It told me to update to, but it also said that it would disable addons that show as incompatible, including some for which I specified to have compatibility checking turned off. Will the update honor my settings or will it override them and disable all incompatible extesnions?
It will probably disable them. All the important extensions have already been upgraded to work with 2.0 (and will also work with Of course, I know you obsessively collect extensions that you don't use
... so in your case, you'll just be out of luck.
Best bet, make a backup copy and try it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Of course, I know you obsessively collect extensions that you don't use
I use them. You son of a silly person.
Firefox only checks to see if the author says they're compatible. Firesomething was made for 1.0 and works perfectly in 1.5 and 2.0.
extensions.checkCompatibility = false
I just don't understand why an update would override that. Or perhaps it won't, and they made an error when writing the message.
Yay! None my extensions were forced off. Still 82/8. I opened with "Mozilla Ultimaraptor - Window #1 with 1 tab(s) open".
since you have so many extensions you might as well get another by getting Nightly Tester Tools. That way if Firefox ever says your extension is incompatible you can just hit the "Make all compatible" button and force them all to be compatible.
Nightly Tester Tools, my favourite for use with Firefox Portable - 3.0a2pre! It's so good to be ahead of the bledding edge
Steve Lamerton
Haha, yeah. On my extra Windows machine I run the nightly Minefield builds. But on my Mac I just run Firefox 2.
Fx Portable 3.0a2pre? Color me stupid, but is that available as a download? Or did you put it together with John's launcher somehow? Is it easy to do so for someone who doesn't code at all? I'd love to have the nightly build on my flash drive alongside the stable.
Copy the files from wherever you installed FF3a2pre into your FirefoxPortable\App\firefox directory (after clearing it out first, of course). Dats it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
John, have I mentioned...
You rule
I don't use testing builds, and I have Local Install, so NTT is of no use to me.
And Steve, Bleeding Edge is TB, FF is Minefield.
Got a mine detector or gauze?
bleeding edge is a term that refers to technology that is so new (and thus, presumably, not perfected) that the user is required to risk reductions in stability and productivity in order to use it. It also refers to the tendency of the latest technology to be extremely expensive.
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
was what I was meaning, and yes I have a metal detector, it's call PUSS 2.0 and the new command line interface, so that I back up my copy every day!
Steve Lamerton
Metal detector?
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I said "mine detector".
Silly Steve. :lol:
I just got it
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Well, if you wanna be technical, it's not FF, it's Fx. (See