different. I did check for viruses on all computers and my flash drive - none found. Perhaps something changed on the Vista machine???
It's curious. I've done the usual, tried multiple drives, fresh installs, scans and checks but always the same.
Note that on the Portable drive the application icons don't show for ANY of the portable apps, although they run fine when you browse in explorer.
Stranger yet, I've dragged the portable apps folder and launcher to the local machine (ie copy) and run there, it works no issues and the icon for the programme works...
It get's weirder in so much as if I try launching the application itself from within the \PortableApps\PortableApps.com folder it runs fine and I can launch applications BUT none of the icons display...
Could it be that it's because Win Xp is running in NTFS and the drive is in FAT32 and this is causing issues in the folder pointing?
Running out of ideas!
Running PortableApps all over the place...
There are various possibilities described in that thread that might still be evident. I think FAT32 should not cause an issue (like the other way around might have been). Your last scenario is exactly what should be expected as the StartPortableApps.exe displays the error message (but is not necessarily the cause). Launching the menu directly via its exe just bypasses the validity check...
As your set of Portable apps seem to work if not launchend from an usb-drive, the error appears to be either on the drive (check for errors) or, if several drives fail and an infection could be ruled out, on the connection (hardware or software). Maybe some restriction of a security app, limited access, or simply a hardware defect. Do you use a hub or anything similar?
This problem occurs on Windows Vista.
PortableAps long worked well, but this error was unexpectedly:
(The PortableAppsPlatform.exe file is not a valid PottableApps.com release and can not be launched)
Normally only works when run as administrator!!! Previously this was not necessary!
On the same PC but to another user works well!?! (without administrator rights)
I use the PortableApps on your hard disk as the administrator of the portable application = the problem of the USB can be excluded.
Works well on Windows 7.
The same problem has also PortableApps - brand new, clean, without the programs.
Viruses are absent (control 3-antivirs) / The Hard disk does not have the errors / Virus total (star.exe) 1/42 100%
PortableApps I last ran in the morning 6.7.2012= updated the about four programs.
During the day I updated the program IObit Malware Fighter.
I worked with the audio editor (+ASIO4all)
Evening PortableApps didn't work.
Specially I pointed out to the:
Normally only works when run as administrator!!!
On the same PC but to another user works well. (without administrator rights)
I'm sorry for the English.
If you're using it on the same PC as more than one user on NTFS, it could be that one user has the rights to use the install (or some portion of it) and one does not. Generally, you should install it per-user, directly to the USERPROFILE directory is recommended (Usually, C:\Users\YourUsername ). If you want to use it with multiple users, right-click on the root directory of the PA.c installer (or PortableApps if it's in the root of the drive) and select Options, then security, then add Everyone with Full Control.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
All users have settings "Full Control" - It is not the cause of the problem.
I tried to disable UAC/ restart / turn on PortableApps / turn on UAC / restart = still can only run as an administrator.
Tried to set compatibility XP- did not help.
For other programs, this problem has not occurred.
The problem was resolved by changing the user and reason of problems may be a virus. The source is unknown.
I'm having this problem as well. What do you mean changing the user?
My problem started somewhat after I installed some additional paf.exe apps not available in the regular repository. I know without a doubt that the PortableAppsPlatform.exe file is unmodified from e.g. a virus because I computed its md5 hash:
I google'd that and, while that hash is not listed on this site, there are other sites that list it. Just in case, could somebody verify that?
While the app refuses to launch with the "start" shortcut, if I launch it by itself I get a message box that says this: "The PortableApps.com Updater or App Directory is already running. This could be the PortableApps.com Platform automatically checking for updates on startup. Please wait for other instances to finish before starting another.
Clicking ok leaves the portableapps.com app menu open, but still it won't open from the start shortcut.
Coincidentally, I am also having a problem with KiTTY refusing to start, saying another instance is already starting. More details here:
There's something wrong with portableapps in general. I'm not sure what it is, but there is some setting in the OS somewhere that makes portable apps think they already have another instance starting. This isn't just limited to kitty or the platform, but a whole bunch of other apps.
On a fresh install of windows, there is no problem. This is when I first started using portableapps btw, I just switched to windows 8 after I bought a new SSD. After a while, this problem shows up. I did two installs of windows 8 on the same machine, because I hosed the registry on accident on the first install, and the problem was gone on the second install, for a while at least.
