Since I missed the custom theme functionality in the current Platform, I hacked my own one. It's beta state, but you are nevertheless invited to check it out:
Well, it's actually not only a Theme Manager, the themes also can reference on little patches, which allow to change the size and position of labels and buttons. With this feature it is possible to reach maximum customization.
I'd be glad to get some feedback from you
Best Regards,
[Duplicate comments removed by mod JTH]
Tried it and wasn't too keen now it won't uninstall.
How do I uninstall this?
Hi crookadile, this is a little beta bug. I will try to fix it. To uninstall it you should first reapply the default theme, then close the portable apps platform and delete the portableapps/papmodder directory
[edit1: fixed]
Thanks for posting this, man. You should make an option to change the tray icon to be flat, too, to match the metro style menu. After all, I can't stop flat from Windows 8--unless you can create a mod for Explorer
Thanks, pyromaniac
An icon changer is already on the to-do list
An icon changer eh, now I just might re-install.
Please ad a white icon to go with the other Windows 7 icons.
This is amazing. I'm already curious as to how you were able to modify button sizes on the fly. Unfortunately, I'm not able to test it at this moment.
Have you considered that your efforts could be better served on development of the Platform itself? It seems a bit futile to create a third party workaround if it'll become obsolete one day.
I honestly hope it will become obsolete soon
the developement of this tool did not took very much time, it's just a "short" (and not very clean programmed) autoit script, you can have a look, the package contains the sources.
If you're interested in the patch system, the help.html explains how to create your own patches.
I never used delphi, I wouldn't be very useful for the project.