Don't know if anyone else has noticed, but every game I have purchased from is compatible with portable apps. Anyone else notice this?
New: NAPS2 (Feb 24, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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Depends on what you call compatible.
If you mean you can copy the folder into your PortableApps platform installation and it picks up the executable, most, games (and other applications too) should be like this.
The platform simply looks for an executable in the top-level folder, and it is usually unintuitive to put the applications executable somewhere other than in the top-level folder.
Just be aware that this most certainly does not mean these games are actually portable. They may (more than likely will) leave files, folders and registry entries on any computer on which you run them, and you are also likely to lose save games as you move computers, too, depending on how each game stores it's saves.
cleverly cloaked spam.
I kinda got that vibe too, but I am a regular user of myself, and forum spamming doesn't seem like the kinda thing they would resort to.
Sorry didn't mean to sound like spam just thought it was interesting. As I am TA fan. I just liked the idea of having it with me.