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Marathon Portable (Aleph One 1.0) Trilogy

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Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Marathon Portable (Aleph One 1.0) Trilogy

Application: Marathon Trilogy
Category: Games
Description: Marathon is a classic (1994-1996) first-person-shooter game by Bungie. The portable app uses the Aleph One engine to run each of the games and is included in each installer.

Download Marathon Portable Dev Test 1
35 MB Download, 70 MB Installed
MD5: e2bb14b97de2ed5d42fd3f2c3c1f3f84

Download Marathon 2 Portable Dev Test 1
26 MB Download, 54 MB Installed
MD5: 127e35497c2295554d9ca337413e6afb

Download Marathon Infinity Portable Dev Test 1
27 MB Download, 60 MB Installed
MD5: 75423617a9d02975c89117bf03ee6765

Release Notes
1.0 Dev Test 1 - August 3, 2012: Updated to latest release. Updated to installer 3.0.4 and launcher 2.2. Settings from previous release are still supported in this release only. The game is now bundled in the installer.
0.23.2 Dev Test 1 - February 25, 2011: Initial Release

Cheetah's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-07 14:36
Blast from the past!

Wow, I wasted so much time back in the day playing these games Smile

My 2 cents on the license ambiguity would be:

  • The Aleph One website quite clearly states that the software portion at least is GPL, so redistributing that should be fine.

  • Whether or not the data files are legal to redistribute, they are large and do not change version to version, so having those not packed into the installer seems smart, esp. if it can be made smart enough to know whether it needs to download the data files at all.

Also, given it looks like it's one engine for the three games, having a single installer that has launchers for each "game" would be nice.

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18

Also, given it looks like it's one engine for the three games, having a single installer that has launchers for each "game" would be nice.

I'm planning on doing that in the next release. I just didn't do it in this one because it would be too complicated and I wanted this released today Biggrin

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Separate installers to Same Directory?

Seems to me that 3 separate installers should be fine since they are three different "Games" however it would be nice if they all went into the same directory (MarathonPortable) so you would only need one copy of the AlephOne engine (to save space).
Are there any command-line parameters that can be passed to make it use specific game files? or does it have to just use whatever's in it's subdirectories (like it does now)?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 26 min 49 sec ago
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That would get messy with multiple installers, especially with upgrades. And a single installer can't download all 3 game data files. As the game engine is pretty small, I think it's fine as is.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
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Awesome Work!

I have always wanted to play the Marathon trilogy on the PC. I remember when Bungie originally put it out for the Mac, and since then, I have moved away from the platform. I forgot they posted this stuff for free on their site, and you did a really good job portableizing it. Just one comment that I probably overlooked: how do you increase the resolution of the game?
Other than that, awesomeness. How long until John makes this official?

confido117's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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mine is very very different

And I plan on my app being a private release, unless yours gets turned down.

Oh, and the game files are freely distributable, so I took all the game files, the engine, and the engine's licenses and shoved them in the App\M1A1 folder.

The compiler spits out an error at the end complaining about how you're supposed to define uninstall functions with "un" before it. I can post the link to the log on pastebin if you wanna look at it.

Oh, and I think I convinced the portable part of the app to retrieve all information that Aleph tries to leave on the computer. I think.

nya nya
nya nya
ni hao

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18

You said the game files are freely distributable... Do you have a link to the license or a site that says your allowed to redistribute them? Well, I found out that the Marathon 2 source code was released a while back, and Marathon Infinity's source code was released sometime last year. I can't find any info about the original Marathon's source code, but it seems like Bungie still holds the trademark for the trilogy, so it looks like they still can't be redistributed.

Also I don't know what you mean when you say you retrieved information Aleph tries to leave on the computer... All settings should be transferred as you move across PCs. Did you see any issues with the portable app?

Note to self: Update to Aleph One 1.0.

confido117's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2012-07-26 15:32
The official release site says so...........

.........and here is the official site:

And Aleph stores screenshots, videos, themes, MMLs, stuff like that, in the user's Documents folder.

Did you know that the Aleph One project is based on the source code of Marathon 2's engine? That's why while the game files aren't open source, we simply need them to run Aleph. Also, the Marathon 2 engine is completely different from the original Marathon engine, so the M1A1 project ported the original to Aleph to complete the trilogy.

Why do I know this stuff again?

EDIT: I just had the thought of including the original game manuals in the app, since they're also available from Bungie.

nya nya
nya nya
ni hao

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Alright, thanks

That site has actually never popped up in my google searches, but I'm glad you showed it to me. I'll be sure to include it when I update the portable versions (which may take a while since I haven't had access to a pc in weeks, but it'll be one of the first things I do)

confido117's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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And other sites include......

.............for plenty of information about the wierd, corrupted, nearly-crippled-with-laughter-at-us universe that Bungie has created. I kid you not, it laughs like crazy.

nya nya
nya nya
ni hao

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Updated to 1.0

It turns out the settings are stored in different locations (which is what I think you meant confido), and the preference file is a tad different, but I've left the FileWrite sections in the launcher to allow compatibility with the old settings (it's not needed for clean installations).

See release notes for more changes.

confido117's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2012-07-26 15:32
How did you get the Installer to work?

I'm still getting the same error about uninstall functions needing to be defined. Is it where I have the files stored, or did you modify the .nsi script the app uses?

And that section of the Aleph One wiki details the files I was talking about. Otherwise, they may not have a saved game when using another computer...

nya nya
nya nya
ni hao

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Download and see

I think there are some apps that let you compare directories and the files inside and see what the changes are. I'd try that and then post back what the differences are, if any. Or if you want, just zip it up and upload it somewhere and I can look at it. Or even better, try installing the versions I posted and see if you can compile that. If everything just outright fails, try using a fresh installation of PAI or a different PC. Something's gotta work, right? Smile

As for the files, those exact settings were included in the older, 0.23 release, but were in the working directory. I guess they were moved outside to seem more like a "proffessional" app, because, you know, the more junk an app throws around the computer, the more you know that its legit (I mean nobody would buy photoshop if they thought it was a self-contained app with its own folder inside for settings and such?)

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Note that I only took a look at the Marathon package, but here's my thoughts:

As far as I can tell, this is ready to go. It's just missing the 256px icon, which is optional anyway.

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