Let's say that a person (We'll call him Bob), made a portable app (let's say app XYZ)a while back. The app XYZ has been updated several times, but the portable app appears to have been abandoned. If after posting a comment on the portale apps page, you still don't get a reply from the author, my question is this. How long should a person wait, before they assume it is abandoned? I've had several apps I've considered updating, but don't want to be considered rude, or step on anyone's toes...
Also, is it possible to use the PA Installer to create a PAF missing the actual program? For example, in the case of WinRAR, I currently have a portable version in PAF format working on my computer. However, because it's shareware, I cannot post it here.
Is it possible to create a PAF using PA Installer that contains everything needed except the actual WinRAR program? That way, they just need to copy the WinRAR files into WinRARPortable\App\WinRAR and they are good to go. Would that PAF be able to be posted here, if it's missing the WinRAR files?
As for taking over, I'd say two weeks. We should probably implement a process and add an email sent to the original dev as part of it.
You can post a PAF missing the app, you just label it as 'launcher only' in the posting here in the forums. It won't be made official, though. You can also do online installers as well as apps that copy files from local installs automatically. It's described in the format and installer details.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks for your reply, John. About the WinRAR Portable, yah, I knew it would never become "official". I just have seen a few requests for it over the years, and figured what the heck.
Bill G.
Frozen St. Paul, MN
land of the frozen mosquito
I'm "consciously incompetent," so here goes ...
Can P/A be downloaded onto the onboard Samsung GT 2 7.0 ?
Would it be better to download it onto an onboard SDHC ?
Would it run from a USB with P/A installed ?
My main interest is in accessing archived files, MS Word 6.0 RTF, pdf/Adobe's for the most part for info. This is based on presumption of temporary "falldown" of online/cloud access
My thanks in advance for your responses
Ohio Dude ... aka Igor [ as in "Igor creep ... Igor creep !]
While it surely can be downloaded onto your samsung, you cannot run it from there as PortableApps only run on normal windows operating systems, such as Win XP/Vista/7.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate