It is possible to set the "check updates" option for all portable applications? I mean we use portableappsPlatform's Updater. We don't need the applications to check themselves.
Thank you!
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Depends on the base app.
Some apps do not have a way to turn off checking for an update within the app.
I know that "\NameOfPortable\App\DefaultData" directory copying automatically at the first start (or if empty is "\NameOfPortable\App" folder) of portable application. I know also developers writes scripts for each application after and before the portable application installation. You can add scripts on after of installation to change "\NameOfPortable\App\DefaultData" 's settings files which checks for update. For example:
BleachbitPortable's check update settings is inside on "\BleachBitPortable\Data\BleachBit.ini" file's "check_online_updates = True" line. Which is also "\BleachBitPortable\App\DefaultData\BleachBit.ini" file. I think it is copied when I start Bleachbit the first time. So if you had changed the "\BleachBitPortable\App\DefaultData\BleachBit.ini" file, Bleachbit will never check for updates as default for EVERYONE us (end user).
You had told me that it depends on application... But at least you can do this for the applications that has this feature easily to change from a file.
Many applications check for updates and some of them are download whole installation file from background update module. That is not nice.
The DefaultData .ini for BleachBit does have check_online_updates = False.
Most developers do set apps like this where it is possible, but we are just human and sometimes miss these things.
Personally if an app has a file-based setting for turning autoupdates on/off I would prefer it to be set as off on every run, not just on first run, as this limits the chances for someone autoupdating and breaking the app's portability to almost zero.
I am using latest Portable Bleachbit. The D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\BleachBitPortable\App\DefaultData\BleachBit.ini file has a string line:
check_online_updates = False
"Most developers do set apps like this where it is possible, but we are just human and sometimes miss these things."
If developers sets when it's possible and sometimes they miss it, there is npthing do talk
That feature I want is already making. Thank you.