I also know it is an OS setting somewhere because if I open these same files in a virtual machine, the problem doesn't exist, so clearly there is nothing wrong with the configuration in itself.
Curiously, this problem isn't present in some apps, namely firefox portable. I don't know why it is the exception. At the same time though, when this problem begins, the flash and java plugins no longer work.
But only on my Windows 8 machine. The windows 7 machines work fine.
The only way I can get some of these apps and start.exe to run is by right-clicking and running as Admin.
I have re-installed, and still the same thing.
I'm waiting for a fix!
There's something wrong with the permissions on your machine for this to occur. There's nothing wrong with the EXEs themselves.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have registered because i am encountering same problem.
Fresh windows 7 64 bit install, worked fine till i decided to move it one level down (to C:\Programs\) after moving it won't run.
The launcher and most of the apps require administrator rights to run.
Launcher will claim that:
The portableappsplatform.exe is not valid Portableapps.com release and cannot be launched.
When i run programs directly:
Libreoffice will tell:
LibreOffice requires Windows or later. This PC is running Windows ?, so LibreOffice can not be started.
Opera will tell that another instance is already running.
Running launcher with admin right OR running it in the SANDBOX allows it to work.
Tried deleting and reinstalling multiple times, played with permissions (full for user), nothing solves.
What i think, is launcher places some file (maybe cookie in internet explorer as i seen in Sandbox) and later cannot modify it or some other problem. I can see when launcher is launched, there are created temporary files in /local/temp they disappear when launcher is closed.
Tried: deleting and reinstalling multiple times, playing with permissions, tweaking ini settings to show errors. Currently using 12.01 beta version. Windows 7 64bit.
Please help, tell what files you place and where to track program.
Try moving it out of C:\Programs\
Putting portable programs in Windows Programs folder (or Programs Files) tends to cause problems
I hope that helps
Thanks for your answer.
Programs folder i created myself, it's not windows folder.
I have tried installing it everywhere, on external drive, still the same issue. Problem is that launcher stores some data on user account folder and it get's corrupted / lacks permissions. It does not matter where you install it as long as you are logged as the same user.
I checked user folders which i see get accessed by launcher in sandbox. They all appear to have Write permission to user account.
Developers, please add error reporting ability, that if program lacks permissions to write or access some required problem it would write a log or print an error!
Now we are stuck with this problem not knowing where to search for problem. Reinstall all OS seems and overkill for some simple error.
Please help to fix this!
After enabling auditing on the file, there is what i get:
A handle to an object was requested.
Security ID: Simon\Sim
Account Name: Sim
Account Domain: Simon
Logon ID: 0x50ff0
Object Server: Security
Object Type: File
Object Name: C:\Programs\Start.exe
Handle ID: 0x0
Process Information:
Process ID: 0x720
Process Name: C:\Windows\explorer.exe
Access Request Information:
Transaction ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Access Reasons: READ_CONTROL: Granted by Ownership
ACCESS_SYS_SEC: Not granted due to missing SeSecurityPrivilege
ReadAttributes: Granted by ACE on parent folder D:(A;OICIID;0x1200a9;;;BU)
Access Mask: 0x1020080
Privileges Used for Access Check: -
Restricted SID Count: 0
Now why ACCESS_SYS_SEC is not granted?
Jesus Christ,
I reinstalled OS,
Everything was working fine for a couple of days. I decide to open Opera, it gives me that it's already running. I decide to launch portableapps platform - same shit as before.
What is going on?
Finally found solution in help with [illegal software] (portableapps alternative.) which , when launched said access denied for Temporary folder.
So i go to C:\Users\Example\AppData\Local
And check permissions of Temp Folder.
Somehow user Example does not exist there, only Administrator and System. So i add Example/USER, give it full control and it's working.
Problem why it happens might be with Windows Update, which resets permissions for Temp folder.
Developers, please include as much error reporting as you can, it would be easier for everybody!
The only way the permissions on the temp folder can be messed up so that the user themself can't access their own temp folder is either manually or a hugely messed up piece of software. The issue is that the apps themselves and the Start.exe use the TEMP before we get to the error handling bits, so we can't trap for it. I was going to rewrite the Start.exe in Delphi to get around a similar issue anyway (we're adding the ability for a contained TEMP on your drive for all your apps as an option), so I'll add an error check in there. I'll probably be able to add in that check today as part of the 12.0 Beta 2 work.
I removed mention of the software you referenced as we do not permit discussion of illegal software here. The software you mentioned has been caught distributing our apps with our name/source/license removed, illegally distributing software from Piriform/Mozilla/Google/others, and does a number of shady things including censoring and blocking posts in their forums that ask about their illegal activities and abandoning their users for up to 6 months at a time and leaving all their apps out of date and insecure with no explanation. We like to think that given the choice most people would choose our open platform that's 100% legal, has more apps in the app store/updater, and is always actively supported. You're free to use the one you mentioned, but it can't be discussed here and our apps may not work properly with it (it could very well still contain work stolen from us within the closed source and obscured bits). I didn't want to remove the mention in your post without an explanation as to why.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
"or a hugely messed up piece of software."
Of-course! We are talking about Microsoft windows here.
Sorry for mentioning that other software.
Well, i am glad it's been solved.
I believe this will happen more, as i noticed this after latest security updates (Windows 7 x64).
So let's hope people will find this thread.
No problem. I'm sorry we didn't have a better solution for you earlier. I run Win7 x64 and have never come across this issue before. But, we did have a user a month or so ago whose work computer had no usable TEMP directory, which breaks all kinds of software. I'd never seen that before and started thinking of a solution then.
I'm working on the fix and check now, so it'll be in 12.0 Beta 2. The goal is to not only have the check in the platform itself but to immediately provide a work-around of letting the user select to have a contained TEMP directory on the portable drive (with the appropriate permissions for the current user). That way, we can check as the platform starts up if TEMP is correctly configured and, if it's not, provide an immediate workaround for the user so they can get their work done. We could probably even fix the permissions issue for the user if they have the appropriate rights as an option, which would help them out in other ways, too (fixing local software issues). I'll look into that as a secondary option.
If you subscribe to this topic, I'll drop a note in here when Beta 2 is released with the details if you'd like to help check it out and ensure it's working as expected. The more folks we can have try it out the better, and the more PC issues we can detect and provide immediate workarounds, the better for everybody
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Cool! I am already subbed.
Well i run Win7 professional x64, with latest updates including those from Microsoft.
Permissions could have been screwed by:
Windows updates
COMODO internet security
As no other real software were installed.
I have noticed the issue after installing Zone Alarm security. Maybe that messed up everything in this case..
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and I had this issue - fixing AGAIN the permissions on my Temp folder fixed it (adding myself as a user, then giving Full Control to myself). I had done this before to be able to install another software and had to do it again for portableapps. Seems W7 64 likes to reset permissions on the Temp directory.
Is there any way to make this permanent without Windows resetting it by removing permissions?
I'm using Windows Security Essentials as my anti-virus.
Are you using Adobe Acrobat by any chance? There is a known yet unfixed bug with their software that messes up %temp% permissions.
If that is the case, there appears to be a solution:
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Solution for:
" The PortableAppsPlatform.exe file is not a valid PortableApps.com release and can not be launched. "
For Advanced users:
Just give "Allow" to "All Access" to Everyone, Users, System, Administrators and (your account name) to your account's temp/tmp folder.
For Normal Users:
(Windows Vista/7/8/8.1)
Open a Explorer (any folder) in the left bar will be "my pc" "this computer" o something like that.
Right click on this pc, properties
go to Advanced system configuration.
you must be on "Advanced" tab now, go to "Environment Variables
check valor for "TEMP" and "TMP"
ex: TEMP: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
ex: TMP: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
now click "Edit" and Copy the direction.
Close all opened menus.
Go to Run (Win key + R) or Explorer (any folder)
and peaste the direction copied ex: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
Now you are in your temp folder, you must go to properties of that folder, you can go back and right click on "Temp" or Right click on a empty space without selecting any file and select properties.
Now you are on properties of your temp folder (ex %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp)
Go to Security Tab.
Click on "Edit"
Now click on add and write "Everyone", click accept, and select allow for all access. check for "SYSTEM", "Administrators", , "Users", "Everyone", if all of that users have full access you will get no error.
Now say good bye to "is not a valid release" error.
~ Lord Ziru J. Soulslayer.